(完整版)《飘》译文中词汇翻译的赏析 - 本科英语毕业设计

发布时间:2017-08-28 19:58:36   来源:文档文库   








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提交日期 2013.5.8

The Appreciation of Vocabulary Translation in Gone with the Wind


A thesis

submitted to the School of Foreign Languages and Literature Tianshui Normal University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree





Tianshui, Gansu

May, 2013






一、 论文正文……………………………………………….. 1-12

二、 附录








Literature Review ………………………………………………………...2

. The Comparison and Analysis of Word Translation in Gone with the Wind…………………………………………....................................2

3.1An brief introduction to the Author and the Work ................................................2

3.1.1 An Introduction to the Author…………..………………..................................2

3.1.2 The Background Information of Gone with the wind…....................................3

3.1.3An Introduction to Gone with the wind……..……………................................4

3.2 The Significance of Vividness in Translation of Person Name…........................5

3.3 Language Diachronic in the Translation of Place Name ….................................7

3.4Loyalty and beauty in the Translation of People’s character from the Angle of Feminist........................................................................................................................8

3.5Loyalty and beauty in the Translation of Character’s Action from the Angle of Feminist........................................................................................................................9

3.6Loyalty and beauty in the Translation of Character’s appearance from the Angle of Feminist......................................................................................................................10

3.7The Colloquial language Style in the Translation of Address Form...........................................................................................................................11

. Conclusion.......................................................................................................12



The Appreciation of Vocabulary Translation in Gone with the Wind

Feng Binting


Abstract:Gone with the Wind is the only literary work of Margret Mitchell . She was a famous American female writer.It was a kind of romantic novel and reflected a story about the life of people in the old South before,during and after the Civil War.Since its publish in 1936,it popular till today.With the development of communication between Chinese and western culture ,more and more Chinese version of Gone with the Wind concentrated on what can be used for references.Therefore,this paper will choose different translation versions to compare and analyze the translation of some relative words.In details,this paper investigate the translation of person name ,place name ,characters appearance,characters action ane address form.By comparison,it can be found that the significance of vividness in translation of person name .It can also found that language diachronic in the translation of place name .Loyalty and beauty is very important in the translation of people’s character,action,and appearance from the Angle of Feminist At last,the colloquial language style in the translation of address form is appropriate.

Keywords:Gone with the Wind , Vividness, ,Language diachronic , the Angle of Feministloyalty and Beauty, the Colloquial language Style



关键词《飘》, 传神, 语言历时变化,女性翻译视角,忠实与美,口语化语言风格

The Appreciation of Vocabulary Translation in Gone with the Wind

1. Introduction

With the development of communication between Chinese and western culture ,more and more Chinese version of Gone with the Wind concentrated on what can be used for references.In the process of appreciation,people’s misunderstanding on some words not appreciate the original text correctly and perfectly.It is necessary to compare and analyze the relative words so that wo can version.Therefore,this paper will choose different translation versions to compare and analyze the translation of some relative words.In addition,this paper will make a comparative study on translation of words by choosing versions of FuDonghua,ChenLiangting, Daikan,Jiawenhao,JiaWenyuan and JiaLinyi. In details,this paper investigate the translation of person name ,place name ,characters appearance,characters action ane address form..

2. Literature Review

In China,Ma Dan compared the translation of title in Gone with the Wind by choosing the translation version ofChenLiangting, FuDonghua and LiMeihua. She pointed out that all of them three adopted different translation methods in the process of translation.She also expounded that it is not reasonable to adopt only one method in translation. It should be the unity of different methods combined with the development of the times.Also translators should be keep on exploring and practicing.Thus the method of domestication and foreignization sends out a rational brilliance of the times.(马丹,2009ZhaoWenjia analysized the translation on the aspect of words and sentences by choosing the version of Jianzong,HuangHuairen and ZhuYouruo. He came up with that the translators need to constantly improve themselves in level of language and culture.They should keep on practicing and summarizing experience,thus the work become more smooth.(赵文佳,2010

From the angle of function and loyalty,JianLi appreciated the translation version of FuDonghua.She expounded the feature of domestication and the beauty in FuDonghua’s version.She considered that it was the combination of domestication and foreignization that made Fu’s translation get the unity of both function and loyalty. (简丽,2010From the angle of description,YaoMeijuan analysized two versions of Gone with the Wind.She stated carefully in from the angle of description.She came up with that in the process of translation,we should not only stay in language level except considering other cultural factors. (姚梅娟,2009From the perspective of Skopos rule,Jian li investigated the version of FuDonghua.She considered that in the translation of person name and place name,it is reasonable to use the strategy of domestication.(简丽,2010The problem of gender difference in translation concentrated on by feminist.They thought that gender difference can not only influence translators choose strategy ,but also effect on translators’ ideology and standard of translation.From the perspective of feminist,WangHua compared the translation of characters’ appearance. She carefully described activity,by comparing the translation of Scarlett’s appearance in Li analysized the version of FoDonghua from the aspect of language style systematically.She found out that different types of text adopted different translation strategies.Also she came up with that as an affectional and best-selling novel,it is reasonable to translate Gone with the Wind by using domestication.Only by adopting a large number of domestication ,can the infectional function of original text be realized.Thus the translation is meaningful.(简丽,2010

Later,WangJinghan pointed out that the translators’ ideology would effect on the translation.At the same time, activity.(王靖涵,2011Finally,from the aspect of choice of person name ,words,sentences and accuracy,WangFangfang summarized that it was good to study the famous translation.It could not only deep the understanding and perception of the original,but also improve themselves. (王芳芳,2012

8.The Comparison and Analysis of Word Translation in Gone with the Wind

3.1An brief introduction to the Author and the Work

3.1.1 An brief introduction to the Author

Margret Mitchell was a famous American writer.She was born in Atlanta,USA.She 1922.later she began to write the novel Gone with the Wind in 1926.It was after ten years that the novel 1937.In 1949,Margret Mitchell literary community.Since its publish,it popular till today.

3.1.2 The Background Information of Gone with the Wind

The southern states of American before the Civil War is called the old south or the Confederacy,while the central government is called the Federation government.Known for its planation economy and slavery,the old south the American of American Civil War ,as most Chinese are taught,is that the south wanted to secede from the United States of America.The fact is,by the 1950s,merchants constituted the majority of the northern states and capitalism took on a dominating majority ,and slavery still reined the society.Almost all the northern states were against slavery and the southern states insisted on it.Thus there was a conflict of interest between the north and south.The states of the country at that time enjoyed quite a the conflict becomes so fierce,the southern states claimed independence from the Federation.The Civil Wat broke out and the South lost.The United states of America,united in a way it before the war,strode on the way to mature capitalism as well as the strongest power of the world.Gone with the Wind tells a story about the life of people in the old South before,during and after the Civil War.

3.1.3 An Introduction to the Content of Gone with the Wind

Scarlett was an outing and beautiful girl.She enjoys the admiration of almost all the boys in ,except may be only one ,Ashley Wilkes.Yet engaged with Melaine Hamilton.Their conversation is over- who enjoys no one’s welcome in the South because a girl’s asking of marriage.Rhett appreciates Scarlett’s braveness and frankness of love.But Scarlett didn’t good impression on extent,Scarlett the Civil War in the town,including Charles went to the war in the place of Confederation.Later,news came that Charles died in the war.Therefore,Scarlett became a 17-year-old widow.As the war became fierce,mang of Scarlett’s childhood friends died in the battlefield, and the South ’t go to the war.Instead, expressing action. During the whole period of the war,Scarlett the war and the responsibility to support the whole family.The war .Later Scarlett married fight..Later she agreed to marry again for the sake of money.They lived the town.Rhett got angry and left ’t listen to rage,Scarlett fallen down the stairs and lost the baby.Rhett felt deep regression and .Since then,they lived separately.After a short while,Scarlett and Rhett’s daughter died accidentally when ride a pony.Rhett broke down and got drunk all day.Scarlett left their .At the last moment,the demise of Melanie made Scarlett understood that she didn’t love Ashley.It Rhett that she loves.She just didn’t realize it before.She rushed to tell Rhett about stand it then.Tomorrow,I will think of some way to get Translation of Person Name

Literary translation is an important part in translation field.In recent years,people point that the literary translation should vividly express the aim of the original text.The theory of vividness is a kind of representative theory of literary translation.It was put forward by FuLei.He pointed out that whether the translation is successful or not ,it based on the vivid express but not just the alike words.In general,vividness refers to the inner essence of objective things.It doubles the the nature of objective things .It reveals the unique temperative of things.In China,there is an old saying:“people as the name implies”.Because name will be associated with one’s whole life,name is very important.Generally speaking,when we translate person names,we usually adopt the method of domestication,foreignization,free translation etc. Different translators applied different methods.A contrast of the two translations of DaiKan and ChenLiangting in the name translation is shown in the following table:

Margret Mitchell DaiKan in 2003 ChenLiangting in 1990

Scarlett O’Hara 思嘉.奥哈拉 斯佳丽.奥哈拉

Rhett Butler 瑞德.巴特勒 瑞特.巴特勒

Ashley Wilkes 艾希礼.威尔克斯 阿希礼.威尔克斯

Melanie Hamilton 媚兰.汉密尔顿 枚兰妮.汉密尔顿

Ellen 爱伦 埃伦

Mammy 黑嬷嬷 黑妈妈

Both DaiKan and ChenLiangting’s translation of person’s name using the method of foreinization.However,it is totally different.In ChenLiangting’s version, fleshed out.The chinese letter“”can vividly show the external image of Scarlett.This also conforms to the chinese tradition of naming.In China,when people giving a female’s name,they pursuit that women’s name should be feminine.The word “”can convey the tradition very well.In addition,as we know,the protagonist Scarlett is charming and beautiful,so it is ChenLiangting’s translation can achieve the effect of vividness.For Rhett,a man who is cynical and down-to-earth person.His way encountered opposition from the people.He was seen as an unethical and a person without much compassion about of speculation.Based on this view,DaiKan’s translation ofdoesn’t cut the original text intention.While in ChenLiangting’s version, who is at the mercy of fate.The word“”“”are the character of .It was reasonable for ChenLiangting to translated Melanie Hamilton into which stands for the orchid.Since ancient times,the chinese who is a representative of the graceful virtuous.In the novel,Melanie like this.(文军,高晓鹰,2003While DaiKan translated it into 媚,the word make readers ,we can see in the novel that Ellen is a gentle women.Scarlett always getting power from that case,DaiKan’s version of 爱伦make readers feel the gentle personality of ’s version of 埃伦 the translation of the black nanny Mammy,DaiKan’s translation is totally different from the ChenLiangting’s.DaiKan translated it into 黑嬷嬷,it reads more cordial and conveys the difference of status.However,in Chen’s version,it is 黑妈妈 which sounds like kind but without indicating the status difference.

In the process of name translation,translators can use various methods to create character’s image.Naming an important part in translation of literary work.The name reflects the characters’characteristics.It is endowed with profound cultural connotations.Regardless of domestication or foreignization etc.Translation should not be limited to the method but should be vividly reflect the intention of the original text.

3.3 Language Diachronic in the Translation of Place Name

Margret Mitchell FuDonghua in 1940 Chen in 1989 Li in 2006

Georgia 爵吉亚 佐治亚 佐治亚州

Tara 陶乐垦殖场 塔拉庄园 塔拉农场

Atlanta 饿狼陀 亚特兰大 亚特兰大

Generally speaking,when we translate the place name,we should according to dictionary transliteration terms which established.Otherwise it would make readers confuse and can not understand the true place.(恩愚,2004It labeled as 佐治亚in the dictionary.It is very clear in the dictionary that Georgia is a state in southeastern of United States. And Atlanta is the capital of Georgia.In general,the standardization of place name’s translation should be accordance with the transliteration,for the same name according to the established principles.(廖七一,2005In ChenLiangting’s version, see from the three version that FuDonghua’s translation a naturalized way

so that everyone can read it.Thua it greatly reduce the obstacles of understanding of the target language readers.In the last century,this kind of translation is widely acclaimed.Both ChenLiangting’s translation and LiMeihua’s translation try to keep the source language used to express inherent,not completely naturalized.This is alao can be agree with and understand by the target language readers.Therefore,we can safely make a conclusion that for those place names which in the dictionary,we should use it .I t also indicates that the time is changing,so is the translation method.So the translation method should be flexible but not seek a way or one permanent pattern.

3.4 Loyalty and beauty in the Translation of People’s Character from the Angle of Feminist

Usually different readers the novel.Women’s reading ’s.Feminist critics consider that their gender difference is good for their criticism of literary works.It is not ,JiaLinyi the process of translation.Especially at the aspect of translation of characters’ appearance ,it is totally different.For the same characters in Gone with the Wind,the female translator and male translator different treatment.Through find that different reading experience can lead to different fantasy of characters.differences are in the following:

Example1 The green eyes in the carefully sweet face were turbulent,willful,lusty with life.distinctly act variance with feel that Scarlett is feminie and attractive.The phrase 极其恬美 is faithful to the original text.Female translator LiMeihua tranlated it into 极其恬美 gives the reader space to image the appearance of Scarlett.However Jia’s translation is not only undermines the image of Scarlett,but also disobey the intention of the original text.Scarlett looks very sweet and attractive,but actually she is not the type of very fair maiden by nature.In fact ,she is rebellious,capricious and vanity.LiMeihua translated it as 骚动and狡黠.It precisely describe the image of Scarlett.Jia’s version is just a broad description of Scarlett’s character which can not properly embody and reflect Scarlett indomitable fighting spirit.

3.5 Loyalty and beauty in the Translation of Character’s Action from the Angle of Feminist

Example:Soon she was a familiar sight on Atlanta’s street,sitting in of the position of Scarlett’s ,Scarlett’s sitting position clearly presented to the reader’s mind.However,the word 搭在is just a rough description,readers will not be able to image the concrete place of not see it is men’s careless that leads the different translation.To some extent,it reflects the female translators’s carefulness.This is also what the female translators the Translation of Character’s appearance from the Angle of Feminist

Example1:In LiMeihua’s version,the word 继承accurately and exquisitely the mixed characteristics of Scarlett.At the same time,she translated the phrase “delicate features ”into 娇柔特征,the word is proper to describe Scarlett’s appearance.However,JiaWenyuan translated “blended ”into 既有,this is just a rough description.He translated the phrase “delicate features ”into 优雅.It doesn’t convey the feminie features very well.He translated “ Civil War many families and made people lose a sense of security.Social turmoil and ’s loneliness and LiMeihua’s version,the word ,firstly express the elder of the man.Secondly,it also make people feel the old man’s frustration and loneliness.However,we can not find the vivid expression in the translation of Jia’s version.老眼is faithful to the original text.

Example3:Poor India!It would be bad enough to that meant a stubborn disposition,without being twenty years old and an old maid in the bargain.(Margret Mitchell,2006)



In LiMeihua’s version,pale Jia’s version ,it is LiMeihua’s translation that stated more clearly.Here is an another example,LiMeihua translated“ without being twenty years old and an old maid in the bargain”as 像个老处女一样.Firstly,this sentence can convey the character’s age.At the same time,it tells reader that it is a big problem thai she was still unmarried.However,in Jia’s version, of the original text.

Female translators can span life level to describe vividly the inner world of character,which is different from the male translator from the external dynamic angle to describe the character’s inner activities.(王喜绒,2006

It the south of American that the male .Usually women and reflects the character of women’s:self-esteem.All of these enhance the female style of the text.“Accordingly,women must take up the mainstream status to develop a way to describe their real world rather than men’s rough description of women world.”(Bressler,1999)

3.7The Colloquial language Style in the Translation of Address Form

FuDonghua sequence of Gone with the Wind,“the translation of Gone with the Wind is different from that classics translation.If it must be translated word by word,sentence by sentence,it may be boring to read.”(傅东华,1940Thus we can see that FuDonghua regards Gone with the Wind as a type of infectional novel.The infectional novel usually requires the translator that they should take the target language readers as the center.The translation work should be easily to read and understand.In FuDonghua ‘s translation version, at the aspect of language style.In particular,the colloquial language style can be easily found in work of Address form.

Example:All she’ll know about is the balls she went to and the beaux she collected.(Margret Mitchell,2006)



In the original text,beaux is the meaning of lover in chinese spoken language .In FuDonghua’s version, the novel and readers.In addition,it of translation as a popular literature.The colloquial language style can be seen in Fu’s translation in mang places.For example,the following words can be seen in :俺、咱们、爹爹、娘娘、少爷、少奶奶、奶奶们、矮脚鬼、大老三、小黑炭、小妮子、小雀儿、妞儿、北佬儿、哥儿俩、大地主、营丁etc.All of these words are full of chinese language style.It is easy for readers to understand.While for the word beaux ,DaiKan translated it into lover.It is just the literal translation,it doesn’t reach the same effect as Fu’s.

In the process of address translation,first of all,we should make sure that what text type it belongs to and then determine what kind of language style it should this way can we realize its function of original text.It is appropriate to adopt domestication language style in the process of address translation in FuDonghua’s translation version.It also realize the function of its infectional text type.So

Translation as translators’ second creation,there is no uniform standard,Different translation version be used for reference..In general,there are the following five factors that lead to different translation;1.translation purpose 2.translator’s gender3.cultural background and time background4.sponsors 5.translators’ personal experience

Usually in the translation of person name,translators can adopt various methods to name characters.The name tend to be an important part in works.It reflects people’s personality.Names are also endowed with profound cultural connotations.Regardless of the method of domestication or foreignization,transliteration or free translation.Translation should not be limited to the method,it should achieve the purpose of vividness.In the process of translation of place name,translators should profoundly realize that the times is changing,so is the methods.In general,when we translate the place name,the translation should combine with the standard translation from the dictionary.The translation methods should be flexible,not just seek for a mode or method.

In literary works,the author can create the story subjectively.For the same story,different narrative perspective and different tone will produce different stories and characters.(梁巧娜,2004

The different perspective of male and female lead to the different expression of character’s appearance.Female can easily get into the text and take up mainstream status about their gender identity into the text.Thus it can make the translation work more real and better man’s.

Finally,Gone with the Wind is an best-selling novel.The translation of address form is very important.In the process of address form translation,first of all,we should determine the text type,then choose the corresponding translation method.



《(完整版)《飘》译文中词汇翻译的赏析 - 本科英语毕业设计.doc》
