
发布时间:2021-02-26 00:04:34   来源:文档文库   

美国留学套磁信 PHD 范文 6

以下是留学美国研究生套磁信范文, 由留学 e 网收集为大家提供套磁信范文 写作参考, 希望对大家有所帮助。 套磁在留学美国申请中非常重要, 尤其是准备 读 PHD 的同学。

1 Dear Professor ####:

I am very sorry to bother you and send this e-mail, but I really wish to contact you. I am a graduate student majoring in Condensed Matter Physics Theory in the Department of Physics, Beijing University (Beijing). I wish to pursue a doctoral degree in Physics at your University. My desired date of entrance is Fall, 2000. I have visited the homepage of the "Laboratory for Nanotech". I am writing this letter to you to introduce myself and query about the graduate programs at NCCNM. Thank you very much for reading this email.

Born on SEP 10, 1979, I entered Huazhong Univ. of Science and Technology (HUST) when I was 15 years old. I finished the four-year undergraduate program in three years and achieved my degree of B. Eng. (Optoelectronic Engineering) in June 1997 with the honor of "Outstanding Graduate". Then, I was admitted to the Graduate School of Beijing University at the Department of Physics. I will obtain my degree of M. S. (Physics) in June 2000. I have done much research work on the topics of mesoscopic physics, such as carbon nanotubes, persistent currents, Aharonov-Bohm geometric phase effects, electronic transport phenomena, etc. Such modern research topics attract me very much in that they are associated with both Condensed-Matter Physics and microelectronics, respectively my detail majors for M. S. and B. Eng.

I wish to say that I am indeed interested in the graduate programs at Physics Dept. of Princeton University, and I eagerly wish that I can join your research group. As I have also strong research interests on carbon nanotubes, I do believe that the doctorate-oriented study under your direction will be of great help to me. I wonder, however, whether you do theoretical or experimental research works? I wish to state that, although my current research topics on carbon nanotubes are theoretical, I can also do experimental research works, especially optical studies, due to my undergraduate major in Optics. I hope my solid background in both physics and engineering can meet your general requirements of entrance to Physics Department as a graduate with financial supports. I deem it a great honor to become a graduate of Princeton, if admitted.

Would you please consider my application and tell me whether it is possible for me to be enrolled as your graduate with financial supports? Thank you very much for your kind assistance. I am looking forward to receiving your reply.

My current address is:


Buildi ng Room

Uni versity

Beiji ng 100080

PeopI e's Rep ublic of Chi na

Tha nks!

Yours Sin cerely




Tha nk you for the email and your in terest in our research p rogram.

I am very in tersted in your app licati on and would like to hear more. Are you in terested in Fall 2000 or fall 2001? Certia niy for 2001 there should be no p roblem gett ing research supp ort, pro vided that your test scores, grades, etc. are acce ptable to the uni versity. For 2000, it would be a little tougher because of the short no tice, but might be arra nged un der sp ecial circumsta nces.

You asked about the n ature of research here. In the laboratory, stude nts gen erally couple calculatio ns with exp erime nt. We sp ecialize in sp ectrosc opic determi natio ns of transport and electro nic structure using sca nning p robes (STM and NSOM). To gain a detailed un dersta nding of this, ab in itio calculati ons must be comp ared with data. We have worked closely with J-C Charlier in Belgium, A. Rubio in Spain, and X. Blase in France using a variety of theoretical tech niq ues in clud ing tight binding for structural in formatio n and LDA of DFT for electr onics calcs.

Our tunn eli ng microsc ope is a low temp erature Besoke desig n copied from the Julich group. We are cap able of running at LHe temp eratures for good en ergy resolutio n. We are in the p rocess of con struct ing a n ear-field sca nning op tical microsc ope and a p hot on sca nning tunn eli ng microsc ope. These two new in strume nts should be on line around Dec.

Our group focus is to un dersta nd the qua ntum dyn amics and op tical res ponse of in dividual nano-systems like carb on nano tubes, B-doped nano tubes and filled nano tubes. Look for our latest p ublicati ons coming out in the n ext mon ths in P RL,

JMR, and Adva need Materials. The en tire group will also be at the MRS meet ing in Bost on.

We would be pl eased to con sider your app licati on for this year or n ext.


Professor of Physics

Prin cet on Uni versity


Dear P rofessor #######:

Tha nk you very much for your kind reply. I am sorry that duri ng the summer vacati on I cannot read and reply your email in time.

As stated in my first letter, my desired entrance date is in Fall of 2000. And I would like to p rovide my test scores. My TOEFL test score is 647 (Oct. 1997) with a TWE score of 5.0. My GRE test score is 2340 (Oct. 1996, V770 M800 A770). My GRE Subject score is 920 (Oct. 1998, P hysics). And I will take the TSE test in the coming August. And my un dergraduate and graduate GPA are both about 3.5 in 4.0, about top 10%-20% in my class.

I wish to make a n ote that duri ng my un dergraduate study I was quite young, and duri ng my graduate study I take many efforts to study the basic courses in P hysics by myself, which may be the reas on my GPAs are not in the top 5%. But now I believe that I have bee n quite familiar in the kno wledges of Physics, both the courses and the researches. So I hope that my test scores and grades are acce ptable to P ricet on with finan cial supp orts.

As to the research, I am very glad to lear n the research backgro und you p rovided in your letter. I am quite familiar with the works of X. Blase p ublished in PRL and AP L. I also know that J-C Charlier is a famous sp ecialist in this field. So p erha ps I could do theoretical research works in your group. Also, I am very glad to know that you have the n eeded main in strume nts for carb on nano tubes in your group, so that both theoretical and exp erime ntal works can be done.

I am pu zzled at the "MRS meet ing in Bost on" you men ti oned in your letter. What is the full-n ame of MRS? Is it a meet ing sp ecialized in nano-systems? I do research works on carb on nano tubes almost totally by myself, and p erha ps are not familiar with such fixed terms. Would you p lease exp lai n the contents of this meeti ng? Than ks. And you men ti oned that your latest p ublicati ons will come out in n ext mon ths in P RL. Would you p lease send me the p age nu mber of this paper in P RL, and if p ossible, the full text of this paper? The journal PRL reaches to Chi na very late, usually several mon ths to half a year after p ublished, and I don't have the acco unt to find the full-texts of PRL on-li ne.

I am look ing forward to recei ving your warmhearted reply.

Tha nks.

Yours sin cerely




Tha nk you aga in for your email. From the sounds of your scores and grades, you should have no p roblem en teri ng Prin cet on. I am quite familiar with the p rogram that you are in and have had several close frie nds that have bee n there at Beiji ng Uni versity .In fact, ####### was in graduate school with me and she was in the accelerated p rogram. She has done extremely well in the U.S. and after graduati on went on to do some first rate scie nee at a uni versity in California.

Si nee 2001 is your target date, I can beg in to arrange funding for a research assista ntsh ip for you. These are ni cer tha n teach ing assista ntsh ips because they allow you to focus only on your research. Naturally, you will not be obligated to acce pt should you find other op ti ons. However, I believe that you will be most welcomed here in my group.

You had asked about some of my p ublicatio ns, if you send me your address I can send preprin ts. They may take some time to get to China. You can find some of our work listed on our web site un der my cv. This is an incomp lete list but the PRL of last year is there and the latest has nt yet bee n released from the p ublishers.

We have bee n doing some in teresti ng thi ngs lately with topo logical defects on tube mani folds that you might like. We have rece ntly imaged nano tubes which exhibit a cha nge in chirality along the tube! Tunn eli ng sp ectra show that this p roduces subtle cha nges in the LDOS as p redicted in some of X. Blase's work. We have also beg un op tical studies on in dividual nano tubes using n ear-field sca nning op tical microsc opy and sp ectrosc opy. We are p articualry in terested in how the surface p lasm on resonan ces (gover ned by tube topo logy) effects the third order non li near susce ptability in these objects.

Tha nk you aga in for your in terest in our group. May I suggest that we kee p in con tact over the year. Let me know your p rogress and I will try to help with the app licati on p rocedures should you decide to join us.

Si ncerely


Dear Pro fesso,

My name is XXX, a P H.D can didate of XXX(un iversity).

I got your email address from the web and I am very in terested in your research field. This message is to ask for the in formatio n of the P H.D and Po stdoctoral p rogram of your group.

I have p ublished 5 pap ers(see the attachme nt for my paper list writte n by Latex conven ti on) since 1996, in cludi ng differe nt topi cs: Con trolli ng Chaos, Dyn amics, and Bio-membra nes. The two papers of Bio-membra ne were both fini shed in this year, one is to discuss the p atter n formatio n of p eriodic square texture(egg-art on) in Lipid bilayers; the other is to discuss the Comp lex vesicle un der the framework of the spontan eous rvature en ergy model.

I am also in terested in Poly mer dyn amics, DNA structure tran siti on and have read many related pap ers. In fact, I have started to do some calculati ons in this field.

Would you p lease to con sider my app licati on to join your group, esp ecially as a graduate stude nt un der your guida nee? The reas ons I want to obta in my PH.D there are: 1). A P H.D obta ined in such a famous Un iversity will be helpful to get a good research p ositi on whe n I come back; 2). I want to be educated at a high level since my dream is to be a successful researcher in the future.

Look ing to your message.

Best regards!

Yours, XXX

Re: You paper XXX

Dear Prof.

I've read your paper XXX in magaz ine XXX, some part of it seems hard for me to fully un dersta nd: 1. XXX theroem ... I have some questio ns: 1.XXX 2.XXX

Also rm very in terest ing in your research, and want to join your crew and ...

If you're in terested, I'll send my CV in n ext mail.


Re: rm a stude nt who is in terested in Research of XXX

Dear Prof.

rve read your home page of your research in XXX, I'm in terested in your field, and have lab exp erie nee in this field. But I could n't dow nl oad some of your p ublicati ons XXX and XXX . Could you send me some of them?

Also rm very in terest ing in your research, and want to join your crew and ...

If you're in terested, I'll send my CV in n ext mail.


Dear Dr.***:

My n ame is **. I am very in terested in study ing com muni cati on in the Un ited States. One of your colleague, Dr. ***, suggested that I con sider graduate study at UNI OF ***.

I un dersta nd that UNI OF *** has a new but grow ing MA p rogram, and that there are now over 50 en rollees as I typ e. I am very excited about this type of growth. Also, I un dersta nd that your dep artme nt has one of the fin est new qua ntitative research p rograms in the area of com muni catio n. I would esp ecially be in terested in study ing un der such in dividuals such as yourselflhave always had high sta ndards for my academic work and un dersta nd that the MA faculty at UNI OF *** has an excelle nt repu tati on for p ush ing their stude nts to do their very best. I also un dersta nd that as I type, two excelle nt new faculty members are being in terviewed who could partici pate in your growi ng p rogram.此段是表达对学校的了解依学校情况不同

I am con fide nt that I will be acce pted for admissi on, but in today's world I would n eed to have assura nces of finan cial support in order to study in the Un ited States since otherwise, recei ving a visa is n early imp ossible. Do you curre ntly have any assista ntsh ips available? Also, do you know of any fellowsh ip or scholarshi p p rograms that might help foreig n stude nts, in cludi ng the Cen ter for Intern ati onal

Studies on your camp us? I un dersta nd that the CIS does have p rograms with China, and I won der if any of those could help me.要钱

I would offer three major stre ngths that would hel p your MA p rogram [here, mention those three things succinctly]自己的强项


[For the rest of the letter, 1) go to on li ne journ als and look up articles by Dr. ***(研究系里有名的教授的著作论文 ).In your letter, don't go into detail, but it would hel p if you in dicated some familiarity with their studies. This will also give you an idea of what is taught in their classes. Esp ecially look into articles from the Journal of Communi cati on and Communi cati on Monograp hs. If you can gain access to the book by Dr *** en titled the Biology of Communi cati on, or at least find a summary of it on the intern et, a men ti on of that would be help ful. Aga in, make this p aragra ph short and succi net, but an in terest in the faculty's research age nda would help you.]

[For the last p aragra ph, ask three sp ecific questi ons about courses in the curriculum. This will in dicate to them that you are serious]. 信的最后问几个问题 表示你对此DEPT严重感兴趣

Dear pro fessor.

I am one of your PHD can didates for fall 2007 admissi on. My app licati on materials have already reached Materials Scie nee and En gi neerin根据具体学校替 dep artme nt. My NR Number is 060001150 and my order ID is: CLEMSONG_MAXUNWEI_20061102221804.

Maybe you have already found many excelle nt prosp ective graduate stude nts but I am very con fide nt that I will be one of the qualified an didate among them.

During my college study in South China Un iversity of Tech no logy, I en tered the Poly mer world for the first time in my life. I have lear ned the poly mer kno wledge and made many researches. From it I get to know how to find the reas on of p roblem by using the adva need facilities and academic guideli nes. I became more independent and active duri ng sol ving p roblems. The most imp orta nt of all, I was dee ply attracted by this field and con sider it my future career goal.

The n I en tered the T&T Group as a research engin eer. T&T group is a big scra p recycli ng company, his head office in Texas States in USA, with some factories in Chi na. When I worked in T&T group, I con tacted all kinds of poly mer materials, such as pl astics, rubber, additives, res ins and so on. Maybe I am not familiar with all materials prop erty, but at least I know their app licati on. When we want to devel op a new material or select right materials for certa in app licati on, my exp erie nee can help.

Now as a p rocess ing engin eeri ng in China Batte nfeld, not only do I get more kno wledge about materials p rocess ing, but also know abundant kno wledge in p lastic mecha ni cal engin eeri ng. I p artic ip ated in the desig n of some poly mer p rocess ing equipments in clud ing p lastics extrusi on equipment and differe nt kind of screws. My direct boss is a Germa n and we always com muni cate tech ni cal in formati on together. He also en courages me to con tact with famous materials supp liers, such as Hun tsma n, Dow, SK, and Degussa. From this kin dly coop erati on, I get many useful materials processing data and good friend这个绿色部分可以不要 ).

The Dep artme nt of Macromolecular Science and Engin eeri ng offers our stude nts unique training p artici pati ng in groun dbreak ing research encomp ass ing the syn thesis, p rocess ing, theoretical and compu ter modeli ng and structure-property relati onships of poly meric materials, as well as the opportunity to p artici pate in up-to-date research p rojects. Therefore I con sider PHD p rogram at Case Western Reserve Un iversity my first and best choice.注意不同学校专业和校名的改动。)

Keeping imp rove is my life goal. I really want to pu rsue my PHD degree in the Dep artme nt of Macromolecular Scie nee and Engin eeri ng at Case Western Reserve Uni versity. If p ossible, I really hope you can give me a tele phone in terview.

Tha nk you very much for con sideri ng my app licati on and I am look ing forward to heari ng form you soon.

Sin cerely yours,


Dear P rofessor XXX:

rm XXX. A PhD stude nt from XXX Uni versity.

rm really imp ressed by your the work that have bee n done in compu ter grap hics, and I want to work in your lab to continue the research work in compu ter ani mati on. Do you have any plan to recruit a p ost-doc fellow in your lab? I have strong p rogram ming skills, and have a lot of p assi on for research works.I have bee n work ing the XXX group of Microsoft Research Asia as an in tern during XXX 2005 to XXX 2006. My research interests include XXX. I ' ve published eight papers in XXX. I will receive my P h.D. degree in December 2006. I would be able to come to your lab after then. The attached p lease find my CV. You can know me and my research work more from my personal website: htt p://XXX.

I am look ing forward to your reply.

Best Wishes,



