
发布时间:2019-06-04 14:54:56   来源:文档文库   





我是巴塘县人民小学六年级二班的一名学生,我叫冯向智。 这次地震的危害很大,给你们造成了很大的灾难:

房子倒塌了,许许多多的人因此失去了宝贵的生命。小朋友们有的失去了亲人,有的受了伤,还有的无家可归,没有地方读书 真是太可怜了。

1. 小朋友们不要怕!江爷爷和胡爷爷已经来到了你们身旁。







这次地震的严重让我们痛彻心扉,死的最多的是学生,在一所学校里只救出40多位同学,甚至有一位伟大的父亲放弃了自己读2年级的女儿,救出了他班级里学生 你们放心,我们一定要全力帮助你们!我们的人民子弟兵,武警官兵第一时间赶赴受灾中心,第一时间救援受困群众,我们的白衣天使夜以继日的抢救伤员,我们的党员干部第一时间在救灾现场,疏导安置受困灾民现在全国各地乃至全世界都在为你们捐献爱心,希望你们这些勇敢生存下来的人,振作精神重建自己的家园!












公司领导沈总代表公司向那些受灾的深表同情,并表示慰问。 一方有难,八方支援。 地震无情人有情。胡主席、温总理夜不能寐,关心灾情。我们相信我们一定能够战胜自然灾害。





Dear vitims, A poerful earthquake hit our hometon, Yushu in Qinghai provine month ago. It is also a terrible natural disaster for our hole nation. It has aused both finanial and life loss. Until no, approximatel sevent thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and muh more ere injured seriousl.

Six million people have no homes to return as the majorit of the buildings ere ollapsed. These das e keep athing the staggering deathroll and hearing the heart-renhing stories from the Yushu earthquake. We are so muh saddened that man hildren lost their parents and man ouples lost their lovers. I ould not help but r hen hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster. And e are so muh touhed b the true outpouring of effort and emotion from all over the ountr. You are not alone and ou on t feel lonel. Our hole nation is a big famil, and ever member ould like to give a helping hand b all means, suh as donating mone, time, energ and blood to the people in the striken area.


1.3 billion Chinese people shed the same tear sharing the same hopes. A series of ations has been taken sine the earthquake happened. A majorit of Chinese people are doing hatever the an to lend a hand. I believe, ith the assistane of people in all alks of life, our after-disaster reonstrution ill be dealt ith at a fantasti speed. The striken area ill soon be restored. And I hope ou an pull ourself together and muster up ourage to fae the future. We ill overe an diffiult, beause e are Chinese. Ten thousand people beat everthing ith a single unding heart .

Tr to look on the bright side of things. The future ill be bright, heer up! Yours sinerel



Dear vitims, The earthquake hih happened one month ago in Qinghai provine is an enormous disaster for our hole nation. It has aused both finanial and life loss.

Until no, fift thousand people lost their lives due to the earthquake and man more ere injured seriousl. Five million people have no homes to return as the majorit of the buildings ere ollapsed We are sorr about this aident. It s a pit that man hildren lost their parents and man ouples lost their lovers. I ould not help but r hen hearing of the moving stories that happened during the disaster.

Our hole nation is a big famil; ever member ould like to give a helping hand to the people ho suffered from the earthquake. We must sho our arm-heartedness and make donations to the striken area so that their broken heart an be armed. A series of ations has been taken sine the earthquake happened.

I believe the striken area ill soon be restored ith the soldiers and other arm-hearted people s help. The future ill be bright, heer up! Yours sinerel ***


Dear vitims, A eek ago, I as shoked at the nes about the earthquake in Yushu.

And I m ver sorr to hear that this earthquake as the greatest disaster after4

9. And there are 40075 people ho are found dead in the disaster till no and there have been more than 500 million people ho are homeless. The floor as ripped through, man bloks and houses ere seriousl damaged, and even ere as flat as a panake. I m deepl moved b the volunteers and the international resue teams ho are in the frontline. I, standing for m shool, fort our vitims and survivors ith our arm heart. Moreover, e ontribute a large amount of mone to ou. And our shool ill tr our best to help ou. Last but not the least, I hope e all have the onfidene to rebuild our home after the disaster.

Onl hen e have the perseverane an e defeat the natural disaster. Good luk and best ishes to ou! Yours sinerel


