
发布时间:2019-03-17 19:16:35   来源:文档文库   




( )26.—Don’t run in the hallways.


A. Yes, I do B. Sorry, Ms. Clark

C. Thank you. D. Certainly’

( )27.—English is very __________. You must learn it well.

--You are right.

A. interesting B. easy C. hard D. important

( )28. The sea turtle is ________. We should try our best to save them.

A. dangerous B. scary C. in danger D. scared

( )29.—Many people will take part in 2018 Wuhan Marathon on April 15th. Do you ______

the event?

--I’m afraid I have no interest in it.

A. follow B. agree C. make D. see

( )30. The two cats ______ the fish. Then a third cat comes and runs away with the fish

A. fight against B. fight for C. fight with D. fight back

( )31.—Gould you please ______ the window open for a while? The room is very hot now.

--Sure, I will do it.

A. keep B. put C. save D. cut

( )32. There are many _______ animals in the Zoo. But some animals are _____ scary.

A. kind of ; kind of B. kind of; kinds of

C. kinds of; kinds of D. kinds of ; kind of

( )33. Dr. Know wants to put his new ideas into _________. Nobody can stop him

A. plan B. practice C. forget D. protection

( )34.—Dave, why don’t you hand in your homework?

--Sorry, Mr. Smith. Because I ________ my homework and _______ it on my bed.

A. leave, forget B. forget; forget C. forger; leave D. leave; leave

( )35.—Must I give it back today?

--No, you _________. You can have the book till next week.

A. can’t B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. don’t need

( )36.—I won’t have a cigarette, thanks. And I’m trying to _______.

--Your habit is so good. I should learn from you.

A. cut down B. come down C. put down D. sit down

( )37. My mother makes it a ________ to take the dog for a walk in the park every morning.

A. mistake B. order C. rule D. show

( )38.—Mom, I can’t find my key. Can you ______ in your bag for your key?

--Bad luck. I can’t find mine , either.

A. ride B. arrive C. get D. feel

( )39.—How does Tina get to school?


A. She goes to school by his father’s car B. She takes his father’s car to school

C. She goes to school on his father’s car D. She by car to school with his father

( )40.--_________

-- Australia.

A. Where is koalas from? B. Where are koalas come from?

C. Where do koalas from? D. Where do koalas come from?


A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house. When they went out, they always 41

the dog inside the house.

One evening they want 42 to the cinema, 43 they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their garden gate. And then they to there 44 their car. When the film finished, they came back home. They opened the 45 and put the car away. But when they

came to the front door, they found that part of the lights 46 and the door was broken. The door was unlocked and half-opened. A robber! They go in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see 47 things the robber had taken. But everything was in the 48 place and nothing at all is 49 .

The dog is sleeping in the sitting room on the floor. The lady is 50 the dog. "Why

didn't you 51 the house?" she said. The dog is 52 to see its owners(主人). It began to wag(摇摆)its tail and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up(捡起)something in its 53 . It went to the lady and 54 the thing at her feet. When the lady went to pick it up, she gave a scream (尖叫) .Can you guess what the dog's present(礼物)was? It was... a... man's 55

( ) 41. A. let B. forget C. leave D. remember

( ) 42. A. walk B. walking C. go D. to go

( ) 43. A. also. B. so C. or D. because

( ) 44. A. by B. on. C. in D. at

( ) 45. A. door B. gate. C. house D. car

( ) 46. A. at B. in. C. on D. of

( ) 47. A. when B. where. C. that. D. what

( ) 48. A. right B. left. C. wrong D. good

( ) 49. A. missing. B. going. C. leaving D. closing

( ) 50. A. afraid B. angry. C. worried D. scared

( ) 51. A. have B .keep C. see D. look

( ) 52. A. sad B. pleased C. quick D. clever

( ) 53. A. tail B. let C. hand D. mouth

( ) 54. A. eats. B. has. C. drops D. gives

( ) 55. A. head B. finger C. heart D. teeth

四、阅读理解(15 x 2’


My name is Anna . I live with my mother and brother. I don’t want my brother to play with

my toys, and my brother is unhappy. So we don’t play with each other. My mother finds this

and tells us to make some rules. We both agree with Mom’s idea. We talk about the rules

together. Then we find some paper and write the rules on it . Here are the rules at home:

No fighting . Be friendly to everyone.

Say “please” and “thank you”.

Play with the toys together.

Don’t leave the dirty things everywhere . Keep the house clean.

Don’t make any noise while doing homework and sleeping

After that, when my brother plays with my toys, he always says “thank you” to me. And

my brother and I often clean our house on Saturdays, so we can live in the clean house now.

I like these rules.

( )56. Why is Anna’s brother unhappy?

A. Because Anna doesn’t follow the rules.

B. Because Anna doesn’t let him play with her toys.

C. Because he has a fight with Anna.

D. Because he doesn’t have any toys.

( )57. Who make(s) these rules?

A. Anna’s mother B. Anna’s brother and his mother

C. Anna and her mother D. Anna and her brother

( )58. Which is Not the rule that they make?

A. They need to do the dishes together after meals.

B. They can’t have a fight

C. They need to play with the toys together

D. They can’t keep the house dirty.

( )59. What does the phrase “agree with” mean in Chinese?

A.理解 B. 实现 C.同意 D.拒绝

( )60. What can we mainly learn from the passage?

A. Kids should be friendly with others.

B. Children should listen to their mother’s words

C. All the family should have family rules.

D. Rules are useful to people.


A farmer had a cowHe took very good care of this cow and one day when it was illhe is

very worriedHe telephoned the vet

"What's the problem"The vet asked him when he arrived

"My cow's ill"the farmer said"I don't know what's the matter with herShe's lying

down(躺下) and won't eatShe's making a strange noise"

The vet looked over the cow"She's certainly ill"he said"and she needs to take some

very strong medicine"

He took a bottle out of his boxput two pills into his hand and said"Give her theseThe

pills should make her better"

"How should I give them to her"the farmer asked

  The vet gave him a tube (管子)and said"Put this tube in her mouththen put the pills in the tube and blow(吹).That'll make it"

  The next day the vet came to the farm againThe farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried

"How's your cow"the vet asked

"No change"the farmer said"and I'm feeling very strange myself"

"Oh"the vet said"Why"

"I did what you said"the farmer answered"I put the tube in the cow's mouth and then put two pills down it"

"And"the vet asked

"The cow blew first"the farmer said

( )61In the storythe vet must be______

Athe farmer's friend Ba milk factory

Ca hospital for cows. Da doctor for animals

( )62The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow_______

Acan't lie down Bdon't eat the pills

Ccan't make any noise. Dis ill

( )63What medicine did the vet give the farmer

AA bottle of pills BA long tube CTwo pills DA small box

( )64The vet taught the farmer how___

Ato blow the tube

Bto make the cow take the pills

Cto take the medicine

Dto put the tube in his mouth

( )65Which of the following is TRUE

AThe farmer ate the pills himself

BThe cow got better after taking the medicine

CThe vet came to help farmer change the cow the next day

DThe farmer waited for the vet outside his house the next day


Dick lived in EnglandOne day in January he said to his wife"I'm going to fly to New

York next week because I've got some work there""Where are you going to stay there"his

wife asked"I don't know yet"Dick answered"Please send me your address from there in a telegram(电报),"his wife said"All right"Dick answered

He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the cityHe puts

his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegramHe put the address of his hotel in it

In the evening he didn't have any workso he went to a cinemaHe came out at nine

o'clock and says"Now I should return to my hotel and have a nice dinner"

He finds a taxi and the driver says"Where do you want to go"But Dick doesn't

remember the name and address of his hotel

"Which hotel are my things in"he said"And what am I going to do tonight"But the

driver of the taxi did not knowSo Dick got out and went into a post officeThere he sends

his wife another telegramand in it he writes" Please send me my address at this post office.” ( )66Dick flew to New York because______

Ahe went there for a holiday Bhe had work there

Che went there for sightseeing(观光) D. his home was there

( )67Why did his wife want a telegram from him

ABecause she doesn't know his address yet

BBecause she wanted to go to New Yorktoo

CBecause she may send him another telegram

D. Because she can’t leave her husband by himself in New York

( )68. Where does Dick stay in New York?

A. In the center of the city B. In a hotel

C. In a restaurant D. At his friend’s house

( )69. Who will send him the name and address of his hotel?

A. The manager(经理) of his hotel B. The police office

C. The taxi driver. D. His wife

( )70Which of the following is NOT true

ADick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city

BDick didn't work on the first night of his arrival

CDick forgot to send his wife a telegram

D. Dick wants to to back to his hotel in a taxi.


71. my brother is playing games with his friends there, and it’s very _________(noise)

72. I like _________ because they are interesting.(giraffe)

73. My father keeps working for 12 hours, and he needs to get some ________. (sleep)

74. It’s their dream __________ a library. (have)

75. I’m _________ sorry that my son breaks your vase.(terrible)

76. After dinner, I can’t feel ________ either. I must read a book before I can watch TV. (relax)

77. Jerry, can you help me do the _________ now? (dish)

78. It usually _________ me two hours to do my homework every day. (take)

79. I love my teacher. He’s _________ a father to me. (like)

80. he often practices _________ English with his classmates. (speak)


Mr. Smith worked in a company. He had neither a wife nor a child. And he l 81 in an old

house alone(独白). He liked nothing but drinking. He almost s 82 all of his money on drinks.

One eveningMr. Smith m 83 a friend of his the street. The man asked him to have dinner

in a restaurant. He is happy and d 84 a lot. When they finished the meal, Mr. Smith can hardly

(几乎不)walk. His friend had to s 85 a taxi and asked the driver to take him home. Soon the

taxi a 86 at the door of his house. With the help of the driver, he got out."Thank you, sir”,said Mr. Smith. "And I can open the door by m 87 .” The taxi driver then goes a 88 . But Mr. Smith couldn't put the key into the keyhole. He tried many times, but fails(失败). At that time, a policeman passes(经过) there."Can I help you o 89 the door, sir?" asked the policeman.

"Thank you," said Mr. Smith. "My house is circling(转动) now. If you can stop it from m 90 I can open the door by myself.

81. l_________ 82. s__________ 83. m___________ 84. d__________ 85. s__________

86. a_________ 87. m_________ 88. a___________ 89. o__________ 90. m__________










提示词:动物表演:animal show; .伤害; hurt; 垃圾: litter


七年级 英语试卷部分答案


26—30 B D C A B 31—35 A D B C C 36—40 A C C B D


41—45 C D B C B 46—50 C D A A B 51—55 D B D C B


56—60 B A A C D 61—65 D D C B C 66—70 B A B D C


71. noisy 72. giraffes 73. sleeping 74. to have 75. terribly

76. relaxed 77. dishes 78. takes 79. like 80. speaking


81. lives 82. spends 83. meets 84. drinking 85. stop

86. arrives 87. myself 88. away 89. open 90. me




