
发布时间:2021-01-09   来源:文档文库   
国家开放大学电大专科《开放英语12021期末试题及答案(试卷号:2204 第一部分 交际用语(共计10.每小HI 2
1-5 H :阅读下面的小对话,判断答语是否恰当.恰当的遗A ( Kight t不恰当的选B (Wrong,并将答宴写在答/. L Could I speak to Harry t please? He 13 not in. I'm afraicL A. Right B. Wrong 2. Excuse met where in the nenrest bank* please9
Go along this street and rum right al the first crussroad. TFun is where it is. A. Right B. Wrong 3. What arc your parents doing nghl now? My mother is retired My father is a miinngcr. A. Rifthi B. Wrong 4. Could you sign the register• pleaxe? Of course. A, Right H. Wrong 5. How much doeA the fl«t cost a month? The cheapest one is on the tenth floor. A. Right B. Wrong 第二部分 it与结构(共计30.每小整2分)
6-20 ff: K读下面的句子.A.B.C三个选项中选出一个能堵入空白处的最隹迭项.并在答符号/ 6. He often ________ lunch in the canteen. A. has B. have C> is having 7. You like nwimmmgt but 1 ____________ . A. am not B. don't C. doesn'i 8. _______ arc you from? Pm from Nanjing A What B. When C. Where 9. _______ any yagH classes in the evenings? A. Is there B. Are there C. Have 10, Pm _________ a b5t of things to buy. JB蛾上写出所选的字毋
A. doing C. having
B. making 11. She h o problem ________ thr lint ndvcrtmcmenl. A. with
H> for I2> People in London oftrn travel _________ nn hour to K()IO work every dny A. m C. or 13. Who k thftt lady over there? Do you know ____________ nomn? A> her CL nhe*«
14. She liken playing the violin• but he .
A. 19 not C. docsn* l 15. It ______ hrAvIly here at thin murnenL N rain .in nilning 16. I gucM thrrr will ___________ more than urvrnty people nt tomorrow meeting, A> be are \7. I donft need _nunrral wNter« hut Pd like ______________________ Ma. thanks A> «ny> Mtiy C> wmrf Rome 18. ___ people are my friends. ______________ people arc my hunhnnd1* friends A. The»c. Thone C Here» I herc 19. There ______ three plants in the cornrr» of the room. A< i> C. have 20. Hilly i* _________ than Ben. A> aitr»ciive C. very attractive K3K 句熨变揍(共计15.每小3分)
2125:■■框号里的提示改写下列句子,弁料菩髯耳在答上. 2L There arr • lot of problems in thia company1* manAftemmt. aS A 22. She will accept a great chailenge« (改为含定句) Z3. He doesn't want to break the rule.(改为村定旬)
tt more attractive B. are B, Thi^. Thut B. onyt »ome being H ruin* Bt don't H hern K

24. They arr going to invite the aftbt io their pAHy> who 25. Tm intcrrMcd in finding the truth. JM wtul 对酵分H同)
26-30 18阅或下列短文.AJkC三个选项中选出一个正确答系并在答购纸上耳出所选 的字毋符号. What should I do at M party In England7
What do t do at the party? You should always offrr to grt drinks for other people when you go to get n dnnk for yoursclL You should introduce yourHell tu new [>eoplr m the gruup< You should Avoid persanHl qurMiuns ^bout family until yau know thrrn bcttpr. Good topics of conversation arc nim?>t books, television programmeat holidays> jobsi the town you are in* and etc. You should Rsk for permission to smoke« say "h it alrighl il 1 smoke?M Or. bc(t you should go outjiidr tn wmokc. Many |>cople donft like the smell uf smoke inside. Yau shouldn't drink loo much! And never get drunk. What do I do when I leave? 1( you nrc not a close friend of the hosts* you should" be the last io Icave^ You should My " Thank youM to the hosts and say * It WE a lovely party. I really enjoyed my«clf. ” And then you should go back to people you talked to and fuiy Mh very nice to meet you.” 2tk When you 日。io get n drink for yournclf • you Mhould ____________
A< tniroihice youthrlf firm
K. a((rr to grt drinks (or other people in thr group 《:. o*k (or pcrmtMion 27. You should not tnlk About ___________ with new propl A. the town you are in B. trlrvision ytugnin^
C. pcrwnnl qurntion^ nbiHit fatmly 2H. Pc“plc dun'l like the •cncll ol srnokc inside# •(> you iihould _______________
A. not Mmokc before you go to n puny B. go outside to »rnokc C. nmoke in thr kitchen 211. _______ E drunk at A pnrtyt
A. Yau should never B. OK to C You should Btiy »orry if you 30> You My "h wn* very nice to meet you" when you ________________ .
A. meet other MUEW
Ik leave the people yau hdkrd to At thr party
C. meet your hout^ 第五部分 H谆(共计25.每小n 5分)
31-35 1!将下列英文句子翻译成中文,并将告宴写在答88雄上
31. She doc>n * I like borrowing lhm.5 from othrr^ 32. I prefer watching TV to listening to IOUMC. 33. Which supermarket would you like to go to? 34. The trmprrAturc dornn *l go below 5 35. It lakeA forty minultA TO «et rum the airport to the city center by tnxi. 试题答案及评分标准
第一郎分 交际用itQH 2,I。分)
I. A
2. A
3. H

UOJE^tt 构(每IS 2.3。分)
6. A 7.B 8.C II. A 12.C 13. A I6. A 17. B . A
第三部分 句员变襁(每HJ 3,16分)
2L Are thrrr it lot of problrnis in ihia curnpunyS management? 22. She won't accept ■ great chnllcttKe. 23. Ik wnnta to hrenk the rule. 24. Who arc they going io invite to their party? 25. What are you interrAtrd in? 第四娜分 伽读理M«MI.2()分)
27. C
28. H
29. A 第五ITOmUH佃毓5.25分)
3L恤不■欢向别人燃东西. 32 .与听齿乐相比,我史肉我舀电视 33.你想去■彼超市?
3<这里存夫的ta度不会降到五侵以卜. 35收出租1从机场列市中心需要m卜分忡. 4.A 9.H 14.C 19. H

30. B 5.B 10.1.I5.C 20. B


