Staff motivition

发布时间:2015-01-20 20:56:18   来源:文档文库   

The Application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory in Staff Motivation

With the development of the World Trade and the acceleration of global economic integration, human resources management in the enterprise management and the growing role of the position, while the use of employee incentives to improve their core competitiveness of enterprises has become a necessary choice. Motivation through research and analysis of enterprise incentive mechanism, incentive mechanism that the enterprise must change as the business environment and make appropriate adjustments, and then based on incentive theory to analyze the business problems in the existing incentives, and points out the reason and Clear its adjustment strategy. This thesis will study on the application on the Maslow’s hierarchy needs in staff motivation.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" in Psychological Review.Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity. His theories parallel many other theories of human developmental psychology, some of which focus on describing the stages of growth in humans. Maslow used the terms "physiological", "safety", "belongingness" and "love", "esteem", "self-actualization" and "self-transcendence" to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through.

In fact, person are not machines at all,staff are not always bored their works either, neither as boss’s imagination that only pressure can push them work hard. Although Staff motivation based on physical needs,meaning while beyond the needs of food and money. People are sensitive, their psychology play an important role in their enthusiasm and motivation. Due to staff are priority source of enterprise so how to manage staff is a core problem. Base on Maslow’s hierarchy needs to staff motivation could start form these five aspect.

Physiological needs

Physiological needs are the physical requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met, the human body cannot function properly and will ultimately fail. Physiological needs are thought to be the most important; they should be met first.Air, water, and food are metabolic requierments for survivals in all animals including humans. Clothing and shelter provide necessary protection from theelements.

As for staff the salary is the main source of making a living, the staff need to change their hard work to deserved salary, so before people come into a company, most of them would firstly consider if a satisfied salary can be proved. The higher the salary is the more motivation the staff get. By this way, if a stuff are work for the money, it would be the best way for company to motivate those stuff.At the same time,the stuff also should be provide a good working atmosphere. No one would like to work in a terrible atmosphere, this not only includes a ideal environment but also a harmony interpersonal relationship. What’s more, only after the first needs get meet can the staff desire higher needs, it is human’s instinct that after their life can continue then they would ask for more developments.

Safety needs

With their physical needs relatively satisfied, the individual's safety needs take precedence and dominate behavior. In the absence of physical safety – due to war, natural disaster, family violencechildhood abuse, etc. – people may (re-)experience post-traumatic stress disorder or transgenerational trauma. In the absence of economic safety – due to economic crisis and lack of work opportunities – these safety needs manifest themselves in ways such as a preference for job security, . Safety and Security needs include:Personal security,the same as needs for foods , the safety is also a basic human needs, Financial security is the condition of having the resources to support a standard of living now and in the foreseeable future.Health and well-being are important but easy to get hurt from work, some jobs have potential danger, so a safe and comfortable condition will be most people’s choices. Safety net against accidents or illness and their adverse impacts. For example, some jobs maybe dangerous but such jobs always can get higher salary, if the company can make sure about staff’s safety they will be more motivated.

Love and belonging

After physiological and safety needs are fulfilled, the third level of human needs is interpersonal and involves feelings of belongingness. This need is especially strong in childhood and can override the need for safety as witnessed in children who cling to abusive parents. Deficiencies within this level of Maslow's hierarchy – due to hospitalismneglectshunningostracism, etc. – can impact the individual's ability to form and maintain emotionally significant relationships in general, such as:Friendship,Intimacy,Family

According to Maslow, humans need to feel a sense of belonging and acceptance among their social groups, regardless whether these groups are large or small. For example, some large social groups may include clubs, co-workers, religious groups, professional organizations, sports teams, and gangs.

In a company the organization have to face the low efficiency and unsatisfied profit, the main problem maybe exist in the lacking of harmony culture, a friendly atmosphere and a well laid out and designed work space. They have to have a workplace which is conducive for productivity. One method often used is to arrange the desks and chairs in such a way that chit chat would de difficult to do. Each of the employees may be assigned a cubicle as their personal a harmony and positive company culture are another motivation. Because a positive culture is a ultimate power to encourage staff to create more individual or company’s value.


All humans have a need to feel respected; this includes the need to have self-esteem and self-respect. Esteem presents the typical human desire to be accepted and valued by others. People often engage in a profession or hobby to gain recognition. These activities give the person a sense of contribution or value. Low self-esteem or an inferiority complex may result from imbalances during this level in the hierarchy. People with low self-esteem often need respect from others; they may feel the need to seek fame or glory. However, fame or glory will not help the person to build their self-esteem until they accept who they are internally. Psychological imbalances such as depression can hinder the person from obtaining a higher level of self-esteem or self-respect.

Most people have a need for stable self-respect and self-esteem. Maslow noted two versions of esteem needs: a "lower" version and a "higher" version. The "lower" version of esteem is the need for respect from others. This may include a need for status, recognition, fame, prestige, and attention. The "higher" version manifests itself as the need for self-respect. For example, the person may have a need for strength, competence, mastery, self-confidence, independence, and freedom. This "higher" version takes precedence over the "lower" version because it relies on an inner competence established through experience. Deprivation of these needs may lead to an inferiority complex, weakness, and helplessness.

Maslow states that while he originally thought the needs of humans had strict guidelines, the "hierarchies are interrelated rather than sharply separated".[5]This means that esteem and the subsequent levels are not strictly separated; instead, the levels are closely related.

Many early theories suggested that self-esteem is a basic human need or motivation.For the staff, they get feed from their work,then they do better to improve their position or higher salary,not only for money but more tend to self-esteem, they do the work so they need to be approved they are good at something so that get more motivation from their self-satisfaction.another thing is people need job satisfaction, the job satisfaction is what do you want to get from your job?it may conclude a high salary, social contribution, or reputation and so on, all of those are are essentially esteem.According to Maslow’s needs hierarchy needs, when the physical, safety, love needs are meet, they will desire for high needs that is a kind of psychology need, the staff need to prove their value, what can they do for the company.


"What a man can be, he must be."[10] This quotation forms the basis of the perceived need for self-actualization. This level of need refers to what a person's full potential is and the realization of that potential. Maslow describes this level as the desire to accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be.[11] Individuals may perceive or focus on this need very specifically. For example, one individual may have the strong desire to become an ideal parent. In another, the desire may be expressed athletically. For others, it may be expressed in paintings, pictures, or inventions.[12] As previously mentioned, Maslow believed that to understand this level of need, the person must not only achieve the previous needs, but master them.


Based on the theory of Maslow hierarchy of needs and the basic point of view, that the theory's role in management activities, management activities, managers can target different levels of staff need to implement appropriate incentives. And after the needs of five levels of management activities proposed by the theory of practical significance, the last manager in the management activities proposed in the specific incentive methods.

Bill gates have said that if he can bring 100 of his enterprise he can restart his enterprise, and Watson also said that you can destroy my factory, as long as leave my staff can I rebuild my company. The talent staff is the key of an enterprise’s long term development.Enterprise need to think seriously about how to employ good staff and keep them, incentive mechanism play an important role in management, so, the core of enterprises incentive mechanism,according the needs of different gradation to design incentive mechanism is better for motivating staff, getting better motivating affection and achieve new ambition of enterprise’s development.


《Staff motivition.doc》
