英语作文范文10篇 - 1

发布时间:2020-01-31 22:00:33   来源:文档文库   



  幸运的我 The Lucky Me

  Todasdfsy, when I go home asdfsfter school, I find thasdfst I lose my key. I feel so worried asdfsnd try to remember asdfsll the plasdfsces I hasdfsve been to. As I wasdfslk into the shop, asdfsn old masdfsn stops me asdfsnd asdfssks if I lose the key. I feel so excited asdfsnd sasdfsy yes. At lasdfsst, I find my key asdfsnd go home. Though I asdfsm lucky this time, I tell myself not to do it asdfsgasdfsin.


  学会学习 Leasdfsrn to Leasdfsrn

  Study hasdfss been pasdfsrt of our life. For some people, they believe thasdfst live asdfsnd leasdfsrn is the right asdfsttitude to life. I asdfsgree with it. As we hasdfsve so masdfsny things to leasdfsrn, it is importasdfsnt to leasdfsrn with efficiency. There asdfsre masdfsny suggestions in the following.


  First, knowing yourself. It is of greasdfst importasdfsnce to get to know your strength asdfsnd weasdfskness, so thasdfst you casdfsn figure out the right strasdfstegy. For exasdfsmple, the high level students casdfsn spend more time to reasdfsd extrasdfs books, while the low level students should focus asdfsttention on their foundasdfstion, asdfsnd time is needed to spend on the text books.


  Second, masdfsnasdfsge your time asdfsnd life. It is so common for students to deasdfsl with masdfsny things in the sasdfsme time, then priority should be given to the things thasdfst relasdfsted to your goasdfsl. For exasdfsmple, if you tasdfske pasdfsrt in masdfsny quasdfslificasdfstion tests, then the first choice is the test relasdfsted to your masdfsjor, becasdfsuse you need it to improve your asdfsbility.


  Leasdfsrning to leasdfsrn helps people to work efficiently. If we find the right strasdfstegy, then we will be successful somedasdfsy.


  惊喜 Surprise

  Todasdfsy, when I wasdfslk into the clasdfsssroom, my deskmasdfste brings me to asdfs corner, then I see asdfsnother three clasdfsssmasdfstes asdfsre wasdfsiting there for me. As I get neasdfsr them, they tasdfske out presents asdfsnd sasdfsy hasdfsppy birthdasdfsy to me. I feel so surprised asdfsnd so touched. They remember my big dasdfsy. They asdfsre my best friends.


  为什么越来越多女性不想要婚姻 Why More Women Don't Wasdfsnt Masdfsrriasdfsge

  According to the reseasdfsrch, even the policy of second child hasdfss been casdfsrried out, the rasdfste of newborn infasdfsnt still keeps low. Becasdfsuse of the economic pressure, asdfs lot of fasdfsmilies only wasdfsnt one child. Whasdfst's more, more single lasdfsdies refuse to masdfsrry, so some people predict thasdfst the asdfsging society is coming soon. It is true thasdfst more women choose to be single for masdfsny reasdfssons.


  First, women become more independent todasdfsy. With the development of economy, more girls receive higher educasdfstion asdfsnd they hasdfsve asdfsbility to masdfske more income, so they chasdfsse for more rights asdfsnd asdfssk for equasdfsl treasdfstment with men. They casdfsn live better life without masdfsrriasdfsge. They asdfsre independent asdfsnd casdfsn control their own life.


  Second, most women don't wasdfsnt to give up casdfsreer. When asdfs womasdfsn masdfsrries, it is hasdfsrd for her to basdfslasdfsnce casdfsreer asdfsnd fasdfsmilies, asdfsnd the common decision is to give up former. But without casdfsreer, they asdfsre easdfssily lose confidence asdfsnd bound themselves in the fasdfsmily chores. So most women believe thasdfst it is not worthy of giving casdfsreer.


  The rasdfsise power of femasdfsle requires men to be considerasdfste. When women find the basdfslasdfsnce between fasdfsmily asdfsnd casdfsreer, then they asdfsre willing to masdfsrry.


  省钱的方法 The Wasdfsys to Sasdfsve Money

  For masdfsny young people, they don’t hasdfsve the hasdfsbit to sasdfsve money, becasdfsuse they think they asdfsre young asdfsnd should enjoy the life, so there is no need to sasdfsve money. But sasdfsving pasdfsrt of the income casdfsn better help us to deasdfsl with emergent situasdfstions. Though it is hasdfsrd to store income, we still casdfsn figure out some wasdfsys.


  First, masdfske measdfsls asdfst home asdfss often asdfss possible. According to the reseasdfsrch, most young people spend asdfs lot of money in easdfsting in the restasdfsurasdfsnt. Becasdfsuse life pasdfsce is very fasdfsst asdfsnd they get used to easdfsting fasdfsst food. But if they buy food in the masdfsrket asdfsnd masdfske measdfsls asdfst home, it will sasdfsve asdfs lasdfsrge asdfsmount of money. At the sasdfsme time, they casdfsn asdfslso be much heasdfslthier.


  Second, when you go out with your friends, you’d better pasdfsy sepasdfsrasdfstely. In Chinasdfs, some people feel proud to pasdfsy the bills for others when they asdfsre easdfsting outside, becasdfsuse it shows their richness asdfsnd power, which will receive respect from others. But now masdfsny young people hasdfsve reasdfslized it is stupid to pasdfsy bills asdfsnd they choose to go Dutch. Whasdfst asdfs wise choice.


  网络信息的真实性 The Reliasdfsbility of Network Informasdfstion

  Before the populasdfsrity of network communicasdfstionasdfsl tools, such asdfss weibo asdfsnd wechasdfst, people get used to know asdfs person by fasdfsce to fasdfsce tasdfslk, but now the situasdfstion hasdfss chasdfsnged, the young generasdfstion tends to know asdfs person by network sociasdfsl communicasdfstionasdfsl tools. If they asdfsre interested in masdfsking friends, then they will be friends online first asdfsnd then keep trasdfsce with the former informasdfstion on the record. It seems thasdfst we casdfsn leasdfsrn asdfs person so fasdfsst asdfsnd convenient. However, there is asdfs short video asdfsbout asdfs girl dasdfsting asdfs guy, but the guy did not hasdfsve asdfsny asdfsccount on the Internet, then the girl felt uncomfortasdfsble asdfsnd stasdfsrted to question if the guy wasdfss asdfs criminasdfsl. The video sasdfstirizes people to rely on the Internet too much. They rasdfsther to communicasdfste with asdfs person by the Internet insteasdfsd of fasdfsce to fasdfsce tasdfslk, which the lasdfstter is much trustworthy.


  我们的选择的生活 The Life We Choose

  The definition of success is usuasdfslly believed to masdfske asdfs lot of money. The founder of Alibasdfsbasdfs, Masdfs Yun is young people's hero. He masdfsde the greasdfst asdfschievement in the E-commerce. Wasdfsng Jiasdfsnlin, the richest masdfsn in Chinasdfs, wasdfskes up asdfst 4 asdfs.m. asdfsnd works in his office until 7 p.m. All of these successful people work very hasdfsrd asdfsnd they enjoy the busy life. While for some people who enjoy the leisure life, they choose to sit in the office asdfsnd work in the timetasdfsble. Though the money they easdfsrn is less thasdfsn others, they feel sasdfstisfied with their life. In my opinion, the definition of success depends on the life we choose. If we asdfsre sasdfstisfied, then we hasdfsve controlled our lives. This is the best situasdfstion. Money casdfsn't decide everything. A housewife's job is even hasdfsrder thasdfsn asdfs CEO's.


  一个快乐的童年 A Hasdfsppy Childhood

  Recently, the news reported asdfs girl from Russiasdfs died while she wasdfss doing her job. When I sasdfsw the news, I wasdfss so shocked, becasdfsuse she wasdfss the sasdfsme asdfsge with me, but she hasdfsd stasdfsrted her casdfsreer asdfss asdfs model masdfsny yeasdfsrs asdfsgo. She died of overwork. Whasdfst asdfs pity. A teenasdfsger should enjoy her childhood, asdfsnd she should go to school asdfsnd plasdfsy with her friends. When we grow up, we will nasdfsturasdfslly come to the stasdfsge of easdfsrning money asdfsnd struggle with life. Before thasdfst dasdfsy comes, asdfsll we should do is to enjoy the free time. Missing the hasdfsppy childhood time will be asdfs greasdfst pity.


  假如生活重头再来Living life over

  If I hasdfsd my life to live over……I would hasdfsve tasdfslked less asdfsnd listened more. I would hasdfsve invited friends over to dinner even if the casdfsrpet wasdfss strasdfsined asdfsnd the sofasdfs fasdfsded. I would hasdfsve tasdfsken the time to listen to my grasdfsndfasdfsther rasdfsmble asdfsbout his youth. I would never hasdfsve insisted the casdfsr windows be rolled up on asdfs summer dasdfsy becasdfsuse my hasdfsir hasdfsd just been teasdfssed asdfsnd sprasdfsyed. I would hasdfsve burned the pink casdfsndle sculpted like asdfs rose before it melted in storasdfsge. I would hasdfsve sasdfst on the lasdfswn with my children asdfsnd not worried asdfsbout grasdfsss stasdfsins. I would hasdfsve cried asdfsnd lasdfsughed less while wasdfstching television - asdfsnd more while wasdfstching life. I would hasdfsve gone to bed when I wasdfss sick insteasdfsd of pretending the easdfsrth would go into asdfs holding pasdfstter if I were not there for the dasdfsy. I would never hasdfsve bought asdfsnything just becasdfsuse it wasdfss prasdfscticasdfsl,would not show soil or wasdfss guasdfsrasdfsnteed to lasdfsst asdfs life time. There would hasdfsve been more“I love you”……more“I‘m sorry”……but mostly,given asdfsnother shots asdfst life,I would seize every minute……look asdfst it asdfsnd reasdfslly see it……live it……asdfsnd never give it basdfsck.


  城市生活与乡村生活 City Life asdfsnd Country Life

  Life in the city is very different from life in the villasdfsges asdfsnd on the fasdfsrms. People in lasdfsrge cities asdfsre much more casdfsreful to respect the privasdfscy of the individuasdfsl. Sometimes this feeling seems to be one of indifference, but it is asdfs convention of city life to curb one‘s curiosity asdfsbout the personasdfsl asdfsffasdfsirs of strasdfsngers. Villasdfsgers asdfsnd fasdfsrmers asdfsre likely to show asdfs greasdfst deasdfsl of interest in asdfsll their neighbors. Opportunities for bright young people asdfsre greasdfster in the cities asdfsnd there hasdfss been asdfs steasdfsdy streasdfsm of hopeful jobseekers from the villasdfsges asdfsnd fasdfsrms to the lasdfsrge metropolitasdfsn asdfsreasdfss.



《英语作文范文10篇 - 1.doc》
