
发布时间:2020-05-17 13:27:40   来源:文档文库   













1. Surprised/surprising

be surprised to do sth. 对做某事感到惊讶

be surprised at sth. 对……感到惊讶

We are ________at the _________ news. (surprise)

He is surprised _________(hear)the news.

He is surprised _________the news.

Stop doing sth. 停止做某事

Stop to do sth. 停下手中的事去做另一件事

1. If you want to keep healthy you must______ ______. (停止吸烟)

2.Class begins. Please stop ___________.(停止讲话)

3.Class is over. Lets ________ ________ have a rest.(让我们停下来休息一会儿)

2. 补全短文

Justin and Paul get a call from their friend Susan. They _______ Hill Building quickly. They __________ their car at once. They ask three men in police uniform if they see the robbers. They dont answer. They just ____ the twins into the back of a green van and drive away. Now the twins know that the three men are ______. Paul ______ open the door but _____. He uses a knife and tries again. It _____. They decide to ___________________ to the police station. When the van stops at the ___________, Justin and Paul jump out of the van and _______ quickly. They meet at the police station and report to a policeman. Suddenly, Paul ____________. He is __________ see three robbers in the police station. They laugh happily.




1. He told the police about the four (rob).

2. Justin (drive) to school every day.

3. Simon told us (turn) left at the traffic lights.

4. The police (catch) them in the end.

5. Lets run to the police station on (five) Street.

6. My mother asked me (open) the windows quickly.

7. The students stopped (talk) when they saw their teacher.

8. What about (take) another route?

9. The boy tried (run) away.

10. It (mean) that we can study at the same time.


1. Shall we read the story together? read the story together?

2. He used a knife to open the box.. He the box a knife.

3.Millies friend called: Help! Help! on the phone.

Millies friend her help on the phone.

4. They go to the station by car. They the station.

5. The baby was very happy when he saw his mother.

The baby was very happy his mother.

6. Be here early tomorrow.(否定)____________________________


1. 两个强盗跳出货车, 并且飞快地逃跑了.

The two robbers ,and quickly.

2. 凯特住在时代超市附近.Kate the Times Supermarket.

3. 保罗用他的刀打开了货车的后门.Paul .

4. 我哥哥叫我沿着四路街跑去警局.My brother asks Fourth Street

5. 向阳花园在动物园的东北.The Sunnyside Garden .

6. 我们走不同的路线去影剧院, 好吗?

Shall ?


