
发布时间:2024-01-13 20:52:17   来源:文档文库   
Please submit a one-page single-spaced essay that explains why you have chosen Carnegie Mellon and your particular majors), departments or programs. 请提交一篇文书解释一下你为什么选择卡耐基梅隆大学,你为什么要选这个专业。在这篇例文中,作者开篇点明自己对数学感兴趣且拥有数学天赋,即使后来转学到美国,他的数学还是很优秀,他代表学校参加哈佛-麻省理工联合举办的数学锦标赛,还参加了美国地区数学联盟。然后谈到他想要在卡耐基梅隆攻读数学学位并辅修计算机金融学,因为他想毕业后进入金融领域工作,扎实的数学分析能力是他未来事业成功必不可少缺的因素。作者虽然没有用很多笔墨来写,卡耐基梅隆如何适合自己,却把自己的兴趣,意向专业,未来的职业目标巧妙地结合起来,呈现在招生官眼前,一个目标明确、有巨大学生潜力的形象跃然纸上。
My interest in mathematics stems from the first time my teacher taught me calculus in tenth grade. I was so intrigued to discover the area under the curve can be calculated so easily and even completed the problems not assigned by the
teacher that night. From that day on boring math homework for others started to be my first homework to complete even to this day. Today I sit in the classroom of the most difficult mathematics course the school offers multivariable calculus solving interesting ellipsoid problems. After finishing my tenth grade in China I went back to America the country I was born in and raised for seven years. The change was enormous both culturally and academically. For the first month I had a hard time adjusting to the different situation. Fortunately I survived after two months and within several months later I found myself excelling once again academically. I even had more class participation in Shakespeare Literature classes Nonetheless my passion for math remained consistent across the continental shift. When it was homework time my math notebook was always on the top of the pile. In high school I benefited from the great opportunities my school offered and had much free time to pursue my math interests. Every week in school there are preparation sessions for the math competition “Great New Haven Math League,” which is a regional math competition held every two weeks throughout the entire school year. In February I have the chance to represent my school along with my math team members to attend the Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament. As one of the key members on the math team I established practice groups during free time so that team members can solve practice problems together and help each other. In June I represented my


