
发布时间:2013-10-23 20:00:31   来源:文档文库   

仰望星空原来 我可以幸福

依稀记得小时候小伙伴之间 有这么一个游戏 大家搬着小凳子 齐刷刷地围坐在一起 其中有一人扮演老师 有模有样的拿着语文书开始教课 也就是从那是起 我就梦想着哪天自己能成为一名真正的教师 当生活终于把我送出大学校门 推进社会浪潮的时候 我把所有对教师职业的热情与憧憬装进简单的行囊 迫不及待地奔向我的第一个工作岗位 一所农村中学。 从教的生活是清苦的 艰辛的。教育家朱永新先生这样定义教师 “教师是一个冒险 甚至是危险的职业 伟人与罪人都可能在他的手中形成 因此教师必须如履薄冰 尽最大的努力让自己和自己的学生走向崇高。可正如那句流行语所说 理想很丰满 现实很骨感。面对并不理想的学生 一种莫名的无力感便困扰着自己 让人感觉到纵使有千般力气 万般想法却无处可施 一次又一次的激动换来的是一次又一次的失望。面对如沼泽地般无计可施的困境 眼睁睁的看着自己的青春像流沙一样在指缝间流走。最初的梦想还值得我坚持吗 现实并不像伊甸园的菩提果那般完美而甜蜜 当我绞尽脑汁地与这些孩子斗智斗勇的时候 当这个物欲横流的世界向我发起无数次诱惑攻击的时候 尤其是当我发现自己正在以双倍的速度衰老的时候 我彻底地迷惘了。梦想与现实究竟有多大的差距 难道教师就是要顶着天底下最大的赞美光环去过最不幸福的生活吗 是宁静的。夜空 是典雅的。繁星点点的夜空 是奇幻的 是充满光明的 是无瑕的。星空啊星空啊 我该如何是好呢 仰望此时的星空 星星比任何时候都要多 又大、又亮 它们既不眨眼 也不闪烁 是恬静的 安详的。 我踌躇了很久 仍然不知道如何解脱 究竟是留下 还是离开 困惑、痛苦、束手无策突然向我袭来。突然间 一阵晚风将我叫醒 我不得不回到现实中。闪闪的 无边际星空让我感到有些惶恐与束缚。是啊 星空就如我们的人生 一颗颗星星就如人生中的一个个梦想。然而我的星空在哪里 属于我的那颗星又在哪里 就在我哀伤和犹豫的时候 突然 一颗火流星倏然滑过天际 转瞬间 我明白了 流星划过夜空,为了刹那间的美丽,燃放了生命的全部。如果天空没有星星, 月亮会感到孤独, 地球会感到寂寞 如果所有的星星都不生不灭, 天空就会成为一潭死水,呆板得可怕。就在此时 日常生活中纷乱的,偏激的,萦缠于心无法释放的种种喜怒哀乐,也都在此刻舒展了,淡化了,暂时地消失了。心情悠然而高远,天真而宁静.感受到了一种返璞归真的脱超. 既不悲也不喜,最初的纯洁的梦想在流星的点化下仿佛重新点燃. 教师 这个职业不仅是我最初的梦想更是我所热爱的唯一的职业 如歌中所唱 如果骄傲没被现实大海冷冷拍下又怎会懂得要多努力才走得到远方 如果梦想不曾坠落悬崖 千钧一发 又怎会晓得执着的人 有隐形的翅牓 我相信 只要不低头 美好的初衷总会像流星般绽放 或早或晚。熄了灯闭上眼 即将逝去的六年的灿烂和朴实在脑中细细研磨 开心的 孤独的 晴朗的 落寞的都在渐渐随风散去 我坚信我的星空就在这三尺讲台上 我愿化作那颗火流星 用一生的努力划过天空 留给世人耀眼的光芒 此时 才明白 教师确实累 为了上好一节课 我曾不耻下问 查阅资料 精心备课 有时为编排好一个节目 也曾苦思冥想 彻夜难眠 在训练学生排演节目时 我总是亲身示范、耐心指导 一个动作 一个眼神 讲得口干舌燥„„..但是当我看到他们那精彩的表演 博得人们的阵阵喝彩与掌声时 我由衷地感到欣慰 即使再累些 那又算得了什么。 教师节那天 随着上课铃声响起的是学生们真心地问候 “老师 节日快乐!”那一刻 我知道 我是被爱着的!一天下午 我被几个调皮的学生气得夺门而出 随后他们主动向我道歉 “老师 我们错了 你别生气 以后我们再也不犯了!”那一刻 我知道 我是被爱着的!圣诞前夕 办公桌上多了一颗包装精美的苹果 春节期间一条条祝福的短信„„..那一刻 我知道 我是幸福的! 是啊 有谁能像我们一样 一举手 一投足 一丝美丽的微笑 一个善意的眼神 就能滋润他们美妙的心灵 创造出不一样的梦。仰望着星空 发现 原来 我可以幸福。

Look up at the starry sky, the original early I can be happy

Vaguely remember when small partners that have such a game that we moved a stool at all sitting together at one play teacher Youmo has kind of holding a Chinese book begin to teach what is since then I had a dream that someday I can become a true the teacher when life finally put me out of the University "to promote social tide when I put all of the teachers occupation enthusiasm and longing into simple luggage of the unable to hold oneself back to my first job at a rural middle school. Teaching life is poor and hard at hard. Educator Mr. Zhu Yongxin this definition of teachers " teachers is an adventure that even great and dangerous occupation of the sinners are likely to be very careful that the teachers must do their best to make themselves and their students to the sublime in his hands. But as the popular saying ideal is full of the reality very bone. In the face of not ideal of the students " a sense of powerlessness that plagued his " to make people feel that even if all its strength at all ideas have no place was once again excited trades is once again disappointed. The face of such a predicament of the swamp be put in a quandary is watching his youth like quicksand fingers go in. The initial dream is worth to do deep reality and unlike Eden Bodhi fruit so perfect and sweet when I rack one's brains and wits when these children when this materialistic world to me launched numerous attacks when temptation " especially when I found myself is to double the speed aging I completely lost. Dream and reality how big is the gap of the teacher is to the top is the largest in the halo to praise the least happy life of the deep night is quiet. The night sky is elegant. The starry sky " is a fantasy that is full of bright is flawless. Starry sky, I look at what to do deep sky the stars more than ever to the big, bright that they do not blink at does not flash that is quiet at peace. I hesitated for a long time we still do not know how to release what is left of the " left " confusion, pain, be at a loss what to do suddenly hit me. Suddenly the evening breeze will I wake up I have to go back to reality. Sparkling " boundless sky makes me feel some fear and bondage. Yes x star as our lives of the stars as the life of one dream. However, my sky where we belong to my star and where context when I am sad and hesitate " suddenly " a meteor across the sky twinkling suddenly I see the meteor across the night sky, to the beautiful moment, setting off a whole life. If there is no stars in the sky, lonely moon, the earth will feel lonely exergy if all the stars were neither dying nor being born., the sky will become a pool of stagnant water, stiff terrible. At the same time exergy daily life confusion, extreme, entangles the passions in the heart cannot be released around all, are now stretch, desalination, temporarily disappeared. The mood relaxed and lofty, innocent and quiet. Feel super take off a recover one's original simplicity. Neither sad nor happy, the original pure dream in the meteor attunement seems rekindled. Teacher this occupation of exergy is not only my dream is that I love the only occupation exergy as song of sing the exergy if pride wasn't beat down by reality why would they want to know how to go the distance without dream falling off the cliff be in grave of exergy exergy how could we know that a dedicated people exergy are invisible wings I believe as long as do not bow of exergy exergy good intention will like the meteor bloom exergy sooner or later. Put out the light eyes closed exergy vanished six years brilliant and simple in the brain of finely ground exergy happy exergy lonely exergy sunny exergy lonely in gradually dispersed with the wind energy I believe my sky in the three feet of the podium exergy I would like the meteor, exergy use lifetime effort across the sky to the world supply of dazzling light. Now just understand teacher really tired of exergy exergy Exergy for a good class I have access to information from exergy exergy exergy preparing lessons elaborately choreographed sometimes for a show exergy had cudgel thinking exergy sleepless in training students rehearsal show exergy I always hands-on demonstration, patiently guide exergy an action exergy a look exergy speak a mouth parched and tongue scorched text text . But when I see their wonderful performance won the applause of people of exergy and exergy applause when I sincerely gratified exergy even tired exergy what. Teachers' Day exergy with bell that students sincerely regards context " teacher exergy happy holidays! " at that moment I knew I was exergy exergy love! One afternoon exergy I was naughty students have for exergy then they offered me an apology yesterday " teacher exergy we were wrong. You don't get angry after the exergy exergy we never make! " at that moment I knew I was exergy exergy love! Christmas Eve exergy desk has a beautifully packaged apple during the Spring Festival a blessing SMS text text. At that moment I knew the exergy exergy I was happy! Yeah exergy who would like us all a show of hands of exergy exergy exergy a beautiful smile exergy a kind eyes exergy can nourish their beautiful soul exergy create different dreams. Look at the stars exergy exergy exergy can I found the original happiness.


