
发布时间:2020-05-26 12:38:37   来源:文档文库   


1. 王储

crown prince

2. 兄终弟及

agnatic seniority

3. 碳排放收益

carbon emission bonus

4. 爱国主义、集体主义、顽强拼搏

patriotism, collectivism and the spirit of indomitable struggle

5. 企业资信

enterprise credit standing

6. 慢就业

delayed employment

7. 债券通

Bond Connect

8. 全网络售票

online-only ticket sales

9. “一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛

the Belt and Road Initiative Forum for International Cooperation

10. “一照一码”营业执照

a unified business license with a unified social credit code

11. “多证合一”

integrate multiple certifications and licenses into one consolidated license

12. 国家赔偿

state compensation

13. 住宅用地供应

housing and land supply

14. 千年大计

strategy crucial for a millennium to come

15. “生前契约”

pre-plan funeral arrangement contracts

16. 药品加成

drug upmarket

17. 投资争端解决机制

investor-state dispute settlement mechanism

18. 国企和劳动标准等社会政策

social policies including SOEs and labor standards

19. 耕地轮作休耕制度

crop rotation and follow system

20. 驾驶证互认

recognize the validity of driving licenses issued by each other country

21. 境外账户信息

offshore accounts information

22. 失信被执行人名单

defaulter list

23. 抄袭


24. 因私护照

passport for private affairs

25. 中央财政引导资本

fund allocated from the central budgets

26. 应势而为,勇于担当

responsive and responsible leadership

27. 购汇

purchase foreign currency

28. 彩礼

betrothal gifts

29. 徇私舞弊

play favoritism and commit irregularities

30. 人群贫血率

prevalence of anemia

31. 多层次养老保障体系

multi-level aging security system

32. 撤军

withdraw troops

33. 撼山易,撼解放军

it iseasier to shake mountains than the PLA

34. 管办分开

separate supervision from day-to-day operation

35. 无现金社会

cashless society

36. 空中列车

sky train

37. 课外培训

extracurricular training

38. 海外保障基地

overseas logistic base

39. 军事基地

military base

40. 军队部署

deployment of troops

41. 生态补偿

ecological compensation

42. 传销

pyramid sales

43. 军装照

picture in PLA uniforms

44. 传谣

spread rumors

45. 地震深度

seismic depth

46. 共有产权住房

homes with joint property right

47. 汽车分时租赁

short-time vehicle rental

48. 家政服务员

domestic worker

49. 金色十年

golden decade

50. 共享运动仓

shared gym

51. 电子温度计

electronic thermometer

52. 告别赛

farewell match

53. 互联网法院

Court of the Internet

54. 混改方案

mixed-ownership reform plan

55. 释放内需潜力

unleash the potential of domestic demand

56. 保镖服务

bodyguard service

57. 日全食

partial solar eclipse

58. 肉鸡

broiler chicken

59. 集体建设用地

collective owned land parcel

60. 居民租赁市场

residential leasing market

61. 网络评论实名认证

name registration for online commenting

62. 创业城市

start-up friendly city

63. 创业热度

enthusiasm for entrepreneurship

64. 智力支持

intellectual support

65. 撤军

disarmament/ withdrawal

66. 武装对峙

military stand-off

67. 金砖国家工商论坛

BRICS business forum

68. 中华人民共和国国歌法

Chinas National Anthem Law

69. 巡视利剑

Sharp Sword of Inspection

70. 廉洁执政

clean governance

71. 质量认证

quality certification

72. 综合补给舰

comprehensive supply ship

73. 虚拟货币

virtual currency

74. 无痛分娩

pain-free delivery

75. 无证移民

undocumented immigrants

76. 公司合作制项目

public-private partnership project

77. 版权)转授权


78. 归属感

a sense of belonging

79. 无边框显示屏

edge-to-edge screen

80. 全面屏设计

all-screen design

81. 党章

Party constitution

82. 资源环境承载能力监测预警机制

an alert mechanism to monitor regional environmental and resource capacity conditions

83. 临界超载

near overloading

84. 双一流高校建设方案

a construction plan for “Double-First-class” university

85. 一流大校

First-class university

86. 一流学科

first-rate preponderant disciplines

87. 停工令

order to stop construction work

88. 缩表

reduce balance sheet

89. 融资成本

financing cost

90. 婚骗

marriage fraud

91. 静止轨道气象卫星

geostationary orbiting weather satellite

92. 气象防灾减灾

meteorologic disaster prevention and reduction

93. 非首都功能

non-capital function

94. 电子身份标识

electronic identification

95. 隐私条款

privacy policy

96. 超国民待遇


97. 价格优惠政策

preferential price policy

98. 洗澡蟹式留学生

bathing crab returnees

99. 中国造马桶盖

made-in-China toilet seats

100. 深空门空间站

Gateway station

101. 基层代表


102. 动态价格调整

medical treatment partnership

103. 脉冲星


104. 达摩

DAMO Academy

105. 自行车高速路

bicycle expressway

106. 火流星

fireball meteor

107. 行为经济学

behavior economics

108. 数据造假

falsified data

109. 差额选举

competitive election

110. 等额选举

single candidate election

111. 中央委员会候补委员

alternate members of the CPC Central Committee

112. 纪念邮票

commemorative stamps

113. 小型张邮票

stamp sheetlet

114. 线上统一清算平台

unified clearing platform for online payment

115. 超级杂交水稻

super-hybrid rice

116. 中子星并引力波

gravitational wave created by the collision of two neutron stars

117. 现代化经济体系


118. 中国特色强军之路

a strong army as socialism with Chinese characteristics

119. 商品房销售价格行为

commercial properly sales

120. 虚构房屋销售信息

fabricating information on housing sales

121. 隐私面单

privacy waybill

122. 金拱门

Golden Arches

123. 离婚冷静期

cooling off period for divorcing couples

124. 智能轨道快运系统

Autonomous Rail Rapid Transit

125. 国事访问+待遇

state visit plus experience

126. 11促销

Double 11 promotion

127. 减免


128. 价保

price protection

129. 政治投机主义

political opportunism

130. 留任

stay in power

131. 性别差距

gender gap

132. 元首外交

head-of-state diplomacy

133. 一箭双星

the Beidou-3 navigation satellites on single carrier rocket

134. 差评

negative online review

135. 虚假好评

fake positive online review

136. 刷单


137. 快运服务

express delivery service

138. 虐童案

child abuse case

139. 互联互通


140. 火球

sizzling fireball

141. 天堂文件

Paradise Papers

142. 离岸金融服务商

offshore service provider

143. 东亚经济共同体

East Asian Economic Community

144. 国家账本

state balance sheet

145. 混合所有制改革

SOE mixed ownership reform

146. 绿色包装

eco-friendly packaging

147. 消费革命

consumer revolution

148. 公共健身场所

public exercise venue

149. 吉利钱

lucky money

150. 淘汰赛失利

playoff defeat

151. 非法律效力公投

nonbinding referendum

152. 勤王清君侧

take control of the country to “target criminals” around the president

153. 数字人才库

digital talent pool

154. 自主经营权和合法财产所有权保护

protection of operational and property rights

155. 居民产权保护

resident's property protection

156. 国有股权划转

state-owned equity transferring

157. 行为准则

behavioral standards

158. 专项督查

special inspection

159. 学前教育

preschool education

160. 幸福产业

happiness industries

161. 灵活就业

flexible employment

162. 庭前会议

pretrial conference

163. 大饱眼福

a feast for eyes

164. 内衣市场

lingerie market


