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励志之于成功的作用,不是也不应是卑俗、残忍行为的堂皇理由。店铺分享初中英语励志小短文带翻译,希望可以帮助大家! 初中英语励志小短文带翻译:永不止步Never Stop Reaching It is only when a seed grows that it can produce more seeds. It is only when you express joy and satisfaction in your own life that you can help others to know joy and satisfaction in their lives. 种子只有在生发时,才能结出更多的种子;你只有在自己的生命中表现快乐和满足时,能帮助他人懂得其生活中的快乐和满足。
Its no use making yourself miserable for the sake of helping others. The best way to help others is from a position of strength and fulfillment rather than from a position of weakness and despair. 为帮助他人而使你自己痛苦是没用的,帮助他人的最佳方式是立于坚强和实现目标的意志,而不是软弱和绝望。
The goals, dreams and desires you have are yours for a reason. They are there to show you and force you to make the most of your life. 你的目标、梦想和愿望理应属于你,它们的存在告诉并且敦促你充分把握利用好自己

It is not selfish to be your very best. Whats truly selfish is to let your huge potential go unrealized. 你力求成为最佳不是自私,真正的自私是让你巨大的潜能悄然消逝,不为人知。
What have you always wanted to know, always wanted to have,duanwenw.com always wanted to do, and always wanted to be? It is never too late to honestly answer this question, and to answer it with all the colorful details and passion that it deserves. 你一直想懂得什么、一直想拥有什么、一直想做什么、一直想成为什么样的人?诚实地回答这个问题,用丰富的细节和激情回答它,犹未为晚。
The answer to that question is your truly beautiful and unique gift to life. Never stop reaching for the best you can imagine; for when you fulfill your highest potential, you raise the whole world with you. 对那个问题的回答是你给生命的真正美丽又独特的馈赠,尽自己的所能永不停止地力求最好;因为,一旦你发挥出自己的最高潜能,你不但提升了自己,还提升了整个世界。
初中英语励志小短文带翻译:幽默的治疗作用The healing power of humor A funny bone could be a lifesaver. Besides, it makes lifes adversities easier to handle.



