多人剧英语剧本 英语四人短剧《The Blood of cet4》绝对经典 - 原创

发布时间:2020-04-06 10:59:42   来源:文档文库   

The Blood of CET'4


(道具:桌子 馒头三个)


A: waiterwaiter

D You come, my dear brother (笑脸状)

A: Do you have any beef?

D: No beef

A: do you have any wine?

D: no wine.

A: Do you have any rice

D: no rice

A: you can have this (学赵本山)

D: I really don't have this

A: kao! what do you have? (愤怒惊讶状)

D: bread. Do you want some ?

A: ok, i am dying of starvation

D: here


A: heihei, have you seen this book? 拿出一本书,写着四级答案大字

D: wow!!眼睛睁得特大 !!! where did you get it?

A. I GET IT FROM MY MOTHER'S brother's sisiter's aucle's,,,,

D: stop !!! Can I have a look?

A: It seems that you are a talent, I have to sell it !

D: WOW!!

A: only ten Yuan!! And I will give you a present in addition!

D: are you sure, sir?


D: so easy!!! Thank godness, i can pass the Band four Examination!!不付钱,狂跑

A: baby, you forget to pay it ,,baby ,,,


B: wow! the bread looks so delicious! Im hungry now!

C: waiter! How nice the bread is! I have been finding it all the morning. Could you give it to me?

D: I tell you a secret. I have the answer to Band Four Examination for this year

B: give it to us.

C: if you give me the , my mother father brother sister and I will thank you forever!!

D: how much money do you have?


C: is one Yuan enough?

D: are you making fun?? Go home and ask your mother to give you

B: Im angry now! !! Go and fight!!!(转过头 shibaluohan!!!!!

D: who are you? Where are shi ba luohan??

B: my name is shi ba!

C: my name is luohan !

B: The road is built by me (踩凳子)

C: and I planted a tree (踩凳子)

B: if you want to go by this street (准备踩凳子 但是发现没地方踩 于是踩C的脚,C大叫,受伤)

B: give us all your BOOKS!

D: do you think I will afraid of you? I am the master of kungfu!


D set him free. Don't move

C: I Want a BMW


C: I want Benz

D: No Benz

C: I want Toyota

D: No Toyota

C: I ...I want an ambulance

D: OK , ambulance.

C: Yes!!!

D:Show me your student"s card.

B shut,,,,you fool us!!

A 哎。。The answer is mine. Why do you all want it

A: since you asked sincerely 既然你诚心诚意的发问了

B: Let me tell you generously 那我就大发慈悲的告诉你

C:To prevent students from been destroyed 为了防止学生被摧残

ABC: To make a peaceful world (ABC三人说:为了维护世界的和平)


D If you want it ,you can make a bet with me

B放开A,两人装神秘走着,然后用脚做捡到锤子布,前两次相同,第三次B赢了,拿着班旗披在背上庆祝胜利I am wining,,I am wining.......然后对着观众道: Thank tv ,thank cctv, thank for your belief on me.I think i own much my success to all of you,,

ACD排成两行,像升国旗一样, A拿着答案,CD一起走正步,三人唱婚礼进行曲,

A d ,do you want to give the answer of cet'4 to d , for richer for poorer ,foe betterand forworse,,till death us do part

B: yes i do

A: d do you want to get the anwser feom b, for richer for poorer ,,,,,,,,do part

D: yes i do

A 颁给B,B翻开一看,大叫

SHUT ,,,its the answer last year,,,,,,



《多人剧英语剧本 英语四人短剧《The Blood of cet4》绝对经典 - 原创.doc》
