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一、单项填空( 15小题,每小题1分,满分15.ABCD四个选项中,选出 可以填入空白处的最佳选项

1. .Look at the picture . Diana is ________ ( v ■ ■
A . the tallestB . the shortest C. taller than JennyD . shorter than David 【考点】 形容词的比较级和最高级. 【分析】 看图片,DianaJenny. 【解答】答案:C. 观察图片中的四个人,从高到矮分别是:
John, Diana, David , Jenny,所以只有选项 C
C. 描述正确,DianaJenny高,为比较级.故选
【点评】正确观察图片,理解题干和选项的意思,掌握形容词比较级和最高级的用法就能做 好此类题. 2. .Helen is new here , so we know _____ about her ( A . nothingB . somethingC. anythingD . everything 【考点】不定代词. 【分析】 海伦是新来的,因此我们对她一无所知. 【解答】答案:A nothing没什么 句和疑问句
something —些的意思

everything —切事情; 结合句意由于海伦是新来的,所以我们对她了解
___ "只有A符合句意,意思为"我们对她一无所知".故选:A
【点评】此题考查不定代词的用法. 要了解不定代词的使用方法, 并结合语境选出正确答案. 3. .Yingqi Bird Nest Library , the smallest library in the world , was opened to the public in Nanjing's Huashu Village ______ the World Reading Day this year .( A . onB. inC . atD . as 【考点】时间介词. 【分析】英琪鸟巢图书馆,世界上最小的图书馆, 在今年的世界读书日那天对南京桦树镇的 大众开放. 【解答】 答案:A根据其后的时间状语"the World Reading Day this year",可知时间状语是 具体到了今年的读书日那一天. .故选A . 【点评】 本题考查时间介词的辨析. 熟记每个选项的用法是做题的前提. 做题时要在题干中 找到时


4 .Last night the big fire in Sunshine Shopping Mall was started by the children playing with matches _______ no one was hurt(
A LuckilyB SuddenlyC EasilyD Sadly 【考点】 副词的词义辨析.
【分析】 昨晚小孩玩火柴引起了阳光购物中心的那场大火,幸运地是,没有人受伤. 【解答】 答案: A
luckily 幸运地; suddenly 突然; easily 容易地; sadly 难过地;根据 no one was hurt 可知大火 有导致受伤是很幸运地,故选
【点评】 本题考查副词词义辨析,先弄清所给词的词义,再根据情景选择正确答案.
5 .Can you help me ______ those exercise books I got a different number each time ( A carryB moveC writeD count 【考点】 动词词义辨析.
【分析】 你能帮我数一数这些练习本吗?每次我都得到一个不同的数. 【解答】 答案: D
首先明确选项中动词的意思, A :搬运;B :移动;C:写;D :数一数;
根据后面一句I got
" ,由此判
a different number each time ,推测前面的句意是 " 你能帮我数一数这些练习本吗? 断句子中缺少 "数一数"一词,故答案为 D
【点评】 了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键, 还要从句意着手, 根据句意作出解答; 以,平时的学习中要多进行积累词汇,才能很好的完成. 6 . Are you going camping this afternoon
-A typhoon is coming rm not sure ______ the road to the mountains will be closed .( A whichB whatC whetherD why 【考点】 从属连词. 【分析】 --今天下午你要去野营吗?
--一场台风要来了,我不确定通往大山的道路是否会关闭. 【解答】 答案: C
根据语境以及上下文, 本题考查的是连词的用法. 根据语境 I'm not sure ___________ the road to the mountains will be closed ,可知说话人不确定通往大山的道路是否会关闭,所以应该用 whether",故选 C.
【点评】 比较和分析选项中连词的不同含义及其用法是解答该题的关键; 正确推测该句句意,进而作出解答.
7.It took me almost a whole day to _______ so many emails ( A deal withB cut inC cheer forD run out 【考点】 动词短语.
【分析】 处理这么多电子邮件花费了我几乎一整天的时间.


【解答】 答案: A
首先明确选项中动词短语的意思, A :处理;B :干预;C :为••喝彩;D :耗尽;
推测句意是 "处理这么多电子邮件花费了我几乎一整天的时间. " ,由此判断句子中缺少短语: 处理 deal with ,故答案为 A
【点评】 了解每个选项的含义是做好此类题型的关键, 还要从句意着手, 根据句意作出解答; 以,平时的学习中要多进行积累词汇,才能很好的完成.
8 .My sister is still very ____ with me because I broke her new pencil box yesterday ( A popularB satisfiedC honestD angry 【考点】 形容词词义辨析.
【分析】 我姐姐仍然很生我的气,因为昨天我把她的新铅笔盒弄坏了. 【解答】 答案: D
popular 受欢迎的; satistied 感到满意的; honest 诚实的; angry 生气的;根据 because I broke her new pencil box yesterday 可知姐姐是生气的,故选
【点评】 本题考查形容词词义辨析,先弄清所给词的词义,再根据情景选择正确答案.
9. . - Have you read the book Jane Eyre ?

-Yes. It's a famous book and really worth _______ .( A to readB readingC to be readD read 【考点】 实义动词的现在分词. 【分析】--你读过W?爱越本书吗? --嗯,它是一本名著,很值得一读. 【解答】答案:B 根据关键词 worth联系选项可知此处运用了 be worth doing sth 值得做…
这一固定用法,故此处应选 read的动名词形式reading,意为"值得一读"故选B 【点评】 此题考查动名词的用法.动名词 reading 用在 be worth 后作宾语成分. 10. .It's reported that Jiangsu Grand Theatre _____ in September this year( A. completesB . is completed C. will completeD . will be completed 【考点】 一般将来时的被动语态. 【分析】 据报道,江苏大剧院将在今年九月完成.
【解答】 答案: D 根据 It's reported that Jiangsu Grand Theatre _______ in September this year.可知主语 Jiangsu Grand Theatre是动作的承受者,和动词 complete构成被动的关系, 应该用被动语态.根据句中的 态的被动语态的构成: in September this year .可知应该用一般将来时.一般将来时
will+be+ 及物动词的过去分词,故选: D. 本题考查 will+be+
【点评】 主要考查被动语态,当句子的主语是动作的承受者时,应该用被动语态, 的是一般将来时态的被动语态.一定要注意:一般将来时态的被动语态的构成: 物动词的过去分词,以及动词过去分词的形式. 11. .Which of the following words is pronounced/geit/ ( A. gateB. greatC. greetD. get

【考点】 语音.
【分析】 下面哪个单词的发音是 /geit/
【解答】答案:A. gate的发音是/geit/;B great的发音是/greit/; C单词greet的发音是/gri : t; D单词get中的字母e/e/;字母a在单词gate中发/ei/,在开音节中t后面的e不发 音,字母组合ea在闭音节发/ei/;字母组合ee在单词greet中发长/i: /.故选A . 【点评】记住字母ae在开音节的发音以及字母组合 12. . - Hi, Nora . Is your mother at home ? -Just a minute!She ______ flowers in the garden .( A plantB is plantingC plantedD was planting 【考点】 现在进行时.
【分析】 你好,Nora,你妈妈在家吗?—等一会!她正在花园种花. 【解答】 答案:B根据Just a minute,可知Nora让前来找他妈妈的人等一会,妈妈正在忙 着做某.故应用现在进行时(be+doing. she为第三人称单数,beis. A选项为一般现 在时; B 为现在进行时; C 为一般过去时; D 为过去进行时.故选 B
【点评】 本题考查时态问题. 本句没有明显的时态标志词, 只有根据句意来判断动作发生的 时间与说话的时间之间的关系,进而判断出正确的时态.
13 .In the words unhappy and unusual , the un?means _______ ( A veryB mostC notD less 【考点】 词根词缀.
【分析】 在单词unhappyunusual中,"un"的意思是"". 【解答】 答案: C
由于unhappy的意思是不开心",unuaual的意思是不寻常的,即加前缀"un"后单词就变成 了与原来意思相反的单词,所以选

【点评】 正确理解题干,熟练掌握构词法是做好本题的关键. 14 .( on the mobile phone
-Where are you I can't see you here at the theatre - ______ I'm just one block away ( A Good ideaB My pleasure C I'm comingD Nice talking to you 【考点】 常用日常交际用语. 【分析】(打电话
--你在哪里?我在剧院看不见你. --我就来了.我离你一个街区的距离. 【解答】 答案: C
首先明确各选项中句子的意思, A :好主意;B :不客气;C:我来了; D :很高兴和你谈话; 根据语境 Where are you ? I can't see you here at the theatre.禾口答语:I'm just one block away . 以推断第二个人回答的是 "我来了 " 故选

【点评】 在把握话题和语境的基础上,针对对话的设空处,细读所提供的选项,认真分析它 们之间的异,依据有关情景内容,选择正确的答案.
15. . - Reading is a good way to pass the time on the plane . - ______ . I never go travelling without a book .( A . You are jokingB . That's true C. I don't think soD . It sou nds like fun 【考点】常用日常交际用语. 【分析】--读书是在飞机上消磨时间的好办法. 是真的.我在旅游时总是带上书. 【解答】答案:B. 首先明确各选项中句子的意思,
A :你在开玩笑;B :是真的;C:我不这样认为;D :听上

去很有趣;根据语境 I never go travelli ng without a book 可以推断第二个人同意第一个人的 观点"读书是在飞机上消磨时间的好办法. ".故选B
【点评】在把握话题和语境的基础上,针对对话的设空处,细读所提供的选项,认真分析它 们之间的异同,依据有关情景内容,选择正确的答案. 二、完型填空(1小题;每小题10分,满分10.阅读下面短文,从短文所给各题的 四个选项(ABCD .,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项
16 . Rob Howes wan ted to spe nd a day at the beach . He (16 A his daughter Nicky and her two friends , Helen Slade and Karina Cooper. They all went to Ocean Beach in New Zealand , where Howes was a lifeguard .
The group swam and bodysurfed . Then they saw something (17 C . "Suddenly , there are these fins, "said Howes .
The (18 D saw seven dolphins moving towards them . The dolphins seemed worried . They (19 B the water with their tails . They kept moving in a circle around the swimmers . Then one large dolphin swam towards Howes and Helen . Next, it dived (潜水 down un derwater . That's whe n Howes saw someth ing grey moving in the (20 D .
A great white shark (21 A un derwater . It was n't far from the people . The shark headed straight towards Nicky and Karina . Now the shark was not slow . It moved ( 22 B !So the dolphins used their tails to swim even faster . Each one splashed its tail even more . Then Howes knew (23 C the dolphi ns did so . The dolphi ns did n't want to (24 C him and the girls . These sea mammals (哺乳动物
wan ted to keep them safe .
A the shark left . When Howes and the kids were The dolphins stayed close to the group (25 safe, the dolphins swam away .
"You want to say thank you and shake their filppers , "Howes said . This isn't a fishy tale!These dolph ins are heroes .
16 A brought . . 17 A broke n . .

. .
B missed B com mon C . returned C .
stra nge D . searched D .

18 A trai ners . .
19 A held . .
. .
B coaches B hit C . fisherme n C .
clea ned D . swimmers D .

20. A.

21. A. 22. A.

23. A.

24. A.

25. A.

pool waited beautifully where play un til .
B. air B. washed B. fast B. what B. trust B because C. isla nd C. grew C. heavily C. why C. harm C.
if D. water D. served D. away D. whether D. protect D. since.
记叙文. 本文是一篇记叙文.

【分罗伯.豪斯想在海滩上度过一天. .他带着他的女儿妮基和两个朋友,他们都去了新西兰的海滩, 然后他们看到奇怪的东西,突然, 海伦.斯莱德和卡琳娜. 析】 这些游泳的人看到有七只海豚正朝他们移动. 这些海豚看上去非常着急, 它们用尾巴击打着 豪斯是一个救生员.他们一行人在游泳和进行人体冲浪活动, .然后一只大的海豚朝豪斯和海伦游 .接下来,有一些鳍状物,豪斯说. .它们一直移动并且在这些游泳的人周围围成一圈 它潜到水底,那时豪斯看到水里有灰色的东西正在移动. 这些海豚看上去非常着急,

一只巨大的大白鲨就在水下等着, 离人们不远,这只鲨鱼正朝向妮基和卡琳娜游去,

还没有放慢速度,它游的非常快.因此这些海豚用它们的尾巴游的甚至更快. 高溅起它们的尾巴,然后豪斯知道为什么海豚那么做, 海豚不想伤害他和那些女孩, 现在它

洋动物想保护他们的安全. 这些海豚待在这儿离这群人非常近直到鲨鱼离开, 每一只甚至更 孩子安全了,这些海豚才离开, 你想说谢谢你们并且想握握它们的鳍形肢, 这些海

是一个可疑的故事,这些海豚是英雄. 当豪斯和这些

【解答】16. A .考查动词词义辨析. bring带;miss想念;return归还; 豪斯说.这并不 Rob Howes wan ted to spend a day at the beach罗伯豪斯想去海滩度过一天,那么接下来他肯 定要
search搜查.根据 带着他的家人, He brought his daughter Nicky .故选 A

17. C.考查形容词词义辨析. broke n坏的;com mon共同的;stran ge奇怪的;polluted

染的;Then they saw something••然后他们看到一些 …的东西.根据后面的 Suddenly, there are

these fins突然,有一些鳍状物.可知这里应用 strange修饰something意为奇怪的东西,故 C. 18. D.考查名词词义辨析. trainers训练者;coaches教练;fishermen

者; 根据 The group swam and bodysurfed 禾口后面的句子 The dolphins seemed worried 所以 The-saw seve n dolph ins moving towards them .在大海里,肯定是游泳的.故选 D. 19. B .考查动词词义辨析. held举办;hit击打;cleaned打扫;provided提供,根据前文 The

dolphins seemed worried,那么后面肯定是 They hit the water with their tails .它们用尾巴 击打水,故选B .

20. D.考查名词词义辨析.pool水塘;air气;island岛;water.根据上文it dived (潜 水)down underwater它(一只海豚)潜入水下,结合
D. Howes在游泳所以此处是指在水里
21. A .考查动词词义辨析.waited等;washed洗;grew成长;served为…服务.根据It was n't far from the people .离人不远,那么上句 A great white shark…期derwater,那么食人鲨肯定在 等待时机,故选A.
22. B.考查副词词义辨析. beautifully漂亮地;fast快地;heavily重地;away远离.根据 Now the shark was not slow 鲨鱼不慢,下面肯定是 moved fast移动的快了 .故选 B.
23. what什么;why为什么;whether
是否.根据前文 the dolphins used their tails to swim even faster , Each one splashed its tail even more 禾口后文 These sea mammals (哺乳动物) wan ted to keep them safe. The n Howes knew
why.故选C. C.考查疑问词词义和连词词义辨析. where哪里;24. C .考查动词词义辨析.play玩;trust相信;harm伤害;protect保护.根据前句the dolphins did so .和后句 These sea mammals (哺乳动物) wan ted to keep them safe可知这些海豚这样 做的目的 The dolphi ns did n't wa nt to harm him and the girls 就是别伤着他们,故选 C.
25. A考查连词词义辨析.un til直到…时;because因为;if如果;si nee自…以来.根据后 Howes and the kids were safe, the dolphins swam away 所以可以推出前面的这句所填的词, The dolphins stayed close to the group until the shark left .这些海豚离他们非常近直到鲨鱼离 .故选A . 【点评】首先要通读全文,了解大意,紧紧抓住上下文所提供的信息, 词的搭配,并按上下文需要作答,然后读全文,校对答案. 然后明确词义,词型,
三、阅读理解(共 4小题;每小题2分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,从每题所给四个选项 ABCD )中,选出最佳选项 .
26. 2 分)2016?南京)Alan is visiting South Mainland with his family , He is reading an information card to help them . Ferry Booki ng Offices Shops Places to Eat Local Food Post Offices Visitors Cen tres Swimmi ng Pool Health Centre Police Statio n
Mousa, Tel: 07901 872339 Fair Isle . Tel: 01595 760363 Dunrossness, Toab . Bigton . Sandwick Sumburgh . Spiggie . Bigton . Hoswick Dunrossness, Toab, Bigton Levenwick Boddam Hoswick . Sandsayre. Cunningsburgh Sandwick , Tel: 01950 431511 leve nwick. Tel: 01950 422240 Dunrossness, Tel: 01950 460707 26. Which number should Alan call if he wants to book tickets for the ferry ? B

D.01950 A. 01950 460707 . B.01595 760363 . C.01950 422240 .
27. Where can Alan go to enjoy local food in South Mainland ? _B A . Dunrossness, Toab. Bigton , Sandwick. B. Sumburgh, Spiggie , Bigton . Hoswick C. Dunrossness, Toab. Bigton , Levenwick D. Boddam, Hoswick , Sandsayre, Cunningsburgh .
f rr i v 【考点】广告布告类阅读;文中细节. 【分析】Alan想要和家人一起去参观南大陆.她正在看一张信息卡.这张信息卡介绍了码 头售票处、商店、吃当地食物的地方、邮局、参观者中心、游泳池、健康中心和警察局及电 话号码. 【解答】26. B细节理解题.根据题干if he wants to book tickets for the ferry,可知应该去信 息卡中第一栏 Ferry Booking Offices中去找联系方式.可知电话为 01595 760363 .故选B.
27. B细节理解题.根据题干 "go to enjoy local food in South Mainland",可知应该去信息卡 中第三行"Places to Eat Local Food"找答案.对应的地点为 Sumburgh. Spiggie . Bigton . Hoswick .故选 B .
【点评】本题考查广告布告类阅读. 做此类题,可以先看题干,根据题干询问的内容去相应 的表格中找答案即可. 28. CHARACTERS Max and Emma SCENE 1 - Dining hall . Sunville Middle School EMMA : Max!Hi!Mr . Sosa says our band (乐队)can play in the tale nt show! MAX : Cool!I'll tell Felipe to meet in the music room after school for a practice . EMMA : Umm . I wonder if It's a good idea to have Felipe in our band MAX : With his mouth open Of course it is!He's really good at the keyboard . EMMA : Really ? He seems more interested in maths than anything else .
MAX : Well, the says maths and music are connected. He says that learning to read music and playing keyboard is like learning maths formulas (公式).
EMMA : Then rm sure he's good at music . too. With Felipe on keyboard , we'll really have an edge over the other groups 28. The underlined word"edge"in the play means" B ". A temperature B. advantage C. conversation D. relati on ship 29 . Why does Emma wonder if it is a good idea to have Felipe in the band ? B

A . She thinks Felipe will help them win . B. She's not sure if Felipe is good at music C. She thinks the band has had eno ugh players. D. She's imagining what songs Felipe likes to play . 30. Which of following shows where the scene happens ? D A. EMMA : Umm B. MAX : With his mouth open C. CHARACTERS - Max and Emma D. SCENE I - Dining hall , Sunville Middle School . 【考点】广告布告类阅读;判断推理;文中细节. 【分析】 这篇是MaxEmma的一场舞台剧的第一场景: 地点:Sunville中学的餐厅. 内容:EmmaSosa老师说他们的乐队可以在才艺表演上表演. Max很高兴,说要放学后
Felipe —起来练习.可是 Emma认为Felipe不适合参加乐队,他对数学更感兴趣. 说数学和音乐是有联系的,学习音乐和玩键盘就像是学数学公式.最后, Max的观点,同意 Felipe参加乐队表演. Emma也同意了
【解答】28. B 判断推理题.根据"With Felipe on keyboard , we'll really have an edge over the other groups"中的over the other groups (超出其他组),可知edge的含义为"优势"本句表示" Felipe盘的帮助下,我们将有超出其他组的优势. conversation 对话;relationship 关系.故选 B .
29. B 细节temperature温度;advantage优点;
理解题.根据其后 Emma 的解释说明:"EMMA : Really ? He seems more interested in maths than anything else ."可知Emma认为Felipe不擅长音乐,更擅长数学.故选 30.
D细节理解题.根据题干中"where the scene happens",可知问的是场景发生的地点. A B .
选项为Emma的语气词;B选项为Max的表情描述;C选项为主要角色介绍; 景的地点.故选D. 【点评】本题考查舞台剧一个场景的阅读理解. D选项为场
话的形式呈现的,所以较简单.根据题干问题去找答案即可. 31. 5 分) 2016?南京)A new report shows what life might be like in 100 years now . It describes skyscrapers that are much taller than today's buildings , underwater"bubble"cities and holidays in space. The report is from a company . It asked experts (专家)
on space and architecture, as well as city planners , to give their ideas on the life in 2116 . They said the way we live , work and play will be totally different to how we do these things today . The experts used the Internet as an example. They said that 25years ago, people could not imagine how the Internet and smartphones would change our lives . The Internet has completely changed the way we communicate , learn and

do daily things . The experts said the changes in the next century would be even more un believable .
Researchers questioned 2, 000 adults about the predictions (预言)they thought were most likely (很可能的) to happen in the future . They predicted that in the future , few people will go to an office but will work from home and have work meet ings on li ne . People will have highly developed 3 - D printers that will let you download (下载)
a design for furniture or a food recipe and then"print"the sofa , table or pizza at home. There will also be less need for visits to the doctor. We will all have a home health instrument that will tell us what the problem is and give us treatment. We will also be going into space for holidays and to get resources that we have used up on Earth . A predict ion that is miss ing is whether people will still n eed to study En glish 31. The writer uses the example of the Internet in Paragraph I to show D . A . the Internet was often used B. the Internet has developed fast C . people will not believe the cha nges D . tech no logy will cha nge people's lives 32 . With the help of highly developed 3 - D printers , a way to get a sofa in 2116 is to C . A . buy one in a shop B . ask somebody to make one C . dow nl oad a desig n an d"pri nt" one D . desig n and make one by on eself 33 . Accord ing to the passage, the miss ing predict ion is D . A . how people will work B . where people will get resources C . what people will have at home to treat ill ness D . whether people will still n eed to lear n En glish . 34 . The passage is mainly about A . A . the life in 2016 B . holidays in space C . the history of the Internet D . medical treatme nt 35 . The passage is most probably from B . A . an advertiseme nt B . a n ewspaper C . a detective story D . a health report .

【考点】科普知识类阅读;判断推理;文中细节. 【分析】有一份报告预测了 100年后人类的生活.据它描述,摩天楼将更 的水下城市以及太空度假将会出现.这份报告来自一个公司.它就 家、建筑学家以及城市规划人士进行询问.并认为
挺拔",水泡结构 2116年的生活向太空学
当今截然不同.专家们用互联网作为例子.他们表示,二十五年前,人们无法想象互联网和 智能手机会改变人们的生活. 因为互联网,我们的交流方式、
方式发生了彻底改变.并称下个世纪的变化将更加难以置信. 就这些预测的可能性, 研究人员对两千名成年人进行了询问. 上工作会议将占据主流.通过先进的
过它们在家打印沙发、桌子或是披萨•人们不再需要医生•一切由家庭健康器材解决,它 会给我们诊断治疗. 我们可以去太空旅行, 并获得在地球上用尽的资源. 但有一点被人们所
遗忘,那就是人们还需不需要学习英语. 【解答】31 D 细节理解题
根据上文"They said the way we live , work and play will be totally different to how we do these things today .他们认为 2116年的生活、工作以及出游方式将与当 今截然不同.可知 想利用互联网来表明:未来生活将因科技会发生很大变化,故选 32 C 细节理解题
根据"People will have highly developed 3 - D D
printers that will let you download a design for furniture or a food recipe and then rint'the sofa , table or pizza at home. 过先进的3D打印机,人们可以下载家具设计以及美食菜谱,通过它们在家 子或是披萨."故选C 33 D 细节理解题
根据下文"A prediction that is missing is whether people will still need to D
study English ."可知人们不知道未来还需不需要学习英语.故选
34 A 推理判断题 根据"A new report shows what life might be like in 100 years now .有一份 报告预测了 100年后人类的生活."可知这篇短文主要是关于 35 B 推理判断题 故选B
【点评】这是一篇关于预测未来生活的短文, 题目涉及到很多细节理解题和推理判断题. 题时应结合短文和对短文的理解进行选择,做到有理有据,做完后仔细检查. Rachel Carson 1907 - 1964 was a pioneer of the world's environmental movement through her writ ing about the protect ion of the n atural world . Her 1962 book Sile nt Spring made her well known by many people . It describes the harmful changes in the environment of using toxic (有害 的)chemicals on farmland .
Carson's career started as a biologist in the US Bureau of Fisheries . In 1951 she published her first book .The Sea Around Us, which became a bestseller. It made her rich eno ugh to leave her job and devote her life to writing . She was s gifted writer. Her next two books were also about the oceans and both topped the book sales lists.
Carson's book Silent Spring completely changed the way America thought about nature . It pain ted a bleak (荒凉的)
future for the whole n atural world . It led to a n ati on wide ban (禁

2116年的生活,故选 A
止)on the use of a deadly chemical called DDT , and other toxic pesticides (农药)that farmers used

for their crops . Many people say the book led to the creation of America's Environmental Protection Agency .
Since her death . Carson's n ame has continued to be conn ected with protect ing the environment . There is now a yearly Rachel Carson Book Prize . Norway awards the Rachel Carson Prize to wome n who have made great con tributi ons to the field of environmen tal protection . In 1980 , 16 years after her death, she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honour in America . 36 . What happe ned to Rachel Cars on in 1962 ? D A . She started to write books B . She gave up work ing as s biologist C. Her book The Sea Around Us sold well D. Her book Silent Spring made her famous 37. What most probably made Rachel Carson leave her job ? C A . She got an award B. She published Silent Spring C. The Sea Around Us brought her eno ugh money D. The US gover nment took no tice of her researches 38 . Why is the book Sile nt Spring importa nt to America's environmen tal protect ion ? C A . It describes a sile nt spri ng B . It topped the book sales lists C . It cha ngeed how America thought about n ature D . It in cludes all Carson's research achieveme nts 39 . What does the underline word"It"in Paragraph 3 mean ? A A . The book Sile nt Spri ng B . The way America thought C . The US Bureau of Fisheries D . America's Environmen tal Protect ion Age ncy 40 . Why was Rachel Carson awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom ? D A . She published the book sile nt spri ng B . She did a lot of researches for the US Bureau of Fisheries C . She don ated much money to the Rachel Carson Book Prize D . She made great con tributi ons to the environmen tal protect ion .

【考点】人物故事类阅读;判断推理;文中细节. 【分析】Rachel Carson( 1907 - 1964是世界环保运动的先驱, 她写的关于自然保护的书.

1962年的书《寂静的春天》让她家喻户晓.书中描述了有害化学物品对环境的危害. Rachel Carson的职业生涯开始于美国渔业局的一名生物学家. 1951年她出版了她的第一本
书《我们周围的大海》一本畅销书,这让她足够富有去辞职,奉献自己的生命去写作.她是 天才的作家.她接下来的两本书也针对海洋并高居图书销售排行榜榜首. Carson的书《寂静的春天》彻底改变了美国思考自然的方式.它描绘整个自然世界的未来 的荒凉.它导致了一个致命的化学物质称为
物的有毒农药的禁令.很多人说这本书致使了美国环境保护局的创建. 自她死后,卡森的名字仍然是与保护环境相关. 现在有一个给那些在环境保护领域做出巨大 贡献的女性 Rachel Carson奖,1980年她死后第16年,她被授予总统自由勋章,美国最 高荣誉的平民勋章. 【解答】36.答案:D .细节理解题.根据 Her 1962 book Silent Spring made her well known by many people可知她1962年出版的书让她世界闻名,故选 D.
37. 答案:C .细节理解题.根据 In 1951 she published her first book . The Sea Around Us, which became a bestseller. It made her rich eno ugh to leave her job and devote her life to writing .可知因为The Sea Around Us这本书给她带来了很多钱才去辞职的,故选
C. 38. 答案:C .细节理解题.根据 Carso n's book Sile nt Spri ng completely cha nged the way America thought about nature可知是因为这本书改变了美国思考自然的方式,故选
39. 答案:A .推理判断题.根据
Carson's book Silent Spring completely changed the way America thought about n ature . It pain ted a bleak (荒凉的) future for the whole n atural world 根据前后文,得知后句是对这本书的进一步介绍, 故选A . 40 .答案:D .推理判断题.联系全文内容,本文介绍了 巨大贡献,所以才会授予她总统自由勋章.故答案是 D . 【点评】阅读理解主要考查学生一下几个方面的阅读理解能力: 1、理解和把握文章主旨大意、段落大意和中心思想的能力. 2 理解和把握文章具体信息来获取有关信息能力, 及根据上下文提供的语境推测生词词义、 意,进而加深对文章的理解能力. 3 根据文章进行简单的数字推算和计算的能力. 4 既要理解词、短语、句子和文章的表层意思,更要理解其深层含义和抽象概念的能力. 5 理解全篇的逻辑关系,根据已知信息进行合理的推理判断和预测新信息的能力. 四、填空(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分). 41 . . - I find the game without Kobe Bryant boring -I don't agree . One player cannot make a team (队). 【考点】翻译填空. 【分析】--我发现没有科比布莱恩特的比赛是无聊的. --我不同意,一个球员不能成为一个团队. 【解答】 答案:team根据题干I don't agree . One player cannot make a _____ (队).可知句 意为:我不同意,一个球员不能成为一个团队.不定冠词 .故填:team . 【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句

it指代的是上文的Silent Spring这本书,

确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查 team,队,名词. 42 . .There is an empty 【考点】翻译填空. (空的) bottle on the road , Every one should be careful .
【分析】 那儿路上有个空的瓶子.每个人都必须小心. 【解答】答案:empty
根据句意,Everyone should be careful .(每个人都要小心),根据常理可推知为空瓶子,再 根据括号内容及an确定填空内容,因此填 empty . 【点评】 联系句意,再根据括号内提示,填写空格中词语正确的形态. 43. t's a good idea to give your father a jacket (夹克衫)as a gift on June 19, Father's Day. 【考点】翻译填空. 【分析】在619日父亲节那天给你爸爸买一件夹克衫作为礼物是个好主意. 【解答】 答案:jacket .根据汉语提示夹克衫,可知相对应的单词为名词 "jacket".此名词 为可数名词,故需要考虑其单复数形式.根据 .故答案为jacket 【点评】本题考查可数名词的翻译. 首先要根据汉语提示写出单词,判断词性,其次因为本 单词是可数名词,还需要考虑用单数形式还是复数形式.故找准 44. . - Where shall we go for the summer outing , Daniel ? -I can't remember 【考点】翻译填空. 【分析】--我们去哪里避暑呢,丹尼尔?
--我记不太清楚了,也许巴布洛山谷附近的某个地方. 【解答】 答案:remember 根据题干-I can't____ (记得)exactly , maybe somewhere near Babulo Valley .可知句意为:我记不太清楚了,也许巴布洛山谷附近的某个地方. remember,记得,动词.故填: remember.
【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句 法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查
remember,记得,动词. can't+动词原形,
(记得)exactly, maybe somewhere near Babulo Valley .
"a"是做题的关键. a,可知其后需要的名词为可数名词单数形
45. .If every one thinks about polluti on and recycli ng we can protect the air and help to save (救)our world . 【考点】翻译填空. 【分析】如果每个人都考虑污染和循环利用,我们就能保护空气和帮助拯救我们的世界. 【解答】 答案:(to save 根据题干 If every one thinks about polluti on and recycli ng we can protect the air and help __ (救)our world .可知句意为:如果每个人都考虑污染和循环利用, 我们就能保护空气和帮助拯救我们的世界. 救,动词.故填: to save.
【点评】本题主要考查翻译填空,做此类题目,首先结合提示词,弄清句意.然后再根据句 法,语法,确定单词的准确形式.本题主要考查
save,救,挽救,动词. help to do sth.帮助做某事.save,救,挽

46. .At present more and more students choose online courses and study by themselves they. 【考点】完成句子. 【分析】现在很多学生选择网上课程以及自学模式. 【解答】答案:themselves 根据理解句意,可知这句是对学生学习方式的现状的描述--现在很多学生选择网上课程以 及自学模式.与传统的学习时相对的,传统的学习为教师安排学习任务,学生学习.联系句 意,由介词by以及括号提示可知应采用
by on eself,意为某人自学,因此这里they对应的
反身代词为 themselves.答案为themselves.
【点评】需联系句意,根据平常所学到的语法知识,填写词语正确的形式. 47. .Nanjing looks much more beautiful on snowy (snowdays. 【考点】完成句子. 【分析】下雪天南京看起来漂亮多了. 【解答】 答案:snowy.句中的days是名词日子,前面用形容词来修饰,所给单词 名词雪,形容词是 snowy下雪的,故答案是 snowy. 【点评】名词后加-y变成形容词,如:
luck Plucky , cloud ^cloudy ; wind ^windy ; rain ^rainy ; sun^sunny, snow^snowy noise - noisy health healthy 48. . - Nancy. I really don't know how to write articles . -Don't worry . Use 【考点】完成句子. 【分析】-Nancy,我真不知道怎么写文章. -别担心.用思维导图来组织你的想法. 【解答】答案:Use
根据句意,可知道回答的句子是一句表示建议的句子.动词在句首,可考虑使用祈使句,表 示给某人建.祈使句的句首用动词原形,因此直接使用 首,第一个字母u需要大写.因此答案为
Use. use.需要注意的是use单词在句
(use a mind map to organize your ideas .
【点评】 联系句意和括号内的提示,根据平时掌握的语法知识,正确填写词语形式. a mind map思维导图, organize one's ideas组织某人的想法 49. like .
【考点】完成句子. 【分析】 这个书店出售很多的英文字典.你可以选择你喜欢的. 【解答】答案:dictionaries 根据句意及括号内的提示,可知是 此需用复数形式填写,需要注意的是 es.因此答案为 dictionaries .

.This bookstore sells many En glish diet ion aries(dicti onary . You can choose what you "很多英文字典"dictionary为可数名词的复数形式,因 dictionary是以y结尾的名词,需要去掉

【点评】 联系句意及括号内的提示,根据平时掌握的语法知识,填写正确的词语形式. 50. .There were (be four students from School for the Blind in Nanjing sharing reading with the students in the US through online video on April 22 2016. 【考点】完成句子. 【分析】在2016422 ,有四个来自南京盲人学校的学生通过网上视频与美国的学生 分享了阅. 【解答】答案为were. 此处There开头,空格后面为名词,可知是使用
There be句型表达某处有某物,再考虑时
态,时间状语为on April 222016,是过去的一个时间点,本句是对过去发生的一件事情的 一般描述,因而需选用一般过去时,因此此处
students是可数名词复数,因此 be动词为were .故答案为 were. 【点评】联系句意,根据括号内的提示,查找句子中的相关信息, 运用平时学到的语法知识, 正确判断需要填写的词语的正确形态. 根据对话内容,从下面方框中选择适当的单词或短语填空,时对话内容完整正确,并将答 案写在对应的位置上.
51. 5 分)(2016?南京)always patient Good idea because of do well in A : which teachers will you miss the most after junior high school , Han Mei ? B: Ms . Zhang and Mr. Li .
A : I know that Ms . Zhang was (51 patient e no ugh to repeat grammar rules for you in En glish class.
B: Yes, and Mr. Li helped me (52 do well in maths. He always took the time to explain things to me clearly whenever I could n't understand anything . Who will you miss ?
A : Ms . Zhang. She encouraged me in Chinese class. She (53 always told me , "You can do it!"I put in more effort and got high marks (54 beacause of her. B: Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you ? A : (55 Good idea . Let's go shopping tomorrow! 【考点】补全对话;学习. 【分析】 这是一篇AB的对话,主要是谈论初中毕业以后你最想念那个老师.全文翻译 如下:
A :韩梅,初中毕业以后你最想念那些老师? B :张老师和李老师. A :我知道张老师在英语课上非常有耐心的给你重复讲解语法规则. B :是的,李老师帮助我学好数学,无论什么时候当我有不理解的东西的时候,他总是花费 时间给我清晰的解释清楚.你想念谁?
A :张老师,在语文课上他鼓励我,她总是告诉我,你能做好.由于她的鼓励再加上我的更 多努力,我得了高分. B :我们给他们每个人一个卡片和礼物去说声谢谢?

A:好主意,明天我们去购物. 【解答】51. patient根据系动词be+形容词+enough+to do something的意思是有足够的什么 去做什.结合选项中的词只有
patient为形容词"耐心的".故填:patient 52. do well in .这个主要是考查的是词组 help somebody do something (意思是帮助某 人做某事helped me do well in maths (意思是帮我学好数学 do well in的意思是在某方 面做的好.故填: do well in 53. always.因为told是动词故用频率副词 always (意思是总是修饰.故填:always
effort and got high marks 并且得到了高分是因为她,这里的词组
beacause of.根据 I put in more (意思是我付出了更多的努力
beacause of (因为后跟代词 her.故填:because of
55. Good idea .根据 Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you ? Let's go shopping tomorrow (意思是我们将给他们每个人一个卡片和礼物去说声谢谢. 买)故应用答语
Good idea表同意,意思是好主意".故填:Good idea 【点评】 做这样的题,认真阅读试题的背景,弄明白汉语意思,以及一些固定词组的搭配, 抓住文章的主题是关键,还有平时要多积累. 让我们明天去
五、阅读填空(共1小题,每小题10分,满分10分)阅读下列短文,根据所读内容,在 文章第56-65小题的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,并将答案写在对应的位置上
56. 10 分) 2016?南京)What will you eat for lunch today ? In some countries lunchtime often means soup time!There are many kinds of soups served around the world . Some are as thin and clear as water. Some are as thick as stews Others are full of noodles! Soup is just one thing that can be eaten for lunch , What you eat for lunch may be different from the lunch of some one who lives in ano ther country . Let's take a look around the world to see what kids are eating for lunch .
Mexico Many children in Mexico eat tortillas for lunch . Most tortillas are made from ground corn , but sometimes wheat in used . Tortillas are usually flat and round , but they can also be made into other shapes. Taco shells are made from corn tortillas and filled with beans or meat . Tasty sauces called salsas, are often added to tacos, These sauces are made from tomatoes onions, hot peppers and spices. Russia Winters in Russia are very cold . Maybe that's why many Russian children eat soup for lunch . Two of their favourites are cabbage soup and beet soup.
Many Russian soups also include potatos. Potatoes are an important crop in Russia . They make soups thick, Eating thick soups can help keep people warm and can fill them up , so hunger is no problem! South Korea

Meals in Korea are made up of many dishes . No matter what else is served, there in always rice . Kimchi is also always on the table , Kimchi is pickled (腌制的 meat or vegetables. Korean children mix together many dishes and flavors at meals . It's com mon for their food to be hot and spicy.
Thaila nd Lunch in Thailand often includes noodles . There are many ways to serve noodles . One popular dish is made with thin rice noodles , tofu and shrimp . Another favourite way to eat rice noodles is with meat, vegetables and thick gravy . What's for 56

lu nch ?

In troduct ion ?Different soups are served around the world , In some countries soup

time (57 stands for lunchtime .
?Kids in different countries may not eat the (58 same food for lunch .
?Tortillas are popular food made from ground corn or wheat in different (59
Mexico shapes .
?Taco shells are made from corn tortillas and (60 full of bea ns or meat.
?Cabbage soup and beet soup are Russian children's favourites . They eat soup for lunch probably because of the Food for lunch in differe nt coun tries Russia (61 cold seas on. ?Russians (62 add potatoes to soups in order to made them thick.
?There are many dishes in Korea . However, you cannot South Korea (63
avoid see ing rice and Kimchi on the table ?Manv dishes and flavors (64 mixed together at meals in hot and spicy tastes.
?People cook or eat rice no odles with differe nt (65 like tofu . meat, vegetables, and so on. Thaila nd


【考点】社会文化类阅读;阅读填空. 【分析】今天你中午会吃什么? 一些国家的午饭时间就是意味着喝汤•世界各地有很多种 汤•有一些就像水一样清淡•一些像煨的汤一样浓•其他的都是面条. 汤是中午能吃的一样食物.你中午想吃的也许和在其他国家吃的不一样. 人们中午吃什么?
墨西哥许多孩子中午吃玉米粉圆饼. 大部分的玉米粉圆饼是由玉米制成的,
小麦.玉米粉圆饼经常是又平又圆, 但是他们经常制成其他形状. 墨西哥馅饼是有玉米粉圆
饼制成的,装满了豆子和肉•美味的酱汁沙司加入馅饼•这些酱汁是由西红柿,洋葱,辣椒 和香料制成. 俄国
俄国的冬天很冷.也许那就是为什么俄国的孩子中午喝汤. 菜汤.许多的俄国汤常含土豆. 暖,能吃饱,所以饥饿不是问题. 韩国 韩国的饮食是由很多的菜组成的.不管吃什么,都会有米饭. 泡菜常出现在饭桌上.

的肉或者蔬菜. 韩国的孩子吃饭时将很多菜肴和口味混合 一起.他们的食物通常是热的辣的. 泰国 泰国的午饭常有面条.有很多方式做面条.一个受欢迎的菜是用细米粉,豆腐和虾做成的, 另一个最爱的方式是吃米线加肉,蔬菜和浓肉汁.
【解答】56.答案:lunch.主旨大意题:根据 What will you cat for lunch today ? In some countries lunchtime often means soup time!There are many kinds of soups served around the world 可知本 文主要是说不同国家的午饭都吃什么,故填 lunch .
57. 答案: stands. 推理判断题.根据 In some countries lunchtime often means soup time! 知午饭时间就是意味着喝汤时间, mean 表示意味着, 也就是代表着, 结合所给的 for stand for 表示代表着, 这里是说客观事实用一般现在时, 主语 soup time 不可数名词, 故用 stands.
58. 答案:same.推理判断题.根据 What you eat for lunch may be different from the lunch of someone who lives in another country . Let's take a look around the world to see what kids are eating for lunch .可知不同国家的孩子午饭不同,前面有 not否定,结合the故用same相同 的,故答案是 same.
59. 答案:shapes.纟田节理解题. 根据 Most tortillas are made from ground corn but sometimes wheat in used. Tortillas are usually flat and round , but they can also be made into other shapes. 知是被制成不同的形状,故用复数
60.答案: full .纟节理解题. 根据 Taco shells are made from corn tortillas and filled with beans or meat 墨西哥馅饼是由玉米粉圆饼制成的,装满了豆子和肉, be filled with 相当于 be full of 充满了…,故填full .
61.答案: cold .纟节理解题. 根据 Winters in Russia are very cold 可知 Eating thick soups can help keep people warm and can fill them up 可知俄国人喝汤是为了御寒, 因为寒冷的季节, 形容cold冷的修饰名词season季节,故答案是 cold .
62.答案:add.细节理解题.根据 Many Russian soups also include potatos. Potatoes are an important crop in Russia . They make soups thick .可知加土豆能让汤浓厚,这里是说客观事 实用一般现在时,加入用动词
add,主语the Russia ns复数,填add .
63 答案: avoid 推理判断题 根据 Meals in Korea are made up of many dishes No matter what else is served, there in always rice Kimchi is also always on the table ,可知韩国的饭桌上不可 避免的看见米饭和泡菜, cannot 情态动词,后加动词原形; avoid 避免, avoid doing sth 免做某事,故答案是
avoid 64 答案: mixed 推理判断题 根据 Korean children mix together many dishes and flavors at meals It's common for their food to be hot and spicy 可知他们喜欢拌饭,拌过了的,过去分 词作后置定语,表被,故用
mixed 65 答案: food 推理判断题 根据 One popular dish is made with thin rice noodles , tofu and shrimp Another favourite way to eat rice noodles is with meat , vegetables and thick gravy 知这里是两种加了不同食物的米线,故填
food 【点评】本篇短文有生词,但不碍事,知道生词的所指类别就好, 和句型结构来得出最佳答案. 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填在在相应位置
66. (10 (2016?南京How long does it take to bulid a new house ? It usually takes about six mon

ths or more . (66 B But each year, thousa nds of people work together to bulid new homes in just four mon ths ? Who does this (67 w won derful work ? Habitat for Huma nity .
Habitat for Humanity is a group that builds homes for families in (68 n need . It has branches (分部in different states around the country .
This group works all over the world , too. Volunteers help build the homes . They are unpaid workers who do all the work for (69 f free . Volunteers can be builders and painters. They can be teachers or bankers, Some are students Habitat for Humanity has built more than 300 , 000 houses. More than 1.5 million people (70 l live in these houses. Buliding a home is hard work . Volunteers learn (71 h how to put up walls . They use many (72 m mach in es/materials a nd tools. These selfless (无私的 volun teers work with the family that will live in the house , Every one works together to make the family's (73 d dream (s come true.
Suruchi Srikanth has worked with Habitat for Humanity for four years . She (74 b began volunteering in high school . She has built many homes with others Volunteers . She takes her responsibilities (责任seriously . Volunteers know ( 75 i if they don't help , homes may not get built. They are good citizens who care other people .
窃» Habitat
ffl for Humanity 【考点】语法填空. 【分析】 建一个新家通常至少都需要 6个月的时间,但 Habitat for Humanity这个组织却只 需要短短的4个月.而实际上他们都是志愿者无偿帮忙, 人完成梦想…
【解答】(66答案but .由前后文建房所用时间的对比可知此处表转折,故填 (67 容词修饰 wonderful . (68
Habitat for Humanity为那些有需要的家庭帮忙建房,固定搭配 need . (69 志愿者, (70
答案free .由前文知这个组织的工人都是无偿工作,for free ,免费,故填free . 答案live . Habitat for Humanity已经建了超过 300,000所房子, 答案need . in need, but . 在世界各地帮助那些正在盖新家的
答案wonderful .由句子结构此处应填形work,结合文意应表赞叹,故填
并且已经有超过 150000 的人住进了他们建的房中,故填 live . (71

答案how .志愿者how表方式,故

how . 72 答案machines/materials .他们建房会用到机器,原材料和工具,结合前文 提示,故可填 machine/materials
73 答案dream s.大家齐心协力去帮助这些家庭实现梦想, make one's dream s come true,实现某人的梦想,故填
dream s. began.
if表假 use禾口首字
74 答案began.她中学就开始加入志愿者行列,发生在过去,故填
75 答案if .志愿者们清楚,如果没有他们的帮助,这些家园可能不会建立起来, ,故填 if
【点评】 语法填空,首先要了解文章的大意,然后再分析各个空,填上合适的语法. 六、书面表达(满分 15 分) .
76. 15分)2016?南京)假如你是在南京学习的英国交流学生
Max,你的英国同学 Simon
给你写了一封电子邮件.请你根据邮件内容,用英语给 Simon 回一封电子邮件. Hey Max ,
I haven't heard from you since you in Nanjing How are you getting on Is everything OK with the school you study in What are your English classes like Write soon! Yours
Simon 1.文中不得出现你的真实姓名和学校名称; 2.语言通顺,意思连贯,条例清楚,书写规范;
3.词数 80 左右,邮件的开头与结尾已经给出,不计入总词数. Hi Simon ,
Sorry I haven't written till now .. Yours, Max
【考点】 提纲作文.
【分析】 这是一篇应用文,让我们回复英国同学 Simon 的一封电子邮件,首先要看懂邮件 的内容,确定 Simon 想要知道的事情.内容是开放的,需要我们发挥自己的想象力、创造 力和思维力, 把这些内容补充完整. 由题目可知, 写作时要用第一人称, 时态为一般现在时, 内容要点包括:介绍自己的情况、介绍学校及日常活动、介绍新学校的英语课以及结束语. 重要短语及高分句型: be busy with 忙于做某事
get on well with sb 与某人相处融洽 on weekdays 在平时

send sbsth 寄某物给某人
I'm really busy with the courses and making new friends these days
这些天我真的是在忙于课程以及交朋友. be busy with 忙于做某事, make friends 交朋友,两 个短语用得很好.
After school we can do some sports to relax 放学后,我们可以做一些运动来放松一下. after school 放学后, do sports 做运动,用得好; 以及 to relax 不定式表目的. English classes in China are not like ones in Britain
中国的英语课不像英国的.like介词,像;ones是代词,代替前面的 【解答】 One possible version Hi Simon
Sorry I haven't written till now . I'm really busy with the courses and making new friends these days.(高分句型) I think people here are kind and friendly and I am getting on well with them.(介绍自己的情况)
My school is large and beautiful We have lessons on weekdaysSchool starts at 8 amand finishes at 4 30 pmAfter school we can do some sports to relax (高分句型) (介绍学校 及日常活动)
English classes in China are not like ones in Britain .(高分句型)
The texts are easy Sometimes we practise a lot in class And sometimes we play games after class .(介绍新 学校的英语课)
I will send you some photos of my school next time . Take care!(结束语) Yours Max 【点评】 写电子邮件时, 首先要看懂对方邮件的内容,弄清对方想知道的事情,最好列一下 提纲,然后根据提纲进行写作就不会造成离题或偏题, 但要注意, 文章必须要覆盖整个要点, 行文要注意简化,不要拖沓冗长,要使用正确的句子,同时注意,要使用一定的连接词,比
如: first second what's more finally 等.再者,在作文完成时要注意检查、修改,如果 有时间可以先写到草稿纸上,再抄到答题纸上,这样更容易得高分.最后, 型和短语,使整篇文章意思连贯、流畅,方能成就一篇好的作文.
English classes.


