
发布时间:2020-04-07 11:24:42   来源:文档文库   



1The child is so full of ______ that he can’t keep quiet.

Astrength Benergy Cpower Dforce




考查名词辨析。句意:这孩子精力充沛,无法保持安静。A. strength力量;B. energy精力;活力;C. power权利;能力;D. force武力。根据句意故选B

2An advantage of living on the top floor of a high rise building is that you can get a good _________.

Ascene Bscenery

Csight Dview




考查名词辨析。句意:住在高楼大厦顶层的优点是你能看很好地欣赏风景。A. scene 情景 B. scenery景色 C. sight 景象 D. view风景。view“风景普遍用语,指从某个角度所看到的风景。根据句意,故D选项正确。


Scene:1. 某地的景色、风景,指展现在眼前的情景,也可以指scenery的一部分

3His conflicted with that of the other witnesses and yet his story had, for me, the ring of truth.

Aexpectation Binstruction

Cresponse Daccount




考查名词辨析。句意:他的叙述与其他目击者讲的有矛盾。然而在我看来,他所说的有可能是真的。A. expectation期望;B. instruction指示;C. response 回应 ;D. account陈述。由“yet his story”可知,account符合句意。故D选项正确。

4Only when women are enabled to become strong will our families, our economies, and our societies reach their fullest .

Adistinction Binnovation

Cpotential Dappreciation




考查名词。A. distinction区别; B. innovation创新; C. potential潜能; D. appreciation欣赏。句意:只有当妇女能够变得强大时,我们的家庭、经济和社会才能充分发挥其潜力。结合句意可知答案为C

5Some netizens use “beat a call” as an ________ to “cheering for” to show their approval or support for others.

Aalternative Baccount

Capology Dacquaintance




考查名词词义辨析。句意:一些网民用call”代替为之欢呼来表示对他人的赞赏或支持。A. alternative供替代的选择;B. account描述;C. apology道歉;D. acquaintance熟人。故选A

6The success of her book has given her high social .

Astatus Bsculpture

Capproval Dfigure




考查名词辨析。句意:她的书的成功给了她很高的社会地位。A. status地位;B. sculpture雕塑;C. approval批准;D. figure数字,根据题意,故选A

7—How shall I take the medicine?

—You can follow the ________ on the bottle.

Avocabulary Bspeech Clessons Ddirections




考查名词辨析。句意:——这药怎么吃?——你可以按照瓶子上的说明书去吃。A. vocabulary词汇;B. speech演讲;C. lessons课程;D. directions说明书,根据题意,故选D

8On how to improve our spoken English, Mr. Smith has given us ______.

Amany good advices Ba number of advice

Cmuch advice Dsome advices




考查不可数名词的用法。句意:关于如何提高我们的英语口语,史密斯先生给了我们很多建议。advice为不可数名词,需要使用much或者a lot of来修饰;A项中many修饰可数名词;Ba number of修饰可数名词复数;Dadvices错误,故选C

9We could see nothing in the thick fog at a _____ of two meters, so we got lost.

Adistance Blength Cway Dspace




考查名词辨析。句意:大雾天里,我们相距两米就什么也看不到了,所以我们迷路了。A. distance距离;B. length长度;C. way方式;D. space空间。由“We could see nothing in the thick fog”可知,at a distance of “隔着......距离符合句意。故A选项正确。

10---Did you see the new movie directed by that famous director? It’s said to be ______great success.

---No, I have been busy preparing all the office______ these days.

A/; equipments Bthe; equipment C/; equipment Da; equipment




考查冠词和名词复数。句意:---你看过那位著名导演,导演的新电影了吗?据说非常成功。---没有,这些天我一直在忙着准备所有的办公设备。success为不可数名词,但a success强调是一件〔个〕成功的事或人。这是抽象名词的具体化的用法。 equipment为不可数名词,没有复数形式,不要不定冠词来修饰。故D选项正确。




He has a great interest in English.他对英语显得很感兴趣。



抽象名词(不可数) 具体化(个体名词,可数名词)

in surprise惊讶地 a surprise一件令人惊讶的事

win success获得成功 a success一个()成功的人()

分析句子可知,success为不可数名词,但a success强调是一件〔个〕成功的事或人。这是抽象名词的具体化的用法。 equipment为不可数名词,没有复数形式,不要不定冠词来修饰。故D选项正确。

11Somehow Pavel’s words made sense to Bruno and he resisted the ________ to say “Ow” any more, and when Pavel finished applying the green liquid he took a bandage from the first-aid box and taped it to the cut.

Aconvenience Btrick Cimpression Durge




考查名词词义辨析。句意:不知怎的,帕维尔的话对布鲁诺来说很有意义,他克制住了想说的冲动。当帕维尔涂完这种绿色液体后,他从急救箱里拿出一条绷带,把它绑在伤口上。A. convenience方便;B. trick诡计,窍门;C. impression印象;D. urge强烈的欲望。根据句意故选D

12-- Do you agree friends you spend time with will change your life in one way or another?

-- Couldn't agree more. Hopefully our students can show great ________ in their choices of friends.

Aaccommodation Bdiscrimination

Creputation Ddistinction




考查名词词义辨析。句意:——你同意和你在一起的朋友会以这样或那样的方式改变你的生活吗?——完全同意,希望我们的学生在选择朋友方面表现出很强的鉴别能力。A. accommodation住处;B. discrimination鉴别力;C. reputation名誉;D. distinction区别。根据“their choices of friends”可知此处表示鉴别力,故B项正确。

13I have absolutely no ________ the students who get caught cheating in exams even though they were seriously punished.

Aimpact on Bsympathy for

Cconcern about Dcomplaint about




考查短语辨析。句意:我绝对不同情那些考试作弊被抓的学生,即使他们受到了严厉的惩罚。A. impact on影响;B. sympathy for同情;C. concern about担心;关心;D. complaint about投诉;对……抱怨。根据句意可知选B

14Saving Private Ryan is an unforgettable anti-war film and also a story of courage and _________ .

Aburden Bdepression

Cbenefit Dsacrifice




考查名词辨析。句意:《拯救大兵瑞恩》是一部令人难忘的反战电影,也是一个关于勇气和牺牲的故事。A. burden负担;B. depression压抑;C. benefit好处,益处;D. sacrifice牺牲;空格处与courage并列,都应该是褒义词,再结合电影情节,故选D项。

15He made an _______ to me for losing my book.

Aapology Bambition Cappearance Dalarm




考查名词词义辨析。句意:他为弄丢了我的书而向我道歉。A. apology道歉;B. ambition抱负;C. appearance出现;D. alarm警报。根据“for losing my book”可知,此处表示向我道歉,故A项正确。

16There is little doubt that with power and ______ it comes more responsibility instead of entertainment.

Apossession Bprivilege

Cassociation Dpattern




考查名词辨析。句意:毫无疑问,权力和特权带来的是更多的责任,而不是娱乐。A. possession财产;B. privilege特权;C. association联合;D. pattern图案,根据题意,故选B

17—It is reported that Fan Bingbing broke the law of tax.

—Well, the ________ for her is so heavy that it is a warning to high-incomers.

Areward Bfare Cfine Dcharge




考查名词词义辨析。句意:——据报道,范冰冰触犯了税法。——嗯,对她的罚款很重,这对高收入的人来说是个警告。A. reward报酬;B. fare公共交通费;C. fine罚款;D. charge费用。上一句说范冰冰触犯了税法,因此此处是说对她的处罚(罚款),故C项正确。

18During the Song Dynasty, people played a game called cuju, which is regarded as the ______ of ancient football.

Aresource Bcause Corigin Dreason




考查名词词义辨析。句意:在宋朝,人们玩一种被称为蹴鞠的游戏,它被认为是古代足球的起源。A. resource 资源;B. cause原因;事业;C. origin起源;D. reason原因;足球是由古代的蹴鞠演变而来,也就是说蹴鞠是足球的起源。根据句意可知C项正确。

19As global warming increases, the Earth will become less and less suited to life, and many species will face ______.

Aextinction Bdirection Ccalculation Dapplication




考查名词词义辨析。句意:随着全球变暖的加剧,地球将越来越不适合生命生存,许多物种将面临灭绝。A. extinction灭绝,消失;B. direction指导;C. calculation计算;D. application申请;应用。结合句意,故选A

20Olympic athletes bring joy to people across the world with their____________ to push the boundaries of human achievement.

Aintelligence Binfluences Cimpression Dattempts




考查名词。句意:奥运健儿们努力突破人类成就的极限,为全世界人民带来了欢乐。A. intelligence智力,理解力;B. influences 影响;C. impression印象,效果;D. attempts企图,试图。结合句意可知D项符合语境。

21When it comes to modern communication, network safety is always a major ______ .

Aconcern Badvantage Copportunity Dsolution




考查名词辨析。句意:当涉及现代通信,网络安全一直是一个主要担心的问题。A. concern关心;令人担忧的事实(或情况;B. advantage优势;C. opportunity机会;D. solution解决。网络安全一直是现代通信的一个主要担心的问题。故选A

22Lao Gan Ma is the best chilli sauce in China. The company built up its________by constantly providing high-quality products at a relatively low price.

Areputation Bcampaign Cappetite Doccupation




考查名词词义辨析。句意:老干妈是中国最好的辣椒酱。该公司通过不断以较低的价格提供高质量的产品而建立了自己的声誉。A. reputation名誉;B. campaign运动;C. appetite胃口;D. occupation职业,占有。由“by constantly providing high-quality products at a relatively low price”可知,reputation“名誉符合句意。故选A

23The self-driving smart bus is already operating in 10 cities across China, with the latest_______ in Shanghai in August.

Aexploration Bexclusion Cexpansion Dexplosion




考查名词词义辨析。句意:自动驾驶智能巴士已经在中国10个城市投入运营,最新的一次扩展是今年8月在上海。A. exploration探索,勘探;B. exclusion排外;C. expansion扩大,扩展;D. explosion爆炸。根据句意及选项,此处是说自动驾驶智能巴士最新一次投入使用是在上海。故选C

24You’ll find this map of great ________ in helping you to get around in London.

Avalue Beffect Cconcern Dvision




考查名词词义辨析,句意:你将会发现这份地图在助你环游伦敦上的巨大价值。A. value价值,重要性;B. effect影响,效果,作用;C. concern关心,忧虑;D. vision视力,美景,想象力。综合句意,这份地图对于指明旅行方向是有帮助的,对游客而言有价值”/是很重要的,故选A


词义辨析的考查,可以很深入,因此单词学习不应浮于表面。本题容易误选B,因为仅凭中文释义,而认为地图在帮助环游伦敦上有作用”/效果,似乎也说得通。但假如我们查询effect对应的英文释义:1The effect of one thing on another is the change that the first thing causes in the second thing. 2The effects in a film are the specially created sounds and scenery. 我们就能发现词义辨析的重要性。实际上,effect在表示作用,影响方面,主要用于表达因果关系(cause and consequence),强调一个事物对另一个的影响,且贬义为多;而在effect表示效果方面,则以音响、舞台灯光、荧屏效果为主,在本题中显然均不适用。因此,吃透词义十分关键。

25As all the readers can see, the painting presents the children’s mood before the trip and after the trip in a sharp ____.

Aopposite Bcontrast Ccomparison Dcontrary




考查名词词义辨析。句意:正如读者们所看到的,这幅画呈现了孩子们出游前后的心情,二者是截然相反的。A. opposite对立面;B. contrast对照;C. comparison比较;D. contrary相反。此处对比孩子们出游前后的心情,in a sharp contrary表示恰恰相反,故D项正确。

26Many scientists have believed that there may be a ______ of life on the Mars.

Asignal Bsign Cmark Dsigh




考查名词辨析。句意:很多科学家相信在火星上有生命迹象。A. signal信号;B. sign标语,迹象;C. mark标记;D. sigh叹气。火星上的生命是有迹象的。故选B

27Be sure to read the ______ in the guidebook before you begin to use the new computer.

Ainstructions Bsolution Cdescriptions Dmessage




考查名词词义辨析。句意:在你使用新电脑前,一定要阅读说明书上的说明。A. instructions指示,说明;B. solution解决方法;C. descriptions描述;D. message信息。结合句意可知,此处用说明符合语境,故选A项。

28The audience burst into laughter because of the____of the tongue from the host, who said, “Good ladies, evening and gentlemen”.

Aslip Bslide Cseal Dspit




考查名词词义辨析。句意:观众爆发出一阵笑声因为主持人的口误,说:好女士,晚上和先生。” A. slip失误;B. slide滑动;C. seal印章;D. spit唾液。the slip of tongue口误,固定搭配。故选A

29The system has been designed to give its users quickly and easy ___to the required information.

Away Bapproach

Cmanner Daccess




考查名词词义辨析。句意:这套系统设计的目的是为了让学生快捷方便地获得信息。A. way方式;方法;B. approach方法;C. manner方式;D. access接近(的机会);使用之权。access to接近,有权使用;进入,通向……的路口。access to“有权使用;查阅(或使用)的机会(或权利),根据句意,故选D

30The two sides have finally reached a(n) _______ , though some small differences(分歧) still exist(存在).

Aannouncement Bagreement Camazement Dachievement




考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管仍存在一些小分歧,但双方最终达成了一致。A. announcement宣告;B. agreement一致;C. amazement惊愕;D. achievement成就。根据“though some small differences(分歧) still exist”可推知,此处表示达成一致,故B项正确。


