
发布时间:2020-05-24 09:39:46   来源:文档文库   


Writing Part 笔试部分


1.A. phone B. desk C. chair D.bed

2.A. room B. kitchen C. bedroom D.bathroom

3.A. key B. he C. she D.they

4.A. in B. on C.under D.no

5.A. fridge B. table C. sofa D.shelf



1.Where are the keys? _____

A. They are in the door. B. It's in the door. C. We are in the living room.

2.Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? _______

A. Yes, it isn't. B. No, he's in the kitchen C. Yes, she is.

3.The lamp is _____ the desk.

A. on B. in C. under

4.Are they in the door? _________

A. No, they aren't. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, it is.

5.How many English books do you have? _____________

A. I have 9. B. I can see 10 . C. Yes, I do.

6.The dog is _____ the chair,

A. in B. under C. in

7.Are they ____ the door? Yes, they are.

A. in B. under C. on

8.Who's he? ________

A.She is Bai Ling. B. He's Zhang Peng. C.It's a book.


1. Is she in the study? A. It's on the desk.

2.Is this your bedroom? B. No, they aren't.

3.Where's my pen? C.No, it isn't.

4.Are they on the chair? D.Yes, she is.

5.Where are my books? E.They are on the bed.


1. is house It a nice


2. big my room is


3. are the on table They


4. is Where your book?


5. classroom your What's in



( ) Are they on the table?

( ) OK!

( ) Open the door, please!

( ) Look! They are in the door!

( ) No, they aren't.

( ) Where are the keys?


Hello! Welcome to my home.

I have two bedroom, a living room, a kitchen, a study and a bathroom. In my bedroom, there is a small bed. In the living room, there is a chair, a desk and a TV. In the study, there are two shelves and a desk. I read books in the study.

I like my room.

( ) 1. I have three bedrooms.

( ) 2. The TV is in the living room.

( ) 3. I have six rooms.

( ) 4. I have a big bed in my bedroom.

( ) 5. The computer is in the study.

: 选择正确的答案写在前面的括号里. 10

( )1: 你想要一些果汁,你该用英语说:

A: I like some juice. B: I’d like some juice.

( )2:你向别人提供帮助,你会说:

A: Can I help you ? B: can you help me?

( )3: What ____you like for dinner?

A: would B: are

( )4: ____ I have some rice?

A: do B: can

( )5: we___ a good time.

A: has B: had

、选择正确的答案,把序号写在( )里。(10分)

1-- your sister? ---She is a student.

AWho’s BWhat’s CWhat

2-- that girl? ---She is my friend.

AWho’s BWhat’s CWho

3-- his name? ---His name is ZhangPeng.

AWho’s BWhat’s CWho

4He is a baseball player. He looks .

Astrong Bthin Cyoung

5They are members in my family. There are my dad,my mom and .

A2 ; me B3; me C3; I



1How many pears are there

under the tree?

( )2Who are they?

( )3Who’s this man?

( )4What's your grandma?

( )5Is this your brother?

十、 阅读理解,判断句子的正误,对的写T”,错的写F”。(10分)

Look at my family photo. This is my father. He’s a teacher. He’s tall. He likes sports. This is my mother. She’s a teacher, too. She likes reading. This is my brother.He’s a baseball player. He’s strong. I love my family.

1My parents are teachers.

2My father likes sports.

3My mother likes music.

4My brother is tall and strong.

5There are four people in my family.


