
发布时间:2020-05-13   来源:文档文库   

”Take your hand, walk forward together”, very familiar lyrics, isn’t it?
I’ve been in love with him for four years, and he is still implying us to marry. I said to him, superstitious, it all depends on the old man of the West Lake. He pretended to be angry, saying that it’s a liberal society now. It’s better to find a partner instead of being arranged by his parents, not being dominated by a matchmaker, and combining with someone he likes. He asked me if I liked him? 我害臊地说这怎么可以当面说,而且肯定喜欢的啊,要不然怎肯花那么多时间在一起?他略微满意地点了点
I’m ashamed to say how can I say it face to face, and I’m sure I like it. Otherwise, how can I spend so much time together? He nodded with a slight satisfaction. 有一次我们去喝咖啡,他来我家接我。车开到楼下,我盛装打扮地走了下去,他一见到我,就哈哈大笑起来,我还以为我的裙子穿反了,或者袜裤破了,连忙看了看自己,咦,没有啊,什么都没出乱子。于是我问他怎么了,为什么笑得那么起劲儿?
Once we went for coffee, he came to my house to pick me up. When the car came downstairs, I went down dressed up. When he saw me, he laughed. I thought my skirt was on the wrong side, or my socks and pants were broken. I hurriedly looked at myself, eh, no, nothing was wrong. So I asked him what was the matter, why did he laugh so hard? 他边笑边说:“现在这些小孩子真有趣,谈恋爱只会说些什么‘我好喜欢你啊’‘你酷酷的样子真帅’,而且还会做一些亲密动作,分手时还会大哭,有些要死要活的.都有,这种‘早恋’简直像在过家家!”
He said with a smile: “now these children are
really interesting. When they fall in love, they will only say” I love you so much “and” you are so cool and handsome “. They will also do some intimate actions. When they break up, they will cry a lot. Some of them have to die. This kind of” early love “is like a family reunion!”
I’m very serious to say that it’s not funny. Early love is a serious problem in our society. Early love will not only affect learning, but also affect physical and mental health, especially the psychological depression after lovelorn, resulting in great physical and mental damage. 他若有所思,平静地说:“也许,十几岁的青少年还不懂和恋人谈生活,谈人生悟出的道理……”
”Maybe teenagers don’t know how to talk about life with their lovers and the truth they have learned from life...” he said calmly
I’m right about that. He smiled and said, “well, let’s start talking.”
I don’t know how, suddenly a sour nose, fell on his shoulder, crying.


