
发布时间:2012-08-13   来源:文档文库   
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接下来随队列缓慢移动到签证区,并按上图中箭头方向完成签证的三个步骤。 第一步:材料审查。随队列进去大厅右侧,走过长廊到最尽头,有大约5个窗口。在这里将必备材料(有效护照、DS-160表格确认页、I-20表格、签证申请费收据原件、SEVIS
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注意这里可以自行组队(同一类签证6个人一队),随意选择窗口。审核过程中,工作人员要根据系统中的信息逐一核对材料,确认无误后,会在材料上盖已收费章,并给同一队的人发放同一种颜色的纸牌,如白棕色。这一步到此结束,沿箭头方向返回大厅。 第二步:录指纹。大厅右侧大概有5个窗口负责录指纹,不过可能只有两三个开放。队列需要按照中秘的指引去某个窗口集体办理。先录左手四指(除拇指外)指纹,再录右手四指(除拇指外)指纹,最后录左右手拇指指纹。录完指纹,进去大厅左侧,开始面谈前的漫长等候。
面谈结束后,从大厅最左侧、最下侧出门,领取个人电子产品离场。 二、全程需要哪些材料?
1、必备材料。如下材料第一步需要交由中秘检查并盖章,第三步需首先交给VO 1.1 Passport(有效护照)
1.2 DS-160 Form ConfirmationPageDS-160表格确认页) 1.3 I-20 FormI-20A-B表)
1.4 Visa Application FeeReceipt first copy affixed to 1.2, second placed inside 1.1(签证申请费收据原件,第一页用胶水或胶条粘贴在确认页的下半页上,第二页夹在护照中)
1.5SEVIS I-901 Fee Receipt electronic confirmationSEVIS费收据,电子
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1.6 Visa Photo stuck on 1.1(一张签证照片,用透明胶带贴在护照封面上) 2、录取及学习计划材料。面谈窗口左侧有一告示: F1/J1类签证需出示以下资料: 1)录取信 2)个人简历 3)研究/学习计划 4)导师的个人情况介绍
5、备用材料。包括身份证、各类证书原件、其他学校录取信或据信等,推荐准备。 三、面谈准备什么问题?
大家都知道,网上流行的有25问、108问。不过我个人认为这些问题有的相互重复,有的不知所云,有的签证官已不再青睐,为此我特地精简、整理出如下基础15问,供大家参考。所谓基础,是指大家可以根据自己的异常情况和条件添加其他问题。 15 Basic Interview Questions for the F1 Visa Application
I General Information 1. What and where will you study in the United States

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Other Versions: What will you do in USA/Are you going to study in USA/What do you want to study in USA/What is your major In what aspect of your major will you study /Whats your purpose for the visa
2. Can you say something about your major What is it What is it for
II Academic Background 3. When and where did you graduate /What is your academic background
4. What did you do with your master/bachelor work What will you do with your work for PhD
5. Why do you like your major
III Motivation 6. Why do you want to go to US for further study /Many universities in the China offer first-rate graduate programs in your field. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study /Why not pursue less expensive alternatives in China
7. Why do you choose this university How do you know this university 8. How many universities have you applied Any other school admits you /So how many universities accept you
IV Financial Support 9. How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States Have you any scholarship
10. Why did/didnt you receive financial aid this University /Your assistantship is for one year, then how about the following years

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V Future Plan 11. What is your plan What will you do after graduation 12. If you can not find such a position, what will you do 13. Give me three reasons that you will come back to China 14. Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back 15. Do you have relatives in the US 另外附上我的签经。
时间:628日上午10:30(排队很久,面签时下午1点) 地点:北京大使馆签证3号窗口 VO:一白人MM Me(递上材料)Good afternoon. VOWhere are you going to study MeXXX University. VOOh, XXX University, good. What isyour major Me(没反应过来,回答有些迟疑)XXX VO(见我迟疑,立马追问专业)What is XXX MeBla Bla Bla VO(继续追问)What is your thesis about MeBla Bla Bla
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VOGood. (不说话,敲电脑,查阅信息)
VOSo you worked. Where did you worked MeXXX company. VOWhen did you leave there MeXXX. VOWhat are you doing since then MeBla Bla Bla. VOOK. (不说话,继续敲电脑,查阅信息)
VO(抬起头)What is your plan after graduation MeI will join the faculty of a Chinese university. VOWhy do you plan to go to the university MeBecause I love teaching and researching VO(打断)OK. Do you have relatives in the US MeNo. All my families are in China. VO(撕条)Good luck in your research.


