
发布时间:2017-01-24 18:53:08   来源:文档文库   



第二章 语法和语义

GMAT句子改错最重要的是语义和语法。语义是句子作者的intended meaning.这种original intended meaning才是句子的真实句义。任何改变句义的选项都是错误的,语义是最最最重要的,通过语法来判断句义是辅助的,所以不能拘泥于语法,而是通过句义来判断作者的原意。所以,可以通过逻辑来找句义,而通过语法来排除那些特别错误的选项。

One of your tasks is to choose the answer choice that transmits the authors intent as clearly as possible. Dont alter the authors intent when you make your choice! (如果句子原文的句义没有错的话,则不能改变句义)

Aggravate aggravating

Known as known to be

Loss of loss in

Mandate have a mandate

Native of native to

Range of ranging

Rate of rates for

Rise raise

Try to do try doing



Will: certain

May: uncertain

Must: absolutely necessary

Should: morally obligated (on the GMAT, should almost always means morally obligation, not likelihood)

Would: hypothetical

Pay attention to the original sentences helping verbsand only change them if the original sentence is obviously nonsensical.


All the children are covered in mud.

The children are all covered in mud.

Only the council votes on Thursdays.

The council votes only on Thursdays.

If a word changes its position in the answer choices, consider whether the change has an impact on the meaning of the sentence. Look out especially for short words that quantify nouns or otherwise restrict meaning

The council granted the right to make legal petitions to city officials.(有歧义,改成:

The council granted CITY OFFICIALS the right to make legal petitions. Or The right to make legal petitions to CITY OFFICIALS was granted by the council.

句子含义一定要合乎逻辑(we must remember that the subject and the verb must make sense together

句子含义:避免多余(no right answer on the GMAT will contain redundant words


The value of the stock rose by 10% increase.

应改为:The value of the stock increase by 10%,or the value of the stock rose by 10%.

再如:The three prices sum to a total of $11.56

应改为:The three prices sum to $11.56. Or The three prices total $11.56

表示时间的词汇:要注意一句话中只能出现一次表示同一含义的词,如果还要出现,则必须要有道理才行。(Pure redundancy is always wrong on the GMAT)

Past: previously, formerly, in the past, before now

Present: now, currently, presently, at present

Yearly: annual each year, a year

简洁原则:Concision is preference on SC problems. However, some people are better off never applying it on the GMAT)


Problem set

1. How matter how much work it may require, getting MBA turns out to

be a wise investment for most people (correct, 但是不太明白那个it代表什么)

2. Even though it requires much work, getting MBA turns out to be a

wise investment for most people(incorrect, 因为它改变了句子的原意)

3. She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, every day watering

the more than 50 plants in her yard.(correct, more than修饰50 plants in her yard)

4. She is the most dedicated gardener on the block, every day watering

more than the 50 plants in her yard.incorrect, more than 修饰the 50 plants in her yard,隐含的意思是除了给50浇水之外,还给其他东西浇水,改变了句子的含义

5. Hector remembers San Francisco as it was when he left ten years


6.Students at Carver High School are encouraged to pursue only those extracurricular activities from which stems success in college applications.(correct,个人认为是倒装,详细见第三章的flip it)

7. Students at Carver High School are encouraged to pursue only those extracurricular activities from which success in college applications stems.(correct, flip it)

第三章 主语和谓语的一致

任何一个句子里,主语和谓语必须在逻辑上和语义上都是make sense的

一、 一个句子中主语和谓语必须都有,否则为fragment:


1. drop the verbs: The electron named in 1894.

2. 连词开头且没有主句:because the dog was never mine

二、 主语和谓语必须合理make sense

The development of a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.(incorrect)

Once developed, a hydrogen car based on expected performance parameters will be able to travel hundreds of miles without refueling.(correct)

三、 主语和谓语必须在数量上一致

GMAT often tries to confuse you before you make the subject-verb match.


1. eliminate the middlemen, and skip the warmup

GMAT hides the subject in a few ways: the most common way by far is to insert words between the subject and the verb:

介词短语(Near Galway), the houses (on the road to Spiddle) are gorgeous.

从句:(like prepositions phrases, many subordinate clauses modify other parts of the sentence, acting as big adj or big adv. Some subordinate clauses even act as big nouns

(When the auditors left), the executive (who had been interviewed) was glad.


(Limping,) the horse (once considered one of the favorites) was taken away.


A noun in a prepositional phrase can not be the subject of the sentence.(后文有例外)

In the waning days of the emperors life, the conquest (of new lands on the borders of the empire) was considered vital.

The tidal forces (to which an object falling into a black hole is subjected) are sufficient to tear the object apart.

3. And vs. Additive phrases


Additive phrases: along with, in addition to, as well as , accompanied by , together with, including

Only the word and can change a singular subject into a plural one. Singular subjects followed by additive phrases remain singular subjects.

Example: Joe, as well as his friends, is going to the beach.

Mathematics, in addition to history and sciences, is a required subject.



(1)Or, eitheror, neither nor: 就近原则

Neither the coach nor the players are going to the beach.

Neither the players nor the coach is going to the beach.

(2)Either, neither:总是单数


Agency, army, audience, class, committee, crowd, orchestra, team, baggage, citrus, equipment, fleet, fruit, furniture


The crowd in the stands is cheering loudly as the home team takes the field.

Our Army of a hundred thousand soldiers is attacking the enemy.


Anyone, anybody, anything, no one, nobody, nothing, each, every, someone, somebody, something, everyone, everybody, everything, whatever, whoever, either, neither(单独使用)

例外:some of , any of , none of, all of, more of, most of

谓语动词视后面的名词而定。(sanam of的主语是后面的名词)

Some of the money was stolen from my wallet

Some of the documents were stolen from the bank

Any of these women is a suitable candidate for marriage to my son.

Not one of my friends is here this weekend.

(5)each, every: 总是单数

Every dog has paws.

Every dog and cat has paws.

Each of these shirts is pretty.

注意:They each are great tennis players. Each是插入语,可以省略。

(6) 数量词和短语

The number of is (单数,主语是the number)

A number ofare(复数, 主语是复数)

表述数量的词,如: half, majority, minority, plurality谓语动词的形式看其前面的名词是复数还是单数。 (原则同sanam+of短语)

Half of the pie is blueberry, and half of the slices are already gone.

The majority of the students in this class are hard workers.

In the Senate, the majority has coalesced into a unified voting block.


Having good friends is a wonderful thing.

Whatever they want to do is fine with me.

3. flip it 倒装句的谓语动词总是看其真正的主语,跟主语的数的形式一致

Near those buildings sits a Lonely house, inhabited by squatters.

There are a young man and an older women at the bus stop.

Pong is a classic game from which have descended many current computer pastimes.

Problems set

Computer games designed to involve many players at once have proliferated; such games were first developed before the widespread availability of high-speed internet connection. (correct, 主语和谓语逻辑合理)

第四章 平行结构


一、 平行结构的指示词

最主要的平行指示词是and, but, or,然而不要拘泥于这样的结构,any construction that expresses two or three things in the same way requires parallelism.

二、 哪些东西可以平行呢?


The division was opening offices, hiring staff, and investing in equipment.

The railroad can either lose more money or solves its problems.

They wanted to increase awareness, spark interest, and motivate purchases.

I want to retire to a place where I can relax and where I pay low taxes.

There are many people who speak English but whose parents do not.

Ralph likes both those who are popular and those who are not.

三、 and 的用法

在所列事务中最后一个前面必须加AND, 如果是2个从句,则两句话中间可以在AND前加逗号,也可以不加。If you join 2 clauses with and, you can put an optional comma before the and.(如果句子很长,且独立,则需要加逗号)

I really like candy apples, and I eat them often.

She argues that the agency acts with reckless abandon and with disregard for human life and property, and that it should therefore be shut down.

四、 其他类型的平行结构指示词

五、 表明的平行结构与真实的平行结构


Sal applied himself in his new job, arriving early every day, skipping lunch regularly, and leaving late every night.

本句的平行结构指示词是and, 平行的部分是分词skipping, leaving,这两个现代分词作applied的补充。

Sal applied himself in his new job, arrived early every day, skipped lunch regularly and left late every night. 这是错误的句子,因为它把skip, arrive当作和applied 同等的词,其实并不是这样,他们是补充,所以必须要用现在分词。

六、 注意系動詞

Linking verb也是平行结构的指示词


The nomination of this politician represents a step forward in urban-rural relations in this country.

Note that the verb to be does not have to be part of a linking verb phrase. The verb to be also forms the progressive tenses and the passive voice. Do not look for parallelism in these uses of be.

Problem set

1. The students did poorly on the test more because they had not studied than because the material was difficult.

2. The experiences we have in childhood influenced our behavior in adulthood.

3. Although we were sitting in the bleachers, the baseball game was as exciting to us as to the people sitting behind home plate.

4. Voters want to elect a president who genuinely cares about health care, the environment, the travails of ordinary men and women, and who has the experience, wisdom, and strength of character required for the job.

5. The consultant is looking for a café that has comfortable chairs and that provides free internet access.

第五章 代词


The rangers discussed measures to prevent severe wildfires, which would be devastating to the park.


Watch out for nouns used as adj, they cannot be antecedents of pronouns.

The antecedent to which you want to refer must actually exist in the sentence as a noun.

一、 先行词和代词必须合理

逻辑上合理:Although the term supercomputer may sound fanciful or exaggerated, it simply refers to an extremely fast mainframe that can execute trillions of calculations every second.


二、 先行词与代词必须在数量上合理

Confronted by radical changes in production and distribution, the modern Hollywood studio is attempting various experiments in an effort to retain its status as the primary arbiter of movie consumption.

三、 五个比较容易错误的代词:it, its, they, them, their


Whenever a student calls, take down his or her information

Whenever students call, take down their information.

四、 指示代词this, that, these, those


New nano-papers incorporate fibers that give these materials strength.

That,those 可以代表new copy

The money spent by her parents is less than that spent by her children.


与此相比,如果用it, they或其他个人代词,则指的是同一个事情:

The money spent by her parents is more than it was expected to be.

That or those indicating a new copy or copies must be modified.

Her company is outperforming that of her competitor.

Gmat认为that,those 与之前的先行词在数量上一致。

Her company is outperforming the companies of her competitors.

不能用this, these来代替名词

Her products are unusual; many consider them unique.

五、 如果代词出现混乱、歧义怎么办?


e.g. Researchers claim to have developed new nano-papers incorporating tiny cellulous fibers, which THEY allege give THEM the strength of cast iron. (wrong)

Researchers claim to have developed new nano-papers incorporating tiny cellulous fibers, which give these materials the strength of cast iron, according to the researchers.

如果出现一种情况,即:一个句子中出现only one pronoun but more than one possible antecedent?


If the intended antecedent of a single pronoun is clear, and if there is no other reasonable antecedent, then dont worry if there is an unreasonable antecedent somewhere else in the sentence.

E.g. Supernovas destroy their immediate environments in vast explosions, but by synthesizing heavy chemical elements, they provide the universe with the possibility of biochemistry-based life as we know it.

上面的句子中,THEY指的是supernovas,因为在but引导的并列的两个句子里,主语都是一致的,所以尽管句子中也出现了其他复数名词,比如elements和environments,但是由于并列句子的关系,第二个句子的主语就是第一个句子的主语。所以:the subject is the most important noun in the sentence; thus, it makes the best antecedent.


The board is investigating several executives compensation packages in order to determine how much may have been improperly awarded to them.

这里的them指的是packages, 但实际上应该指executives.

The board is investigating the compensation packages of several executives in order to determine how much THESE EXECUTIVES (they) may have been improperly awarded.

原则:在一个句子中,每个it, its 一定是指代同一个单数先行词,每个they, them, their 一定指代同一个复数先行词。

Don’t apply pronoun ambiguity unless you are backed into a corner.

上述的句子中选择these executives会更为安全。

第六章 修饰词


Noun modifiers:修饰名词的词叫做Noun modifiers


Verb modifiers:修饰动词的词叫做Verb modifiers




原则一:修饰词必须有可修饰的词,也就是说如果发现一句话中修饰词找不到可修饰的东西,则该句错误。换句话说就是修饰词和被修饰的东西必须合理,有逻辑。(dangling modifier

在看到一句话之后找到修饰词和它所修饰的东西,看是否合理,是否MAKE SENSE,如果不合理,则该句有问题。(换句话说看修饰语与被修饰语是不是作者的原意)

原则二:TOUCH原则 a noun and its modifier should touch each other

Misplaced modifier(此原则只适用于noun modifier)




举例:James Joyce is Maxs supposedly Irish ancestor.(wrong)

James Joyce is Maxs supposed Irish ancestor.(correct)

本句的重点是ancestor,而非Irish,所以应该用supposed来修饰ancestor,而不是用supposedly来修饰Irish。为什么?因为James Joyce may or may not be Maxs ancestor, but James Joyce was certainly Irish.

举例:Maxs grandmother is his supposed Irish ancestor.

Maxs grandmother is his supposedly Irish ancestor.

本句的重点是whether Maxs grandmother was Irish, not whether she is Maxs ancestor. 因此,我们需要用supposedly 来修饰Irish.


Corresponding, frequent, independent, rare, recent, seeming, separate, significant, supposed, usual.

形容词+形容词+名词。。。。。。。。。。。。副词+形容词+名词 (具体哪个看作者的意图)


Amy is a good person(good 形容词修饰amy)

Amy is feeling good.(good 形容词修饰Amy)

Amy is feeling well.(well形容词修饰amy)

Amy writes well.(well副词修饰writes)

Noun modifiers情况下,很多情况下,句子用逗号将noun modifier与主句隔开,所以,需要格外注意opening modifier,经常出现在句子之首。需要注意是不是合理。(有没有被修饰词以及是否搭配合理

e.g. Tired from chasing mice, the cat took a nap.

GMAT loves to play tricks with these kinds of modifiers.

Appositive同位语:A lover of mice, my cat hunts night and day.

When you see a noun modifier, ask yourself what noun should be modified. Then check to make sure that the modifier is next to that noun.

e.g. To get to his house, Jim biked along an old dirt road, which cut through the woods. (correct)

Jim biked along an old dirt road to get to his house, which cut through the woods.(wrong)

If the noun we want to modify is not even in the sentence, we have a dangling modifier

e.g. There was no commotion in the office, resigned to the bad news.(wrong)

Resigned to the bad news, the office workers made no commotion.(correct)


一个名词与其修饰语必须TOUCH each other.


(1) misplaced modifier

Jim biked along on old dirt road to get to his house, which cut through the woods.

which cut through the woods.错误的修饰了his house.

To get to his house, Jim biked along an old dirt road, which cut through the woods. (correct)

(2)dangling modifier

Resigned to the bad news, there was no commotion in the office.(wrong)

There was no commotion in the office, resigned to the bad news. (wrong)

Resigned to the bad news, the office workers made no commotion.(right)

注意当a present participle(-ing form)出现在句首的时候,通常情况下会是无修饰词。

e.g. Using the latest technology, the problem was identified.(wrong)

Using the latest technology, the engineers identified the problems.(correct)

Unlike a noun modifier, a verb modifier does not have to touch the subjects.

Both shocking and entertaining audience across the nation, George Carlin influenced and inspired a generation of comedians, even as the struggled publicly with drug abuse.

Both shocking and entertaining audience across the nation,与他所修饰的G. C. 联合在一起,解释g.c.如何influence and inspired.


Misplaced modifiers sometimes appear in sentence that have possessive nouns (nouns that end in s or s)

E.g. Unskilled in complex math, Bills score on the exam was poor. (wrong)

Unskilled in complex math, Bill did not score well on the exam. (correct)

要格外注意一些抽象名词,例如development,modifier that touch them should be intended to modify them.

e.g. Only in the past century was origamis development, a ceremonial activity invented millennia ago, into a true art form taken place. (wrong)

Origamia ceremonial activity invented millennia agohas developed into a true art form only in the past century. (correct)


关系代词:which, that, who, whose, whom, where, when,


1. who and whom must modify people

2. which must modify things.

3. That 不能modify people

4. Whose can modify either people or things: the town whose water supply was contaminated.

5. Which 和whom有时跟着介词,the canal through which water flows. The senator for whom we worked.

6. Who作为定语从句的主语,whom作为宾语

The security whom we met was nice.

7. That and whom当引导宾语时可省略:the movie that we watched last Friday was scary. The movie we watched last Friday was scary.

8. Where 可以修饰一个地点名词,比如:area, site, country, where 不能做“比喻”的含义,如果要修饰condition, situation, case, circumstances, arrangement 要用in which 而不是where.

We had an arrangement in which he cooked and I cleaned.

9. When 可以修饰a noun event or time, such as period, age, 1987, or decade, 在这种情况下也可以用in which来代替。

Essential vs. non-essential noun modifiers

Noun modifiers are either essential or non-essential

Essential modifiers

提供的necessary information to identify the noun or to attach the modifier to the noun from that point onward.

e.g. The mansion painted red is owned by the Lees.

这里必须用essential modifier,因为如果不用的话,则不知道说的到底是哪个mansion.(这也是essential modifier使用上的重点和难点,需要identify noun的时候就需要用essential modifier)

Non-essential modifiers

提供多余的信息,you do not need this information to identify the noun, since it is already identified in some other way.

e.g. This mansion, recently painted red, is owned by the Lees.

this已经指出了到底是哪个mansion, 所以后面的recently painted 是non-essential modifiers.

Put commas between non-essential and their nouns;

Put no commas between essential modifiers and their nouns.

E.g. This mansion, which has been recently painted red, is owned by the Lees.

The mansion that has been recently painted red is owned by the Lees.

Gmat不会把which和that当作是选择的唯一点,因为他们的使用 有分歧。

who can be used in essential or in non-essential modifiers.

Verb modifiers

动词修饰语修饰的动词,these modifiers answer questions about the verb, such as how, when, where, why etc. The most basic verb modifier is an adverb. Other verb modifiers act in much the same way as adverbs.

从属连词包括because, although, if, unless, while, so that, while, and so on.这些从属联系必须和主句attach在一起。

有一些动词修饰语可以和动词以及动词的主语连在一起,这时一定 要注意make sure that the subject makes sense with the modifier.


现在分词: Whistling beat it, I lifted the weight.

介词+简单动名词:By concentrating, I lifted the weight.

不定式:To free my leg, I lifted the weight.

I lifted the weight to free my leg.

Make sure that these modifiers have a sensible subject in the sentence.

Wrong: The weight was lifted by concentrating.


Infinitives of purpose can be used with unnamed agents in passive-voice sentence: the weight was lifted to free my leg. Just make sure that whoever does the lifting intends to free my leg.

An infinitive of purpose needs to indicate the purpose of someone.(不定式的主语需要指出到底谁是“目的”的主语)The boulder rolled to free my leg implies nonsensically that the boulder wanted to free my leg. (the boulder是to free my leg的主语,所以是不合乎逻辑的)

虽然动词修饰语不像名词修饰语那样必须遵守touch rule,但是其实它也必须跟所修饰的动词放在合理的位置,否则就会产生歧义:

The nameless symphony was at last performed, decades after it was composed, yesterday. (错误的将yesterday放在最后,没有合理的修饰performed)

The nameless symphony was at last performed yesterday, decades after it was composed. (yesterday修饰的是was performed,合理的位置不会引起歧义)


Which vs 现在分词-ing形式

Which一定是修饰which之前的名词的,use which only to refer to the noun immediately preceding it---never to refer to an entire clause.

e.g. The recent decrease in crime in our neighborhood has led to a rise in property values. (correct )

Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values. (correct )



可以修饰名词:the changing seasons

可以修饰动词或他们的主语: I lifted the weight, whistling

可以修饰整个句子:Crime has recently decreased in our neighborhood, leading to a rise in property values.表达前面一个句子的结果


Always test which clauses to make sure that the which refers to the noun immediately preceding the which.

第七章 时态、语气和语态



一般现在时:to express the eternal states or frequent events, general rule.Gmat比较偏爱一般时态,除非句子很明显的要求一个或更多复杂的时态



进行时态:to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action

E.g.Sandy is playing soccer.

Sandy was playing soccer yesterday.

Sandy will be playing soccer tomorrow.



Sandy plays soccer:

She frequently plays, or that she knows how to play.

表达GENEARL RULE(definition的时候用一般时态,不能用进行时态

Cherenkov radiation is light that particles emit when they travel faster than the effective speed of light in any medium.(用一般现在时,不能现在进行时)


Quentin will meet Harvey for lunch tomorrow.

一些表达general state 的单词没有进行时态,要用一般时态

这些词包括:know, signify

e.g. This inscription signifies the emperors birth.(is signifying是错误的)


Sometime, all the tenses in a sentence are the same, because all the actions take place in the same timeframe. However, in some sentences the author clearly wants to talk about different periods of time. The tense should change to reflect that intention.

e.g. He is thinner now because he went on a strict diet six months ago.

Sometimes, you can use the past progressive to describe a background event, while you use simple past to describe a more important event in the foreground.

e.g. She was playing with her friends when the babysitter arrived.

上面的句子中,playing with her friends是babysitter arrived的背景当她与她的朋友们玩的时候保姆来的。

e.g. She played with her friends when the babysitter arrived.

Played with her friends发生在babysitter arrived的之后,所有两个动作都是一般过去时,表达的动作重要性一致。

选择动词的时态作为句子选项的时候必须要牢记一点:every verbs tense clearly represents the authors intention.(作者想表达什么样的意思才是选择哪种时态的选择标准)



(1) 现在完成时:still in effect

We use the present perfect tense for actions that started in the past but continue into the present, or remain true in the present. The Present perfect tense has one foot in the past and one foot in the present.

e.g. We have lived in a hut for three days.


e.g. We lived in a hut for three days.



e.g. This country has enforced strict immigration laws for 30 years.


They have known each other since 1987.



e.g.The child has drawn a square in the sand.



The child drew a square in the sand, but the ocean erased it.


The child drew a square in the sand, but the ocean has erased it.

正方形不再存在因为has erased表示这个erased 的影响还在存在

The child has drawn a square in the sand, but the ocean has erased it.


小结:The Present Perfect indicates either continued action or continued effect of a complete action up to the present.


Since, within the past..., in the last同时,a time phrase that does not include the present (last month, in 2007, etc) prevents the use of the Present Perfect. Use the simple past instead.

e.g. Since 1986 no one has broken that world record.

Veronica travelled all over the world in 2007.

The present perfect can be used in ing forms, infinitives or subordinate clauses to clarify an ambiguous sequence in time.

When can mean either at the same time or after.


She will pay you when you ask her.

=she will pay you at the same time as you ask her, or maybe just after.

She will pay you when you have taken out the garbage.

=she will pay you clearly after you take out the garbage and have proven it.




The film had started by the time we arrived at the theater.

Arrived 发生在电影开始之前,而电影开始也已经是发生过的事情了。

The teacher thought that Jimmy had cheated on the exam.



e.g. An asteroid STRUCK the earth millions of years ago.


In general, you should use Past Perfect only to clarify or emphasize a sequence of past events. The earlier event should somehow have a bearing on the context of the later event. If the sequence is already obvious, we often do not need past perfect.

Antonio DROVE to the store and Cristina BOUGHT some ice cream.

Antonio drove to the store and bought some ice cream.


一般来讲,用and or but来连接的句子不需要使用过去完成时。

Laura locked the deadbolt before she left for work.

这里无需使用过去完成时,因为before, after这样的词语已经把动作的时间顺序表达清楚了,所以没有必要利用过去完成时来表达这一顺序。

E.g. By 1945, the United States HAD BEEN at war for several years.

用by 1945来表达时间点,并且表达continued effect.



Joe learned about an epoch in which dinosaurs had walked the earth.

这里使用过去完成时是没有必要的,因为the earlier action does not have a direct bearing on the context of the later action. The sequence of time does not need to be clarified or emphasized. Thus, 过去完成时在这句话中是错误的。

使用完成时的原则:you should use the perfect tenses only when you can justify them with the rules:



e.g. The scientists announced that the supercollider was ready, that it had not cost too much, and that it would provide new insights into the workings of the universe.

小结: conditional tense: would + verb

过去时+conditional tense

The scientists believed that the machine would be wonderful.


The scientist believes that the machines will be wonderful.

注意不要mix them


Indicative mood:陈述语气

Imperative mood:祈使句、命令句

虚拟语气(subjunctive mood的两种使用:

(1) unlikely or unreal condition(if, as if , or as though或类似的句子之后)

(2) proposals, desires, and requests formed with certain verbs and the word that.

The Hypothetical subjunctive假设虚拟

表达unlikely or unreal condition(if, as if , or as though或类似的句子之后)

To overcome my fear of germs, I will think about disease as though it were harmless.


Were的使用: If I were a rich man, ……


(1) general rule with uncertainty

If Sophie eats pizza, then she becomes ill.


Whenever S eats pizza, she becomes ill.

(2) general rule with some uncertainty

If S eats pizza, then she may become ill.

If现在时,then can or may

Uncertain outcome

(3) particular case with no uncertainty

If S eats pizza tomorrow, then she will become ill.

If 现在时,then 将来时

另外一种可能性:If S has eaten pizza, then she will become ill.

(4) Unlikely case(in the future)

If S ate pizza tomorrow, then she would become ill.

含义是:作者认为S不太可能明天吃披萨,the conditional tense(would)shows the hypothetical result of an unlikely or untrue condition. Would可以用could 代替。

(5) Case that never happened(in the past)

if past perfect, then conditional perfect.



Bossy verbs+that+subject+command subjective

We propose that the school board disband.

注意不是每个bossy verb都用虚拟语气,一些BOSSY VERB不用虚拟语气,比如want等,具体哪些是习惯。

Command verbs that take only the command subjunctive when indicating desire:

Demand, dictate, insist, mandate, propose, recommend, request, stipulate, suggest

e.g. we demand that he be here.


The attorneys proposed to meet the following day.

Verbs that take only the infitives:

Advise, allow, forbid, persuade, want

e.g. we allow him to be here.

Verbs that take either the command subjective or the infinitive.

Ask, beg, intend, order, prefer, urge, require.

Prohibit from doing sth.

Bossy verbs 的变形也用虚拟语气,比如demand, request.

His demand that he be paid full severance was not met.

一些形容词也用于虚拟语气:advisable, crucial, desirable, fitting, imperative, important, mandatory, necessary, preferable, urgent, vital同样,这些词后也可以跟不定式。

It is essential for Gary to be ready before noon.


I like ice cream, whether it is chocolate, vanilla, or any other flavor.



Her presence suggests that she is happy.这里suggests是means的含义。


Whoever actually performed the action in the sentence may follow the verb in a phrase headed by the preposition by (by the hungry students). Use by only for the actual doers of the action. Use through or because of when you want to describe any instrument or means, which might be an awkward or nonsensical subject in active voice.

e.g. The pizza was accidentally eaten by a quirk of fate.(wrong)

A quirk of fate accidentally ate the pizza.(wrong)

Through a quirk of fate, the pizza was accidentally eaten.


News of the moon landing was repeated around the world by people of all ages, all races, and all religions.


The aliens were arrived on Neptune in the 20th century.(wrong

The aliens arrived on Neptune in the 20th century. (correct, arrive是不及物动词)


The answer is YES, quite often, voice is a matter of choice.

It has been decided by Jason that he will not attend college.

Jason has decided not to attend college.


It has been decided by Jason that he will not attend college next fall.

Jason has decided next fall not to attend college.

上面两个句子第一个是正确的,因为第二个句子中的next fall和动词has decided连在一起,让人误以为是“明年秋天决定。。。。”错误的更改了作者的含义。




During the operation, new blood vessels are inserted around blockages.

As a final note, you do not have to make active or passive voice parallel throughout a sentence:

The shuttle launch took place flawless and was seen on television.

第八章 对比

Once you find a comparison, identify the two parts of the sentence that are being compared to each other.找到对比的两个部分。这句话特别重要,也就是说正确的对比的句子都是有两个或多个部分的对比的。必须要找出哪个和哪个对比。这些对比的句子都是在结构和逻辑上平行的。

主要对比的标志词包括:like, unlike, as, than

Like vs.As


Like her brother, Ava aced the test.(correct)


Like swimming, skiing is great exercise.


As her brother did, Ava aced the test.

在含义上,like her brother, Ava aced the test.As her brother did, Ava aced the test.没有区别。


原则1、对比部分必须在逻辑上平行,就是说对比部分必须是similar things

Franks build, like his brother, is broad and muscular.

比较的内容不同,Franks build 与her brother不能比较。

Franks build, like his brothers, is broad and muscular.


That和those 代表build. That代表单数,those代表复数。

Franks build, like that of his brother, is broad and muscular.

Franks toes, like those of his brother, are short and hairy.

Frank, like his brother, has a broad and muscular build.

Beethovens music, which broke a number of established rules with its structure and melodic form, is considered more revolutionary than Bachs.


I like running through forests more than walking through crowds.(correct)



My car is bigger than Brians(car).

My car is bigger than the Smiths(car).


同样也可以省略单位units,动词verbs,甚至整个句子whole clause(在对比的第二阶段),只要不产生歧义。

e.g. Whereas I drink 2 quarts of mile a day, my friend drinks 3(quarts).

I walked faster than Brian(walks).

I walk as fast now as I (walked)when I was younger.

In general, you should put in the omitted words or appropriate Helping Verbs (such as be, do, and have)only if you need to remove ambiguity.

Vishal eats more carrots than donuts.(省略he does,因为donuts很显然是宾语,不会出现歧义)

Vishal eats more carrots than HE DOES donuts.(wordy)


I like cheese more than Yvette.(Yvette可以是主语也可以是宾语,所以必须修改以消除歧义)

I like cheese more than Yvette Does.(than Yvette likes cheese)

I like cheese more than I do Yvette.(than I like Yvette)

GMAT有时许可unnecessary helping verb in the second term of a comparison.



She is shorter than her sister.

She is the shortest of her five siblings.

You are more interesting than he.

You are the most interesting person here.



Adrian runs quickly. He runs more quickly than Jacob.


Adrian runs fast. He runs faster than Jacob.


I will have HIGHER bills over last year.(错误)

I will have higher bills than last year.(正确)

Always use than with a comparative form.

第十章 标点符号

一、 连词


有时一个正确的句子包含2个或以上主句。这样的句子之间用连词或标点符号链接。链接错误的句子叫做run-on sentence.

e.g. I need to relax, I have so many things to do.

这个句子就是一个run-on sentence. 因为逗号并不能链接两个句子。

e.g.I need to relax, but I have so many things to do.


Coordinating conjunctions:

And, but, or, for, nor, yet, so,这些连词加上逗号,可以合理的连接两个主句。


e.g. new data from .indicate that producer prices rose rapidly last month, some analysts contend that .


正确的句子:New data fromindicate that.but some analysts contend that.


第一、 罗列清单:apples, grapes, and pears

第二、 两个主句的链接:I like apples, and she likes grapes.


Subordinators :是另外一种连词,包括:because, although, 从属连词链接的是一个从句,有从句必有主句。

e.g. I need to relax, because I have so many things to do.


第一、 一次只是用一个连词:

Although I need to relax, yet I have so many things to do.(wrong)

Although I need to relax, I have so many things to do.(correct)

I need to relax, yet I have so many things to do.(correct)


She is not interested in sports, and she likes watching them on TV.(wrong)

Although she is not interested in sports, she likes watching them on TV.



二、 标点符号



逗号的作用:separators of modifiers, items in a list, and other sentence elements.

e.g. non-essential modifiers should be separated by comma.

this car, purchased last year, is a Buick.


She walked to school, and later ate her lunch.(wrong)

She walked to school, and she later ate her lunch.(wrong)

She walked to school and later ate her lunch.(correct)


She walked to school,she later ate her lunch.(wrong)

特例句子:the bigger they are, the harder they fall.


She walked to school; he later ate his lunch.(正确)

Lisa and Alice are inseparable; doing everything together.


Lisa and Alice are inseparable; they do everything together.


值得注意的是:使用分号必须是两个句子是相互有关系的,且是独立和平衡的关系。(two sentence parts are related in an independent, balanced way如果作者的初衷是一个句子是另外一个句子的从属,那么就不能用分号,必须用从句(从这个角度上讲,句子的含义是一个句子使用什么标点的出发点

e.g. the dam has created dead zones, where fish have disappeared.(correct)

the dam has created dead zones; fish have disappeared(wrong)

分号的使用往往跟一个连词副词或其他过度词(如:however, therefore, in addition这些过度词并不是真正的连词(AND,因此,必须使用分号,而不是逗号来链接两个句子。


Andrew and Lisa are inseparable; therefore, we never see them apart.


I listen to Earth, Wind and Fire; Wow, Owls; and Blood, Sweat and Tears.


比如可以使用冒号来罗列清单及其组成部分,可以使用namely or that is after the colon.


I love listening to: classical, rock, rap, and pop music. (wrong)

I love listening to many kinds of music: classical, rock, rap, and pop.(correct)

I love listening to many kinds of music: namely, classical, rock, rap, and pop.(correct)


The rate of a reaction is affected by three factors: concentration, surface area, and temperature. (correct)


On Jan, 1, 2000, the national mood was completely different from what it would become just a few years later: at the turn of the century, given a seemingly unstoppable stock market and a seemingly peaceful world, the country was content.(correct)





举例:By Jan 2,2000, the so-called Y2K problem was already widely considered a jokealthough the reason for the non-event was the huge corporate and governmental investment in prior countermeasures.


作用2、to separate an appositive from an item in a list

My three best friendsDanny, Jimmy, and Joeyand I went skiing.

Danny, Jimmy, and Joey是friends的同位语,如果用逗号的话则best friends, Danny, Jimmy, and Joey and I 一共是7个人了。


Post-MBA compensation for investment bankers tends to surge far ahead of that for management consultants-by tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a year.

By tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars a year是解释far ahead of的,但是并没有紧跟其后。如果是冒号则必须紧跟其后。

三、 数量词



可数名词:如hat(s), feeling(s), person/people.

不可数名词:如patience, water, furniture


Many, not many, few, fewer, fewest, number of

Fewer than, numerous, more numerous

修饰不可数名词的形容词:much, not much, little, less, least, amount of, less than a certain amount of, great, greater

More, most, enough, all 既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词。

注意:less 不可以修饰可数名词,只能修饰不可数名词。

There were fewer numidian Kings than Roman emperors. (correct)

值得关注的是单位(UNIT NOUNS单词的用法

e.g. dollars or gallons

从单位单词本质上讲,他们都是可数的:one dollar, two dollars.因此,他们可与大多数可数名词修饰词连在一起。然而,单位名词代表不可数的数量:money, volume. 不可以计算MONEY的数量(也就是说MONEY这个名词是不可数名词),比如:one money, two money. 因此, 我们使用less来形容单位名词来表达underlying quantity.

Correct: we have less than twenty dollars.

We have fewer than twenty dollars: 含义是 fewer than twenty dollar bills to make the point even clearer.


比较2个事物时用形容词或副词的比较级,比较3个或以上事物时用形容词或副词的最高级。两个事务比较用between, 三个及以上用among.


1. the number of:单数名词:XX的数字

the number of dogs is greater than the number of cats.

2.a number of :形容词,表示很多,大量,后加可数名词的复数形式

A number of dogs are chasing away the cats.

3.the numbers of :几乎永远是错的,必须用the number of

4. numbers有时是正确的:

The rare Montauk beaked griffin is not extinct; its numbers are now suspected to be much greater than before.

值得注意的是:在比较数字的大小时用greater than,而不是more than

因为more than might imply that the quantity of numbers is larger, not the numbers themselves.

5.increase and decrease; greater and less

increase and decrease是表示一个事物的变化,增加或降低

greater and less两个事物的比较

The price of silver increased by ten dollars.(一个事物的变化)

The price of silver is five dollars greater than the price of copper.(两个事物的比较)


The price of silver fell by a more than 35% decrease.(多余)

The price of silver decreased by more than 35%.(correct)

第十一章 平行(高阶)



In fact, GMAT will often make the less concise answer correct by putting a subtle error into the more concise choices.


动词 优于 形容词,形容词 优于 名词。

一个词其动词形式,形容词形式和名词形式在 含义上是有区别的,所以,最终那个受偏爱使用的词肯定是最准确表达作者含义的词。



An action noun, such as revolution, is a noun that expresses an action.

Rules apply to them.(correct) They are subject to the applicability of rules.

这个原则要灵活使用,不能一概使用,a difference among answer choices involving concision also hinges on other issues.

原则2、prefer to a that-clause(with verbs) to a series of phrases (with nouns)

The hypothesis that the universe is largely composed of dark energy seems strange.

经常使用that-clause的表达idea的词汇有: hypothesis, idea, suggestion, belief, discovery, evidence, indication, report.

The belief that the Earth is flat is contradicted by evidence that the Earth is round and the discovery that the Earth circles the Sun.

原则3、prefer a Verb to an Adjective

尽量使用动作的动词形式,而不是动词的形容词形式to be

This rash is aggravating to the pain. (wordy)

This rash aggravates the pain.(correct)

We are able to go to the store now.(wordy)

We can go to the store now.(correct)

原则4、prefer an adjective to a noun

To describe a noun or noun phrase, use an adjective and avoid the noun derived from that adjective if you can.

She has the ability to juggle.(wordy)

She is able to juggle.(better)

值得注意的是:即使一个单词的不同形式在含义上也有差异,所以要以句义为第一考量,比如:in isolation 与isolated 在含义上不同。

原则5、prefer an adverb to a prepositional phrase

To modify a verb phrase, use a simple adverb rather than a long prepositional phrase that means the same thing.

Considerably 优于 to a considerable extent.


Prices at the gasoline pump have not fallen to a comparably extent.

Prices at the gasoline pump have not fallen comparably.

这里,不仅仅是to a comparably extent与fallen comparably的区别,而是fall to与fall的区别。

Fall to: the level to which something falls, rather than the extent: Prices have fallen to under a dollar.

其他值得注意的原则包括:ELIMINATION BE

Get rid of any unnecessary uses of be (be的形式包括am, are, been, is, was, were)

原则6、prefer an adjective to an adjective phrase

In particular, if the main clause contains be as well, try to the adjective alone.

This principle works similarly with nouns that identify or describe other noun.

e.g. Joan, who is a firefighter, works in York Park. (wordy)

Joan, a firefighter, works in York Park.(better)

需要注意的是以上全部都是一个PATTERN, 所有的例子在语法上都是正确的且在含义上都是明确的。

原则7remove IT ISTHAT



有时GMAT会故意设计一些短的句子来迷惑,也许你认为GMAT偏好简约,所以就选了那个最短的句子,但是实际上也许长的句子才是正确答案。所以,看到BEING,THE FACT THAT并不说明该句子是错误的,一定要看整个句子的句义和语法。永远,简约原则都是最后考虑的。


注意False concision

原则1、keep the 介词短语(必要)

A noun adj is a noun that is placed in front of another noun that functions as an adj.

E.g. a wall of stone-----a stone wall (stone is a noun adj)

Noun adj 只在介词是of时才有用


I talked to the Boston soldier.(too short

I talked to the soldier from Boston. (correct)

因为这里的介词不是of, Boston 与soldier 不是介词OF连接的,所以不能将boston直接放在soldier前面。

Notice that places or locations rarely work well as Noun-adjective, unless the original prepositional phrase begins with of.

E.g. salt from the Aegean Sea Aegean Sea salt (too short

Ore from the Ural Mountains Ural Mountain Ore (too short)

Access to the Danube River Danube River Access (too short

Changes in the population of honeybees population Changes of honeybees (too short)

Of介词结构在表达time, period, quantity, measurement 时不能用将该名词变成形容词的方式

Memorial day week the week of memorial day

The merger year the year of the merger

The oxygen amount the amount of oxygen

The honeybee population density the density of the honeybee population

Memorial days week (wrong)

The honeybee populations density (wrong)

原则2、keep that of or those of if you need to

The face I see in ads every day is that of a famous actor.

Gmat时有insert an unnecessary that of or those of, which you do have to remove.

The fields I most enjoy studying are those of physics and chemistry. Those of 多余。

原则3、keep that after a reporting verb

Reporting verb: indicate, claim, contend, report , agree, declare, reveal, rule, show, announce, assert, believe, confess, demonstrate, doubt, expect, hold, mention, observe, proclaim, reason, recognize, repeat, state, think, warn, be convinced, be certain, be assured等这些词的后面要加THAT

An article indicated that he mine was worthless.

This story shows that crime does not pay.


The water was so cold that people said polar bears would shiver.


Concrete nouns and action nouns

实意名词:people, places, time period or certain events

动作名词:从动词演变而来的名词:eruption, pollution, withdrawal

原则1、Concrete nouns and action nouns从来不平行


简单动名词tracking nouns on the outside, verbs on the inside

简单动名词的实质还是动词,也就是说简单动名词强调的是动作,而不是名词。这点可以用来辨别到底是用简单动名词还是复杂动名词还是action nouns.

Tracking satellites accurately is important for the space agency.

Something is important for the space agency.

什么是space agency 最重要的呢?

Tracking satellites,强调的是tracking的动作过程。

复杂动名词: (不)定冠词或形容词+简单动名词=复杂动名词


the running of marathons

marathon running

原则2、只有复杂动名词可以与action nouns平行,简单动名词不与复杂动名词平行。(GMAT严格遵守这样的规定)

I enjoyed drinking the water and tasting the wine.(wrong

Drinking the water 简单动名词

The tasting the wine 复杂动名词


The rebels demanded the withdrawal of government forces from disputed regions, significant reductions in overall troop levels, the raising of the rebel flag on holidays, and a general pardon.

In any list of action nouns, always choose the complex gerund (often with articles and the word of) over the simple gerund phrase!

值得注意的是:如果英文单词中已经有合适的action nouns, 则不需再创造出复杂动名词。

e.g. withdrawal release已经存在,就不能用withdrawing, releasing


总结一下:(1)concrete nouns----concrete nouns

(2)action nouns------complex nouns

(3)simple gerunds----simple gerunds.


1. working verbs

只有working verbs才能与working verbs平行

The plant both exceeded output targets and ran more smoothly than ever.

Exceeded, ran是working verb

2. infinitives


It is critical to suspend activities, to notify investors, and say nothing.


It is critical to suspend activities, notify investors, and say nothing.

It is critical to suspend activities, to notify investors, and to say nothing.

It is critical either to suspend activities or to notify investors.


3. adj, past participles, and present participles (used as adj)


A mastodon carcass, thawed only once and still fresh, is no display.

Thawed 是过去分词做定语,与fresh平行。


4. clauses

Only clauses starting with the same word should be made parallel. In general, clauses should not be made parallel to anything besides another clause.


A mastodon carcass, which has been thawed only once and which is still fresh, is on display. (correct)


Working verbs,


Adj and participles


第十二章 代词、修饰语(高级)

一、 其它代词

There:副词,意思是in that place,there经常被当作是一个代词,其先行词往往是一个介词短语,必须是一个名词,不能是形容词

Wrong: At current prices, Antarctic oil may be worth drilling for, if wells can be dug there and environment concerns addressed.


Right: At current prices, oil in Antarctic may be worth drilling for, if wells can be dug there and environment concerns addressed.

另外一个正确的用法是:There is a cat in a tree or there are roses on my doorstep.

Itself, themselves, one another, each other

Itself, themselves are used as objects to refer directly back to the subject:指的是自己。

The panda groomed itself.

After the agreement surfaced, the commission dissolved it.


After the agreement surfaced, the commission dissolved itself.


The commission itself was wrong.

one another, each other are indicated interaction between parties.


The guests at the party interacted with one another.

Such and other(another)

Such: like the antecedent

The words such and other (another) often combine with a general noun to indicate an antecedent.

E.g. After the land-use agreement surfaced, the commission decided to subject any such contracts to debate in the future.

E.g. After the land-use agreement surfaced, the commission decided to subject any other contracts to debate in the future.

在上面的句子中,such指的是一种type的合同,other, another指的是additional of the same type,虽然不是exactly alike.


One indicates an indefinite copy or a single, indefinite part of a collection.

After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat ONE.


After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat them.

Them, it , they indicate definite selection of an entire object or collection.

After walking by the chocolates so many times, Roger finally had to eat one. It was delicious, but he could eat only half of it.

Do so vs do it

Do so:指的是前面一整个动作,包括动词,宾语和修饰语。

He did not eat dinner quickly, but her brother did so.

Did so指的是eat dinner quickly.


He did not eat dinner quickly, but his brother did.

与之对比,it must refer to an actual noun antecedent.

He failed to do the homework, but his brother did it.


It是形式主语或形式宾语,Placeholder it,这时it没有先行词


(1)It is futile to resist temptation.

It 代表不定时宾语

(2)It gave us encouragement that we scored at all.

It 代表that从句


It cannot normally refer to a clause under other circumstances.

(3) She made it possible for us to attend the movie.

She made possible our attendance at the movie.

She made our attendance at the movie possible.



由于代词经常引来歧义或混乱,所以为了清晰的句意,我们通常习惯eliminate pronouns.

After roasting the deer, the hunter extinguished the fire and then searched for a tree to hang it from.



After roasting the deer, the hunter extinguished the fire and then searched for a tree to hang the deer from.

这时,我们可以use a generic synonym for the antecedent than to repeat the noun exactly. The synonym is often more general than the antecedent, which refers to an example of the generic synonym.

E.g. New nano-papers incorporate fibers that give these materials strength.

After the land-use agreement surfaced, the commission decided to subject any such contracts to debate in the future.

有时可以用the来代替these or such.

After roasting the deer, the hunter extinguished the fire and then searched for a tree to hang the meat from.



1. Number:

2. Gender:

3. Repeat:

4. Proximity;

5. Case:

有时,what might seem to be slight antecedent ambiguity may in fact be tolerated.



例外一、a mission-critical modifier falls between

通常是of介词结构(a mission-critical modifier)修饰一个名词。OF介词结构是他所修饰的名词的必要的组成部分所以,THAT定语结构修饰的是名词+OF介词结构,而不是OF结构中的名词。

E.G. He had a way of dodging opponents that impressed the scouts.

Of dodging opponents 修饰a way, that修饰的是a way of dodging opponents,而不是opponents.

Wrong: He had a way that impressed the scouts of dodging opponents.

Best: His way of dodging opponents impressed the scouts.

e.g. An ice sheet covers 80% of the surface of Greenland, an area roughly the size of Alaska.

an area roughly the size of Alaska是修饰80 percent of the surface of Greenland, 而不是Greenland. 因为没有a mission-critical modifier“of the surface of Greenland,则上面的句子没有被定义清楚。

例外二、a very short predicate falls between, shifting a very long modifier back.

E.g. A new CEO has been hired who will transform the company by decentralizing authority to various division heads while increasing their accountability through the use of public scorecards.

Who引导的定语从句修饰a new CEO,但是,他违背了TOUCH原则,因为如果将who引导的定语从句紧跟a new ceo的话则该句子的谓语has been hired将被挪到句子的最后,是非常捏牛的,所以,这样的句型是正确的,尽管违背了TOUCH原则。

例外三、a short non-essential phrase intervenes and is set off by commas

Our system of Presidential elections favors states, such as Delaware, that by population are over-represented in the Electoral College.

Such as Delaware是一个短短的插入语,插入在states与修饰语that by population are over-represented.之间,因为插入语比较短小,所以,这样的插入语是可以接受的。

例外四、the modifier is part of a series of parallel modifiers, one of which touches the noun.

E.g. In heraldry, the term tincture refers to a color emblazoned on a coat of arms and labeled with a special French word.

Emblazoned on a coat of arms and labeled with a special French word都是修饰名词a color的,所以即使第二个修饰语没有紧跟a color,但是由于他们是并列结构,所以也是可以接受的。


不要使用y of xs的表达形式,要用y of x 或者xy的表达方式。

e.g. The orca, a relative of the blue whale, is found throughout the globe.(correct)

The orca, a relative of the blue whales, is found throughout the globe. (wrong)


e.g. Certain humans parasites have been shown to provide bacterial resistance and protection against auto-immune disorders. (wrong)

Certain parasites in humans have been shown to provide bacterial resistance and protection against auto-immune disorder.(right)

正确的句子中certain很明确的修饰parasites, 而错误的句子中certain或许修饰humans, 或许修饰parasites.

不要只是很盲目地选择不选复数名词所有格。The GMAT may force you to choose a plural possessive in the right answer.

Subgroup modifiers


1. This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of which were only recently discovered.

2. This model explains all known subatomic particles, some of them only recently discovered.

3. This model explains all known subatomic particles, some only recently discovered.

注意只有which句型中使用了working verb (were)

在some的位置,可以用any, none, all, more, most, many, each, either, neither, half, one等来代替。


在很多时候,定语从句可以和分词(当充当定语时)互换, The man who is cleaning the steps is my uncle.

The man cleaning the steps is my uncle.


The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency ultimately culminating in the survival of just a few languages, according to some. (wrong)

The rate of language extinction is accelerating, a tendency that will ultimately culminate in the survival of just a few languages, according to some.(correct)


Present participles get their tense from the main verb in the sentence.

I saw a man cleaning the steps.

I see a man cleaning the steps.

I will see a man cleaning the steps.


I see the man cleaning the steps yesterday. (wrong)

I see the man who cleaned the steps yesterday. (correct)


独立主格的作用:modify the main clause in some way.


独立主格的性质:sophisticated modifier

His head held high, Owen walked out of the store.

His head held high来修饰Owen如何walked out的,所以是个verb modifier.


Owen walked out the store, his head held high.

Owen walked out of the store with his head held high.

Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the world, results that suggest the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago.

results that suggest the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago. 是个一个同位语,修饰前面一个句子。

Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the world. These results suggest the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago.


Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the world, which suggests the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago. (wrong)

Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the world, and this suggests the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago. (wrong)

GMAT不喜欢单独用this or that,因为他们容易引起歧义。


Scientists have found high levels of iridium in certain geological formations around the world, suggesting the cataclysmic impact of a meteor millions of years ago.(correct)

In some cases, you can use an ing form (with a comma) in place of an absolute phrase. At the end of a sentence, either an ing form or an absolute phrase can indicate a result of the preceding clause.

An absolute phrase is typically separately from the rest of the sentence by a comma. However, for an absolute phrase at the end of a sentence, you may also use a dash(-)。

第十三章 动词与对比(高级)



名词: I love to swim:名词,to swim做love的宾语

形容词:The person to meet is here. To meet是修饰名词person

副词:Sue paused to eat lunch. To eat修饰动词paused

也可以说:Sue paused in order to eat lunch.

在使用in order to时应注意不定时的目的。

The contractor demolished the building to keep it from falling down accidently.

主语是the contractor,同时也是to keep的主语,表达了demolish 的目的。It 指的是the building.

The building was demolished to avoid falling down accidently.

主语是building,同时也是不定时to avoid 的主语,然而a building 不能主动的avoid,所以上面的句子错误。

虽然不定时可以做名词,但是它不是noun-like structure.




做动词的主语:swimming is fun

做动词的谓语:I love swimming

做介词的宾语:I dream of swimming

简单动名词:eating apples quickly (更像动词)

复杂动名词:The quick eating of apples (更像名词)

AGAIN:复杂动名词和简单动名词不平行,有action noun时不用复杂动名词


注意该动名词是主语。-ing form function as a noun.

E.g. Mikes swimming is the product of new coaching techniques.

Mikes behavior 是重点

Mike swimming is the product of new coaching techniques.(wrong)


因此,必须确定-ing form是修饰语还是主语。

Right: I like Mikes swimming(喜欢的是swimming)

Right: Mike swimming is a sight to be hehold.(Mike himself can be the sight)

Right: Mikes swimming is a sight to behold.(the swimming can be the sight)

原则是尽量不是用动名词的所有格形式,如果需要所有格,就用action noun的所有格,如果一定要所有格中出现动名词,则用its, their, his or her.



-ing form的四种用法:

Verb (进行时态) she is fixing the faucet.

Noun(动名词) fixing the faucet is not fun.

Adj(现在分词) the person fixing the faucet is tired.

Adv(现在分词) she crouched under the sink, fixing the faucet.


Verb(过去分词) she has broken the lamp

Adj(形容词) the broken lamp is on the stairs.


现在分词:表达一种结果result,与intention 无关

Investors sold the stock rapidly, causing panic.

不定式:表达一种意愿,intention, 与结果无关result.

Investors sold the stock rapidly to cause panic.

A rule of thumb: water droplets freeze to form snow is acceptable, although there is no intention.


现在分词A technique alleviating pain is growing popular.

从句A technique that alleviates pain is growing popular.

上面的两个句子中现在分词和从句都是修饰主语a technique的,a technique是alleviate 的implied subject.

不定式:A technique to alleviate pain is growing popular.

This sentence means that you (or someone else) can alleviate pain by means of this technique. In other words, technique is not meant to be the subject of the action alleviate.

Often, when you modify a noun with an infinitive, that noun is not the implied subject of the infinitive.

There is a book to read.

The book will not read, someone will read the book.

A plan conquering the world is in his files.(unlikely)

A plan that will conquer the world is in his files.(unlikely)

A plan to conquer the world is in his files. (probably)

A plan is a means by which someone can conquer or will try to conquer the world.

It is unlikely that the plan itself is actually conquering the world or will conquer the world. Thus, we should use the infinitive.

引申:在实际考试中,出现了不定式、that从句和分词做modifier,不知道该怎么选,可以根据上述原则选择,infinitive的主语不是原句子中的implied subject,而是someone,所以如果分析认为句子的主语不是不定式的主语时可以选择不定式,否则选择分词或that从句。

Like and as

Like:介词含义是:similar to , in a manner similar to



Like you, I danced last night:像你一样,我昨天晚上也跳舞了。这里的含义是“你”昨天晚上跳舞了, 我和你一样。

I danced like you last night: 我昨天晚上像你一样跳舞。(含义是我昨天晚上跳舞了,但不一定“你”昨天晚上也跳舞了,只是我跳舞跳得像“你”一样)应该注意这里的含义上的区别

此外, like对比有暗喻的含义:he ran like the wind.并不是说风也会跑,而是风刮的快的意思。

(1)I want to coach divers like Grey Louganis.

=I want to coach divers who are like Grey Louganis.


=I want to coach divers in the same way as Grey Louganis does.

(2)I want to coach divers, like Grey Louganis.

=like Grey Louganis, I want to coach divers.


Unlike you, I danced last night.

Most materials under a wide range of conditions resist the flow of electric current to some degree, unlike superconductors, which demonstrate zero electrical resistance.



(1) duration As: As I strolled to the store, I smelled the air.(while, during)

(2) causation As: I will not tell you, as you already know.(since, because)

(3) comparison As: You should walk As she wants you to.(in the same way)

As是最重要的表示对比的连词,有时可以与just, so, or even so too一起使用。

Just as the trains were late yesterday, the buses are late today.

Just as the trains were late yesterday, so too are they late today.

As can also appear with a phrase, rather than full clause.

As in the previous case, the judge took an early break.

介词as 可以作为名词或名词短语:用法有3种:

Function as: As your leader, I am in charge.(in the role of)

Equation as: I think of you as my friend.(you are my friend)

Stage as: As a child, I thought I could fly.(when I was)

仔细体会以下as, like的含义:

I will jump up like a clown.(in a clownish manner)

I will jump up as a clown.(in a clown suit)

I will jump up as a clown might.(like a hypothetical clown)

I will jump up as a clown.(in a clown suit)


They are as hungry as you.

They are hungry as you are.

They are as hungry as they were last night.

GMAT中的LIKE 没有举例的含义,一定要注意啊!use such as instead.


(1) 倍数的比较,使用asas.

The man is five times as old as his grandson.(correct)

The man is five times older than his grandson.(wrong)


Og中的错误:5 times greater than. 应该避免这样的用法

The cost of a ticket is 12, six times the cost ten years ago.(correct)

The concert was attended by 300 people, twice the previous attendance. (correct)

(2) 加或减的比较的,使用more than or less than

I am ten years older than you.(correct)

I am ten years as old as you。(wrong

More or less的用法

I own more than I should.(名词或代词)

I own more shirts than I should.(形容词)

I sleep more than I should.(副词)

High, low, higher, lower只能当形容词

My bills are lower than they were last year. (correct)

I spend less than I did last year. (correct)

I spend lower than I did last year.(wrong)


注意more, less的位置,有时会引起歧义

We have even more efficient engines than before. (more可以修饰efficient,也可以修饰engines, 所以有歧义)

We have even more engines that are efficient than before.(more modify engines

We have engines even more efficient than before. (more modify efficient)

Exceed, surpass可以表示比较

The incidence of the disease among men EXCEEDS the incidence among women.

The incidence of the disease among men EXCEEDS its incidence among women.

The incidence of the disease among men EXCEEDS that among women.

In addition to 的用法:

后面可以加其他东西(another example to a different noun),也可以同类东西(add another example)

In addition to taxes, death is inevitable.

In addition to Munster cheese, I like Swiss.


