A Cinderella Story script

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A Cinderella Story
Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, lived a beautiful little girl... 很久很久以前,在一个遥远的国家住着一个美丽的小女孩 ...and her widowed father. 和她失去妻子的父亲 It's beautiful. 这真漂亮
Okay. It wasnt that long ago. And it wasn’t really a faraway kingdom. 好吧,这不算很久之前,这里也不是遥远的国家
It was the San Fernando Valley. It looked faraway... 这里是圣法南度谷区,之所以看上去很遥远
...because you barely see it through the smog. 是因为你差不多是透过烟雾看到的
But to me, growing up, the Valley was my kingdom. 但是对于生于斯长于斯的我来说,这个山谷就是我的王国 I was my dad's best friend. And he was mine. 就像我是爸爸最好的朋友一样,他也是我最好的朋友
Being raised by a man put me behind in the makeup and fashion departments. 由一个男人抚养长大的我与化妆品和时尚无缘
But I never felt like I missed out on anything. 但是我从不感到失落
I was the luckiest girl in the world. 我是这个世界上最幸运的女孩
My dad owned the coolest diner. I loved hanging out there. 爸爸有一家最棒的餐厅。我在那里流连忘返 Diet was a four-letter word here... 在那里没有“节食”这两个字
...and grease came at no additional charge. 脂肪会不知不觉出现
At Hal's, everyone felt like family. 在哈尔餐馆,每个人都感觉是在家一样 Oh, yeah, I have drinks. 喔,我这里有些喝的 Happy birthday! 生日快乐
Make a wish, princess. 许个愿吧,小公主
What did I need a wish for? I had amazing friends and the coolest dad. 我还要许什么愿?我有一大帮的朋友和最棒的父亲
But I guess my dad thought I needed one more thing: Fiona. 我想爸爸认为我还缺了菲奥娜 I am so sorry. 真抱歉

You Look beautiful, Fiona. 你真漂亮,菲奥娜 Hey, Hal! 嗨,哈尔
Along with my new stepmother came her twin daughters, Brianna and Gabriella. 和我的继母一起出现的还有她两个双胞胎女儿布莱恩和加百里拉 My out-of-step-sisters. 我异父异母的姐姐们
But as long as my dad was happy, so was I. We were going to be one big, happy family. 不过只要爸爸觉得快乐,我也就快乐了。我们就要成为一个快乐的大家庭了 Cheese. 茄子
One' s enough. 一张就够了
Unfortunately, this was no fairy tale. 不幸的是,这个世界没有童话
He took her hand, and he kissed it. 他拿起她的手,吻了一下
Then he swooped her up onto his horse. 然后他抱她上了他的马
And the beautiful princess and the handsome prince rode off to his castle... 美丽的公主和英俊的王子一起回到了他的城堡… ...where they lived happily ever after." 从此他们过着幸福的生活
Do fairy tales come true, Dad?. 爸爸,童话会变成真的吗? Well, no. But dreams come true. 好吧,应该不会,不过梦想会成真 -Do you have a dream?. -Yeah. 你有梦想吗?当然
My dream is that youll grow up and go to college... 我的梦想就是你渐渐长大,然后上大学
...and then maybe someday you'll build your own castle. 然后有一天你会建造你自己的城堡 Where do princesses go to college?. 公主去那里上大学呢? They go... 她们去
...where the princes go. 王子上的大学
They go to Princeton.


《A Cinderella Story script.doc》

