汽车服务行业存在的问题及策略 马彪

发布时间:2015-03-24 08:19:26   来源:文档文库   



所属系别 汽车工程学院

专业班级 12级汽车营销2


指导教师 王瑞红

撰写日期 2014 11




Automotive service industry has great development space, in recent years, the development of China's automobile service industry rapidly, but its development status compared with foreign countries there are still large gaps between the. The establishment of the standard system regardless of the automobile service industry or the automotive industry, can play to promote the healthy development of the service industry or the automotive industry action. The development of automobile service industry, to the diversification of network management is the inevitable trend, the chain will become a main body of the future of the automobile industry. With the gradual development of the automotive industry, the automotive service industry has been paid more and more attention. The World Trade Organization believes that nature, the characteristics of the service industry is the products can not be stored. Automotive service industry is the extension of business support in the automobile industry value chain between production and consumption, the basic business and the business. Automotive service industry including pre-sale, sale, after sale of car of the three services, according to the service object and content to the automotive service industry is divided into automobile marketing, automobile repair and maintenance, car decoration and beauty, automobile credit, car insurance, second-hand transactions and recovery, automobile driving training, according to the understanding of the information and data this paper will, for a more detailed analysis on the development of automobile service industry. The analysis in this paper to the demand of the market to adjust business strategy to provide accurate and scientific basis, so as to play a guiding role in the development of automobile service industry. Finally obtains the automobile service will be oriented to the market, diversification, chain, information technology, the pursuit of higher social value; and customer service as the core, the automotive aftermarket have been more rapid development!

Keywords: factors of automobile service industry, standardization, service marketing, influence, strategy

1 引言 1

2 汽车服务业的发展现状分析 1

3 我国汽车服务业的发展过程中存在的问题 2

3.1 行业基础薄弱 2

3.2 服务理念落后 2

3.3 综合素质不高 2

3.4 市场秩序混乱 3

3.5 服务能力不足 3

3.6 管理方式陈旧 3

3.7 外资的冲击 3

4 中国汽车服务行业逐渐走向成熟规范 4

5 汽车服务业必须多种机制并行 4

6 发展汽车服务业的建议和对策 5

6.1 审时度势,确立汽车服务业在今后区域经济中的战略地位 5

6.2 制订发展汽车服务业的规划 5

6.3 确定产业政策导向,鼓励汽车服务业项目到我省投资建设 6

6.4 应着力于加快服务网络建设,提高服务质量 6


《汽车服务行业存在的问题及策略 马彪.doc》
