
发布时间:2020-03-14 17:23:43   来源:文档文库   

Aren't You Glad 你难道不开心?

Are you Gonna Go My Way 你在重蹈我的覆辙吗?

*Something Stupid 愚蠢的事

Better Man ޓ好男人

We Will Rock You 我们来摇滚

Crying in the Rain   在雨中哭泣

Smoke Gets in Your Eyes  烟雾迷蒙你的双眼

゚゚・ Broken Dreams 破碎的梦

Nothing Ever Happened  什么都不曾发生

without you 没有你

Private Love  私有爱情

Mr. Lonely 孤独先生

when We Say Goodbye  当我们说再见

Bohemian life / 放荡不羁的生活

Endless nights 无尽的夜晚

take your love away 带走你的爱

Heart Only For You  心只有你

Never doubt My love  永远不要怀疑我的爱

Lose control. 失控

Torn Between Two Lovers  间接翻译为 爱的折磨


Silent All These Years 这些年的沉默

I'm Still Waiting 我仍在等待

Love Unlimited 无限的爱

Tranquil Eye -° 平静的眼神

Where The Story Ends 故事将在哪里结束

Do You Really Care 你真的在乎吗


I will always love you 我将永远爱你

The damn injury 这该死的伤害


Not humble love 没有卑微的爱情

Love is see blood sealing throat 爱是见血封喉

Mouthful of nonsense 全是废话

Has become in the past 已成为过去

Break our happiness 破碎了我们的幸福

Memories of you 关于你的记忆

Hysterical laughter 歇斯底里的大笑

You ruined everything 你毁了所有

Shut up bitch! 贱货 、闭嘴

shit just clownindogg 只是玩的,笨蛋

To drop bombs 引爆全场

A normal life is boring 一个平凡的人生是无聊的

love you more than myself 爱你胜过我自己

love you as a whole world 爱你把你当做我的整个世界

love you until the world end 爱你直到世界的尽头

Love you unconditionally 无条件爱你 

ˉTears illusion 眼泪的错觉

please forget me 请忘了我

choose to forget you 选择忘了你

Don't doubt my love 不要怀疑我的爱

stay away from me 你滚。

get away from me 离我远点

I'm crazy for you 为你疯了

stand by my side 陪在我身边

I remember years ago 我仍记得很多年以前

You have won 你赢了

All my scars are open 绽裂的伤痕

Falling out of love 从爱中抽身而出

Empty promises will wear 空洞的承诺会消失殆尽

Building faith on love 把爱情当做信仰

In this world, you are my heart 这世界,你就是我的心

Rest in the Hope 还有希望

Mad About You 为你疯狂

Forget To Begin 忘了去开始

End Of May 五月末

love the way you lie 爱你说谎的方式

Dont come any Closer 不要再靠近我了

the second you chose her 你再次选择了她

Can't Go Back there Again 回不到过去了

Don't wanna see you anymore! 不想再见到你

A desolate heart 心里荒芜一片

You go back on your promise. 你食言了

Cried my eyes out 泪流不止

Head over heels for her. 为她神魂颠倒

Let it be 顺其自然

Don't Wear your heart . 不要轻易流露感情

Meet by accident 不期而遇

A bad mood. 坏情绪

I dream of you 我梦见了你

deadline kills vow过期的誓言

He left in great haste. 他匆匆离开了

There's no turning back. 已经无法挽回了

Dismissive of you 对你不屑一顾

I'm all over you. 我是对你着迷了

Nasty about everyone.对所有人厌烦

Stop fanning the flames. 别再煽风点火了


Bury your head in the sand. 逃避现实

play soundI have had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话

I'm fed up• 我厌倦了

Go TO HELL 去死吧

Guide you to the light 我想带着你走向光明

Don't acknowledge my smile 不需回应我的微笑

you give me so many butterflies 你让我意乱情迷

Til the end of time直到天荒地老

You are nothing to me 你对我来说什么都不是

You're not here with me 你不在我身边

I'm so tired of being alone 我厌倦了孤独

I just wanna touch you 我只想触摸到你 

I can feel you near me 我能感觉你就在我身边

GET Over Yourself 别自以为是了

Don't let them see your weakness 不要让他们看见你的软弱

Are You Kidding Me 你在玩我么

just kidding ☼ 我只是玩笑

someday love will find you 终有一天 爱将会找到你

Your Hugs Are My Favourite 你的拥抱是我的最爱

Lost In dreams And Reality 在梦想和现实中迷失了

each other as know in the arena 相濡以沫不如相忘江湖

Love Is Patient 爱情病患

Too Emotional 太感性 

Too Rational 太理智 

The Memory of the past 过去的回忆

The Deep love about you 对你的深爱

Helpless To Start 无奈重新开始

Back Is Always Sad 回头将是悲伤

I said i Don't care 我说我不在乎

But you barely Care 其实你一点不在乎

Can't Touch 无法企及 
Within Reach 触手可及 

End up 告终
Deviate From 别离 

I have loved you 曾经爱过你
You don't love me 你不爱我 

Take my breath away 带走我的呼吸

To stop my heartbeat 停止我的心跳

Promise Me 承诺我

Believe Me 相信我

you're so Vain 你如此虚荣

You are so False 你如此虚伪

And when she danced 当她起舞的时候

Aad when he ecstasy 当他入迷的时候

Cross my heart 我发誓

Cross your listent 你发誓 

Happy ever after 从此以后快乐

To try to Happiness 试着幸福

The way you love me 你爱我的方式

The way you lie to me 你说谎的方式

I don't want you to go 我不想让你走

I can't hold you back 我留不住你

Are you ready for love 准备好去爱了么
I am fall in love 已经深陷爱中 

Could this be love 可能这就是爱

The lover in me 心中恋人

Crazy For You 
Mad About You 为你疯狂。

Where do broken hearts go 破碎的心该何去何从

Know you won't see me cry 你看不到我哭泣

Dear dear *
Honey honey * 

Say hello to morning 

Say hi to daynight 

Deep red fall season
Season the deep experience 季节深处的落红

With the green eyes
Covered with green eyes 铺满眼眶的绿

Summer insect voice 

Summer cicada calls 夏季的蝉声

Brushed ear warmer

The warm breeze ear 拂过耳际的暖

Still fresh in living memory
To remember vividly 记忆尤新

The First light of Morning
The First gleams of Day 曙光

Dear dear *
Honey honey * 

Say hello to morning 

Say hi to daynight 

Floating Dream 浮梦

Frustrated 失落 

Liberation 解脱 

Borders moved 时迁

A Monologue 独白

Redundant 多余 

Willing To Give Up 舍弃

The wound 伤口 

Trapped Beast 困兽

Small whispers 小情话 

Once Hiding In 曾躲在 

Accustomed To 习惯了。

Not To Feel At Ease 心不安。

Ignorance 无知。

Reluctantly 勉强。

Force Back. 逼退。

To struggle 争扎。

Wanna Hold Me 想牵制我 

Can't Read My 猜不透 

Don't Spell My Name 别拼写我的名字

He's got me like nobody 没有人像他那样如此地吸引我

I wanna roll with him 我想要和他在一起

A hard pair we will Be 我们会是无可比拟的一对 

Won't Tell u that I love you 我不会告诉你我爱你

He's a good catch 他是理想的对象

Bluffing with 虚张声势

You make my eyes burn 你耀眼到将我灼伤

Caught up in the game   成了游戏中的Loser

Promise you'll remember that 答应我 你会永远记得

Stole you out of my life   把你从我的生活中偷走

It's All Destined 一切都是命中注定

Walking lonely pedestrian 行走的孤独路人

One moment touch the sky 触摸到天空的瞬间

 Trouble maker 麻烦制造者

Sunshine poured to the city 日光倾城

See a Little Light 看见微弱的光亮

He's got me like nobody 没有人像他那样如此地吸引我

I wanna roll with him 我想要和他在一起

Won't Tell u that I love you 我不会告诉你我爱你

He's a good catch 他是理想的对象

Stole you out of my life   把你从我的生活中偷走

You make my eyes burn 你耀眼到将我灼伤

Walking lonely pedestrian 行走的孤独路人

It's All Destined 一切都是命中注定


