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文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. Jane Eyre in my eyes

Several years ago, when I was a little girl I have already read the novel Jane Eyre. At that time, I was attracted by the touching story. But today, after watching the movie, I was moved by Jane, the adamant, independent, brave and honest girl. Why did we say Jane was an adamant and independent girl? Lets look at her childhood. Her parents died when she was a little girl, so she was brought up by her aunt Mrs. Reed, an acute and ruthless woman. Jane led a very bad life in her house. They treated her as badly as a ragtag. But Jane didn’t surrender. Later, she was sent to Lowood schoolan orphan school. In there she didn’t get what she had been expecting——simply being regarded as a common person, just the same as any other girl around. Mr. Brocklehurste even asked Jane to stand on the chair and vilipended her in front of all the students. But Jane didnt yielded. And her only friend Helen died, Jane was very sad, but she was not depressive all the time. Instead, she studied and worked energetically. At last, she became a teacher of logwood, and later became the family teacher of Adele. From her experience, we could found that Jane was independent; she changed her fate by herself. She suffered more than other girls at her age. She was independent both in physically and mentally. 1word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.

文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. Jane was brave. She dared to say no to Mr. Brocklehurst, cut her beautiful hair with Helen, and pull the horse for Mr. Rochester. Whats more, she dared to accepted Mr. Rochesters love and pursuit of her own happy life. Though she said: Do you think because I am poor, obscure, and little. I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!I have as much soul as you-and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it was hard for you to leave me, as it is not for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh; it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as it both had passed through the grave, and we stood at Gods feet,. In her opinion, everyone is the same at the Gods feet. God hadn’t given her beauty and wealth, but instead, God gave her a kind mind and a thinking brain. These words expressed complete1y Jane s rebellious spiritShe told him her own feeling, and emphasized that they were equal. As we know, there was strict distinguish in social stratum at that time. Mr. Rochester was in the high society, but Jane was only a family teacher. They were in quite different social stratums. Whats worse, in that societypeople’s sense of love was on the basis of moneyFor the sake of money they could marry anyone even though the husband or the wife was an idiot on their eyes2word版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持.



