
发布时间:2023-11-04 16:02:33   来源:文档文库   

Unit 1 Growing up
班级: 小组: 姓名: 小组评价: 教师评价:

1.Look up the new words in the dictionary 2.Log on to the Internet to know about the background of this unit. 【学习目标】
1.Words , phrases and sentence structures of this unit. 2.Have a good command of the main idea of the text. 3.Grammar: future continuous
1.First refer to the exercise book and master the important points of this unit. 2.Do more exercises to strengthen the understanding of the grammar. 【重点难点】
1.How to tell the difference between future continuous and future tense. 2.Finish a passage using future continuous. 【预习自测】
Section B Using language
课后篇 素养升华
1.If you are (prepare,and have the knowledge to back it up,your self-confidence will rise very quickly.

2.It is reported that about 5 million people all over the world die from diseases (relateto smoking each year.

3.The (manage will have an interview with those who want to get the position. 4.There has been a (progress decrease in population every year in this city. 5.They bought an old schoolhouse to live in and built a workshop in the (base.

6.We try to improve (relate between our two countries.
7.I was (look for my handbag,which was buried under a pile of old newspapers.

hear from;after all;be curious about;no longer;in the long term;stick to;a couple of 1.Though she his past,she refrains from asking too many questions. 2.I hated practicing tennis,but I it and now I can play pretty well.

3.If you have a knack for coming up with ideas,we would love to you. 4. ,thriving farms and open markets will provide a secure food supply. 5.You should forgive him for his forgetfulness. ,he is over seventy.

6.These are just challenges that people face when getting an education in developing countries.

7.Parties and social gatherings excite us the same way they once did.

long or short the life is,compared with eternity,it means nothing.

2.我们作为新时代的大学生,应当遵循严格的宿舍作息时间表。 As college students in the new era,we should . 3.在某个特定的时间,某些事件可能会阻止您部署特定的应用程序。
Perhaps certain events will block you from deploying a particular application . 4.你的评论可能产生出乎意料的后果并给你带来很多麻烦。 Your comments may backfire and for you.

When you ,your family members are waiting for you

,the living conditions of the people have been improved accordingly.

Growth requires discomfort.If you stick with what is comfortable,youre 1 any hope of surprising yourself,of finding greatness,of having the best experiences human life has to 2 .”

Thomas Oppong Many people agree that the magic starts to 3 the instant we step outside of our comfort zones.The second you decide to go 4 what is safe,you will have planted a seed 5 ,if watered daily,will bloom into something that you would have 6 expected to come to fruition.


