
发布时间:2012-09-22 09:29:15   来源:文档文库   

An Efficient GEM Model for Image Inpainting Using a New Directional Sparse Representation: Discrete Shearlet Transform


R.Gomsthi, A.Vincent Antony Kumar

Abstract-In this paper, we present a novel Expecation Maximization(EM) algorithm for automatic

color image inpainting using a new discrete multi scale directional sparse representation called the

Discrete Shearlet Transform(DST). It is now acknowledged that the traditional wavelets are not very effective when dealing the multi dimensional signals having distributed discontinuities such as edges. To achieve a more efficient representation one has to use basis elements with much higher directional sensitivity. Using a Shearlet Transform combines the power of multi scale methods with a unique ability to capture the geometry of multidimensional data and is optimally efficient in representing images with edges. The inpainting can be viewed as an interpolation or estimation problem with missing data. Towards this goal, we propose the idea of using Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm in a Bayesian Framework, which is used to recover the missing samples using a sparse representation-Discrete Shearlet Transform (DST). We first introduce an easy and efficient sparse representation-Discrete Shearlet Transform (DST) based iterative algorithm for image inpainting. And then, we derive its convergence properties. We can demonstrate that this algorithm based on a new sparse representation-

Discrete Shearlet Transform is very competitive in image inpainting applications both in terms of performance and computational efficiency.

Keywords Sparse representation, Wavelet, Shearlet, image inpainting, Optimization, Expectation Maximization.






Image Inpainting refers to filling in missing or damaged regions (like cracks or scars) in images. In fine art museums, inpainting of degraded paintings is traditionally carried out by professional artists and usually very time consuming, not to mention the risk of completely destroying a precious and world-unique ancient painting due to direct retouching.


Mathematically speaking, inpainting is essentially an interpolation problem, and thus directly overlaps with many other important tasks in computer vision and image processing, including image replacement, dis-occlusion, zooming and super resolution, and error concealment. The current work has been motivated and inspired by the error concealment application, which is to automatically recover lost packets information during transmission processes.


Inpainting in wavelet domain or using a sparse representation is a completely different problem since there are no well defined inpainting regions in the pixel domain. After the release of the new image compression standard JPEG2000, which is largely based on wavelet transforms, many images are formatted and stored in terms of wavelet coefficients. In the wireless communication of these images, it could happen that certain wavelet packets are randomly lost or damaged during the transmission process. Recovering original images from their incomplete wavelet transform is an inpainting problem. But this task remarkably differs from the classical inpainting problems in that the inpainting regions are in the wavelet domain.

在小波域内修复或使用稀疏表示是一个完全不同的问题,因为这种方法没有在像素域定义修复区域的范围。在新的图像压缩标准JPEG2000发布之后,这个新的标准在很大程度上是基于小波变换,许多图像是格式化的并存储在小波系数中。在图像无线传输时,在传输过程中可能会随机丢失或损坏某些小波数据包。 从这些丢失或损坏小波包的图像中用小波变换恢复原始图像是图像修复的难题, 在小波域上,这种方式与传统的修补方法有显著的不同。

In the classical inpainting methods, wavelet employed in the sparse dictionary is the famous Daubechies 7/9 biorthogonal decomposition [1] [2].These traditional wavelets are not effective when dealing multidimen-sional signals containing distributed discontinuities such as edges. This approach, however often leads to the formation of Gibbs-type artifacts [6] around sharp discontinuities, due to the elimination of small wavelet coefficients that should have retained. Although new wavelet extensions such as curvelets and contourlets have a better approximation rate, they may also suffer from the same type of effects. TV model is the powerful tool for inpainting and greatly reduce these Gibbs artifacts. But the TV models suffer from the stair case effect. That is, the smooth regions (ramp) are transformed into piece wise constant regions (stairs).

传统的图像修复方法中,在稀疏字典中运用小波双正交分解的7/9[1][2]。当处理如边缘一样的多维信号中的分散式间断部分时,传统小波的处理是无效的。 这种处理,往往导致Gibbs式假象[6]的形成,其周围锐利,不连续。由于小波系数较小的会被消除,所以系数较小的小波会被保留。虽然新的小波扩展,如曲率波和轮廓波都会有一个更好的逼近速率,但它们也可能受到来自同类型的影响。TV模型是强大的修复工具,因此能大大减少Gibbs式假象的形成。但是,TV模型受到阶梯实例平滑区域(斜面)转化成片智能的恒定区域的影响。

In this paper, to overcome these deficiencies, a new Generalized Expectation Maximization (GEM) Model is introduced with the new tight frame of shearlets. A key feature is that the discrete shearlet transform has many flexible attributes that lead to better stability and reduced Gibbs type artifacts. The EM algorithm formalizes the idea of replacing the missing data by estimated ones from coefficients of previous iteration, and then reestimates the new expansion coefficients from the complete formed data, and iterates the process until convergence [5,6]. We here restrict ourselves to zero- mean additive white Gaussian noise, even if the theory of the EM can be developed for the regular exponential family. In this proposed model,the Expectation Maximization Algorithm is superi- or to that of TV model. We shall demonstrate that our method based on combining shearlets with Expectation Maximization Algorithm using Bayes-an framework performs better than the traditional wavelet technique. Furthermore, the number of iterations is significantly reduced.


This paper is arranged as follows. In section II, we give a brief overview of the Discrete Shearlet Transform (DST).In Section III, The brief analysis of Expectation Maximization Algorithm is given. The GEM Algorithm for image inpainting using a sparse representation DST is described in Section IV. The Convergence Properties of inpainting method in shearlet domain is presented in Section V. In section VI, numerical experiments are given to illustrate efficiency of the proposed method. Finally, we have a conclusion section.




It is now widely acknowledged that traditional wavelet methods do not perform as well with multidimensional data. Indeed wavelets are very efficient in dealing with point wise singularities only. In higher dimensions, other types of singularities are usually present or even dominant, and wavelets are unable to handle them very efficiently. Images, for example, typically contain sharp transitions such as edges, and

these interact extensively with the elements of the wavelet basis. As a result, many terms in the wavelet representation are needed to accurately represent these objects. In order to overcome this limitation of traditional wavelets, In this paper, a new wavelet transform is introduced, namely shearlet.


A. Continuous Shearlet Transform


The continuous shearlet transform is a non isotropic version of the continuous wavelet transform with a superior directional sensitivity. In dimension n=2, this is defined as the mapping,


Each analyzing elements _ a,s,t called shearlets has a frequency support on a pair of trapezoids, at various scales, symmetric with respect to the origin and oriented along a line of slope s. The support becomes increasingly thin as a _ 0. As a result, the shearlets form a collection

of well-localized waveforms at various scales, orientations and locations, controlled by a, s, and t, respectively. The frequency supports of some

representative shearlets are illustrated in Fig. 1.



B. Discrete Shearlet Transform


By sampling the continuous shearlet transform on appropriate discret- izations of the scaling, shear, and translation parameters a,s,t,one obtains a discrete transform which is associated to a Parseval (tight) frame for L2(R2). The following procedure describes the construction of Shearlet transform and the procedure is illustrated on Fig. 2.


(1) Apply the laplacian pyramid scheme to decompose into a low pass image and a high pass image .

(2) Compute P on a pseudo polar grid.

(3) Apply a band pass filtering to the matrix P

(4) Directly re-assemble the Cartesian sampled values and apply the inverse two-dimensional FFT

(1) 运用拉普拉斯金字塔计划,把分解成一个低通图像和一个高通图像

(2) 在伪极地网格中计算P

(3) 用一个带通滤波器对矩阵P进行处理

(4) 重新组装笛卡尔采样值,并用逆二维傅里叶变换计算




Let’s now turn to the missing data case and let’s write, with is the missing data, and . The incomplete observations do not contain all information to applystandard methods to solve the problem equations. Nevertheless, the EM algorithm can be applied to iteratively reconstruct the missing data and then solve the equation for the new estimate. The estimates are iteratively refined until convergence. Recall that the EM algorithm is a means of obtaining MAP/PMLE estimates (of which maximum likelihood is a particular case) of a parameter in cases where the PMLE is hard to obtain. The (Bayesian) EM algorithm will then produce a sequence of estimates alternating between two steps:


E-step Computes the conditional expectation of the log likilihood of the complete data, given the observed data and the current estimate,by defining the surrogate function:

E-step 计算可能记录的完整数据的条件期望,通过规定的替代函数得到观测数据和最新的估计值

M-step Updates the estimates according to:

M-step 根据最新的估计:

The E step

For regular exponential families, it is known that the E-steps involves finding the expected values of the sufficient statistics of the complete data Y given observed data and the estimate of and. Then, as the noise is zero-mean white Gaussian, the E-step reduced to calculate the conditional expected values and the conditional expected squared values of the missing data, that is:



The M step

This step consists in maximizing the penalized surrogate function with the missing observations replaced by their estimates in the E step at iteration t,that is:

M -step


Thus, the M step updates and according to:


Where is the number of observed pixels. D denotes whichever estimation operation, associated to the penalty function , applied to the expansion coefficients in Φ. Note that at convergence, we have:


which is the noise variance inside the mask (i.e. with observed pixels). If the noise variance is known in advance, the re-estimation of in the M step can be ignored. A very important feature of the M step is that it involves a denoising operation depending on the choice of the penalty function. For example, under the norm penalization and an orthogonal dictionary , can be simply estimated using the well known soft thresholding scheme. This can also be extended to redundant representations as we will see later. Other prior penalties will lead to different estimation rules in the M-Step.






The shearlet domain inpainting GEM Model [2] is described as follows.


Require: Observed image Yobs and a mask M, convergence threshold δ,

1. Repeat

2. E Step

3. Update the image estimate:

4. M Step

5. for Each transformation k in the dictionary do

6. Calculate the transform coefficients

7. Apply the estimation operatore.g.soft thresholding) to these coefficients and get

8. end for

9. Update

10. Update according to(9).

11. until Convergence









8: 结束






5. GME模型在剪切波域的收敛性

In [5, 7], there is no simple general result for the EM that guarantees convergence to a local or global minimum without further assumptions. For instance, if the penalty function is convex, then the penalized-log-likel -ihood will be strictly convex and the EM algorithm will be guaranteed to converge to the unique maximum penalized likelihood value and a unique optimal image. This follows from results of [7] stated for the EM. But, if the penalty function is not convex then the sequences of the Bayesian EM estimates will only converge to a stationary point. The image at convergence will depend on the initialization of the algorithm. As noted in [5], the convergence rate (at least when the initial position is not too far from the true image) is linear and governed by the fraction of missing information, that can be evaluated from the Fisher Information matrix. Thus, here we decide to use the observed part of the image as an initial estimate.


Many interesting penalties that produce sparse solutions are non-convex or even non-smooth. Unfortunately, their use will be at the price of no guaranty to converge to a global or even to a local minimum. To circumvent this major drawback, we use the same heuristic argument as that of the MCA, for which we give a statistical interpretation. Indeed, one can consider the penalized -log-likelihood functional of the M-step as a Gibbs energy, where the regularization parameter parallels the temperature in the same spirit as for simulated annealing. Then, we start at a high temperature (i.e.λ)and then decreaseλaccording to a perscrib- ed schedule (e.g. Exponential or linear). For each value of λ, we run one iteration of the GEM inpainting Algorithm. This algorithm has flavor of a stochastic version of the EM.



6. 性能比较

In our previous work, the inpainting algorithm based on PLaplacian Operator with TV Model was applied to several synthetic and real degraded images, from which we present few examples. Fig.1 depicts an example on real old degraded photograph. The dictionary contained the shearlet transform and the convexpenalty was used. The threshold parameter was fixed to the classical value From the resulting pictures, shown in Fig.3, we can see that out shearlet inpainting model based on the plaplacian operator can dramatically improve the image quality better than TV wavelet inpainting model,especially in the large number of damaged coefficients.


3. a)破损图像 (b)分离待修复部分 (c)图像修复模型TV+P-Laplacian

For comparison purpose the PSNR values are also computed and the values are tabulated and shown in Table 1. From the PSNR values, we can easily say that using the sparse representation -DST automatically increases the performance of the inpainting algorithm.



In the same way the proposed GEM Model with shearlet will be tested on several synthetic images and real images. Now that work is under in progress. We can assure that the proposed model will give better results when compared with our previous P-Laplacian based inpainting with TV Model.




In this paper, a new sparse representation-Discrete Shearlet Transform domain inpainting model based on Generalized Expectation Maximization (GEM) for restoring arbitrary number of coefficients in arbitrary locations of shearlets coefficients for images with noise is presented. Comparing the proposed model to TV wavelet inpainting model, the better inpainting quality with much less computing time will be achieved, especially with large number of damaged wavelet coefficients.



