
发布时间:2020-03-14 17:00:00   来源:文档文库   


  1. clean and cleanly
  The bullet went clean through his arm. 子弹完全穿过了他的胳膊。
  I clean forgot about it. 我完全把这个事情忘了。(这里也可以翻成“我把这个事情忘得干干净净了”。看来中文和英文还是有共通之处啊!)
  That knife doesnt cut clean. 那把小刀切起来不利落。
  The desk was cleanly filed. 桌子被整理得干干净净。
  2. clear and clearly
  You see me clear. 你很透彻地看穿我。
  He disappeared clear away after the crime. 他犯罪后消失得无影无踪。
  Stand clear of the gate. 别靠近门。
  You should keep clear of that stupid guy. 你应该离那个蠢家伙远一点。
  Can you see it clearly? 你看得清楚吗?
  He is clearly wrong. 他明显错了。
  The moon shone clearly / clear. 月光明媚。
  He spoke clearly / clear and loudly / loud. 他说话清晰明朗。
  3. close and closely
  都听过莫文蔚的Close To You这首歌吧?那为什么不是Closely To You?就让我来解释一下这两个词的区别吧!
  He lives close to the school. 他住得离学校很近。
  Watch what I do closely! 仔细看我怎么做的!
  4. direct and directly
  The train goes there direct. 火车直接开到那儿。
  The next flight doesnt go direct to Rome. 飞机不直达罗马。
  He came direct to London. 他直接到了伦敦。
  Answer my question directly! 直接回答我的问题!
  She told me very directly and openly. 她直截了当地告诉我了。
  I will be there directly. 我马上就到。
  He should be here directly if you dont mind waiting. 如果您不介意等等,他马上就到。
  5. easy and easily
  Take it easy. 别着急,慢慢来。
  Go easy. 别着急。
  Easy come, easy go. 好来好散。
  Stand easy! 稍息!
  I finished it easily. 我一下子就搞定了。
  He is not easily satisfied. 他不容易满足。
  6. firm and firmly
  Stand firm. 站稳了啊。
  Always hold firm to what you believe. 坚持你所信仰的东西。
  7. high and highly
  aim high力争上游
  hold ones head high骄傲
  play high大赌注
  search high and low到处寻找
  run high激动
  fly high有雄心
  He spoke highly of her. 他大大赞美她。
  He paid highly for his stupid behaviors. 他为他做的蠢事付出了很高的代价。
  8. right and rightly
  He rightly guessed that you were not going there.
  He guessed right that you were not going there. 他猜对了,你不会去。
  If I remember right, you were my high school classmate. 如果我记得没错的话,你是我的高中同学。
  If Im rightly informed, I should be there right away. 如果消息没错的话,我得马上去。
  9. sharp and sharply
  At the crossroads, we turned sharp to the left. 我们在十字路口突然来了个左转。
  The road turns very sharply. 道路起伏不平。
  The violins were playing sharp 小提琴能演奏高音。
  Dont speak too sharply to themplease 请不要对他们说话过于尖刻了。
  10. slow and slowly
  slow作副词用的时候仅仅能用于go slow这样的搭配。其他情况都用slowly
  The workers decided to go slow. 工人们决定怠工一会儿。
  Speak slowly, please. 拜托您说慢点儿。
  Drive slowly when you are crossing the road. 过那条马路的时候开慢点儿。

 Sorry I didnt turn up —I _____ forgot. (clean, cleanly)
  Im afraid Im _____ out of food. (clean, cleanly)
  This pen writes _____ . (clean, cleanly)
  I cant see _____ without my glasses. (clear, clearly)
  The prisoner got _____ away. (clear, clearly)
  Come _____ ! I want to tell you some secrets. (close, closely)
  Shes _____ related to my family. (close, closely)
  The plan goes _____ from London to Houston without stopping. (direct, directly)
  Lets meet _____ after lunch; then Ill take you _____ to your room. (direct, directly)
  This is a sentence _____ quoted from Latin. (direct, directly)
  I _____ recommend it. (high, highly)
  He can jump really _____. (high, highly)
  Hes really ambitious; he aims _____. (high, highly)
  I _____ assumed that Henry wasnt coming. (right, rightly)
  Always hold _____ to your beliefs. (firm, firmly)
  Fix the post _____ in the ground. (firm, firmly)
  clean clean cleanly clearly clear close
  closely directly directdirectly directly highly
  high highly rightly firm firmly


1.Allen was walking quickly, but George was walking evenquicker.艾伦走得很快,但乔治走得更快

2.The men were quarreling loudly, but the policemenshouted louder.那些人在大声争吵着,但是警察  喊叫得更响。

3.The car went slower and slower until it came to a stand still.汽车走得越来越慢,最后停了下 来。

4.Let's see who can run quickest.我们来看看谁跑得最快。

5.We must look closer at the problem. 我们必须更加仔细地查看这一问题。



1.It all happened so quick that I could do nothing. 这一切发生得如 此之快以致于我手足无措无


2.It is impossible to overtake him; your car goes tooslow.不可能赶 上他了,你的车太慢了。

3.Don't talk so loud; the child is in bed now.别这样大声说话,孩子 已经睡了。


1.Come quick; we are waiting for you. 快来,我们在等你。

2.Drive slow; this part of the road is dangerous.车开慢一点,这段 路很危险。

3.The sun shines bright.阳光明媚。

4.When we left the shelter, the snow was falling thickand the wind was blowing cold.我们 离开那棚屋时,正下着大雪,刮着寒风。

5.Business is going strong.生意兴隆。


1.Take it easy.不要紧张。

2.Stand firm and hold it tight.站稳抓牢。

3.He often plays high.他赌注常下得很大。

4.The secretary copied the rough draft of her manager outfair.秘书 把经理那份粗潦的草稿很清 楚地誊写出来。

5.They were drinking deep in the fort deep into the night.他们在城 堡中痛饮到深夜。

         通过观察,以上三类词中第一类较易区别、掌握和使用。对于后两类词,在 判别使用哪一种副词形式时一 般可以考虑以下几个原则:第一是具体性与抽象 性的原则。在表示实实在在的物体活动、位置移动或具体可见 的状况和变化时, 常使用不带-ly的副词形式,如:climb highlive close byopen widesink deeptu rn sharp right;反之,具有抽象含义的动词常用以-ly结尾的副词, 如:think highly oflook closely intolove dearly等等。第二个原则就是常用固定搭配与灵活搭配的不同。 在一些固定词组或经常搭配使用 的词组中,不带-ly 的副词形式使用得很多, aim highrun highfight fairgoeasy withdrink de epsleep sound 等等。第三个原则是口语体与标准体的使用区别。如有人说"Speak loudly and clearly. "也有人说"Speak loud and clear."对此情况难说谁对谁错,只能 说前一种说法属于规范性语体;而后一种 说法属于口语体。不带-ly 的简单形 式是早期英语遗留下来的口语体形式。例如现在还有人说"I badneed t his sort of material."就如G.O.寇姆在〈英语句法〉(Syntax)一书中说过的,带-ly 的副词是标准语或 好的口语, 但在松散的口语和大众语中人们仍然坚持使用没 -ly的简单形式。  

       根据以上原则,可以解释为什么可以说"Don't talk so loud. "但必须说 "He protestedcomplained loudly"Talk loud 是常用的搭配形式,而且talk一词的形象也比较具 体;protestcomplain 则是搭配性 很强的词, 还常常和许多别的副词灵活 搭配, publiclysharplysecretly等等。另外,这两个词比tal k更具 感情色彩,所以也就更具抽象性。


