
发布时间:2024-01-06 06:35:36   来源:文档文库   


导读:本文 职场英语:五个轻松增加工作活力的方法仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。
1. Engage in a quick conversation with a high-energy colleague. Their positive energy may refresh you. (Just be careful not to drag them down! 与精力充沛的同事进行短暂的交谈。他们积极的干劲会让你精神爽快。(只是要小心不要也把他们拖下水
2. Snack more! Having a healthy snack on hand, like a granola bar or fruit can help your blood sugar levels and may provide a healthy boost of energy. (Overeating will do the opposite and drag you down! Moderation is key! 多吃东西。健康的食品如格兰诺拉燕麦卷或水果可以帮助你提高血液里血糖含量,为你提供健康的能量。(吃得过度会得到相反效果并让你精力下降,关键是适度。
3. Exercise. If you know that your schedule does not allow for a visit to the gym today, find a way to move around during your day. Instead of sending an email to your coworker, walk to her desk.

It may be a good idea to take the stairs today, even though you're tired. But try to visit the gym tomorrow. People who exercise get more restful sleep and often feel more energized than those who don't
4. Drink water. "Hydration is critical," says Steven Masley, medical director of the Pritikin Longevity Center in Aventura, Florida. "If you don't hydrate, you're going to feel tired." The majority of your body is made of water; even a slight deficiency can rob you of your “oomph”! 喝水。“水是关键”,佛罗里达洲Aventura普林逖长寿中心医学主任Steven Masley说,“如果你不喝水,会感到疲劳”。你大部份的身体是由水分构成; 甚至一点点的缺水都会让你精力溜走。

5. Plan a vacation or a staycation. Whether you leave town for a day or a week, having something fun to look forward to will excite you and stimulate energy. Plus, if you're reading this, you could probably use a


