whose 在定语从句中的用法

发布时间:2018-06-28 00:43:38   来源:文档文库   

whose 在定语从句中的用法

whose 是定语从句中一个常用的关系代词,表\" …… \"之意;它可以指\"人的\",也可以指\"物的\";既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。

〖思维一〗whose + n . 可作主语,宾语,功能与 which , whom (who )相同。如:

Mr King , whose legs were badly hurt , was quickly taken to hospital .

The boss in whose department Mr King worked had heard about the accident .

〖思维二〗whose 既可引导限制性定语从句,又可引导非限制性定语从句。如:

My uncle whose office we have just passed , is a lawyer . 我的叔叔是个律师,刚才我们经过他的办公室

Once there was a wise king whose name was Alfred . 从前有一个叫阿尔弗雷德的英国国王。

〖思维三〗whose 代指\"……\",既可以指人,也可以指物。如:

Look at the building , whose roof is white . 看那栋楼,楼顶的颜色是白的。

The girl lives in the house , whose windows face south . 那个女孩住在这所房子里,房子的窗户是朝南开的。

〖思维四〗whose 表所属关系指物时,可与 of which 转换,词序一般是:名词+ of which

Look at the building , the roof of which ( = whose roof )is white .

The girl lives in the house , the windows of which ( = whose windows )face south .

〖思维五〗whose 不可与 of which (whom )转换的情况。

of 不具有\"所属\"含义时,(如在 hear of , be proud of , be fond of , be full of 等短语中,of 均不表\"所属\"关系),只能用 of which (whom) which (whom , who )… of ,切不可盲目用 whose 。如:

Mary has been married to a scientist of whom you may have heard . (… < who / whom > you may have heard of … .) 玛丽嫁给了一位科学家,你可能听说过这个人。

She has a clever boy of whom she is proud .她有一个为之骄傲的聪明儿子。

〖思维六〗whose 在定语从句中,有\"所属\"含义,一般不再与其它限定词罗列使用。

whose \"所属\"含义时,其本身就是一个限定词,相当于 one\'s (具体讲是:my , his , her ,

its , our , your , their …),而限定词不可罗列在一起使用, whose 也不例外。如:

John , of whom my aunt is a distant cousin by marriage , comes to see us sometimes . 约翰有时来看看我们,他是我姑姑的一个远房亲戚。


《whose 在定语从句中的用法.doc》
