
发布时间:2023-09-28 18:12:49   来源:文档文库   

种语言的学习使用最多的还是口语,英语的学习根本目的也是为了能够达到沟通交流无障碍,英语口语是英语能力中最重要的技能之一,掌握英语日常口语交流是非常必要的,接下来WTT在这里给大家带来关于简单经典英语句子,希望对你有所帮助! 1.Man errs as long as he strives 失误是进取的代价。Goethe歌德
2.The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。Mark Twain(美国作家马克?吐温
3.The passing years steal from us one thing after another逝去的年华从我们这偷走一样又一样东西。Horace 贺拉
4.Life is a interwoven by struggles between Love and Fear人的一生就是在爱与恐惧之间挣扎时交织出的画面。
5.We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无穷的。 Mattin Luther King 马丁 · 路德 · 金
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6.The imagination imitates It is the critical spirit that creates想象是模仿,批判的精神才具有创造力。Oscar Wilde 奥斯卡·王尔德
7.Life is a gift we and everyday生活是一份我们每日都收到的礼物。
8.Life is a journey to experience to learn and to enjoy生活是不断经历学习和享受的旅程。
9.Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness ----Herber 爱情要求忠诚,而忠诚则要求坚定。
10.Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed成功常常取决于知道需要多久才能成功。Charles Montesquieu(法国思想家孟德斯鸠
11.Every day of thy life is a leaf in thy history生命中的一天就是你历史上的一页。
12.Everyone has his inherent ability (power or capacity? which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness (or inertia? 每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所粉饰,被时光所迷离,被惰性所消磨
13.Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival不惜一切代价夺取 2 8


