
发布时间:2019-01-06 11:08:58   来源:文档文库   


.单项选择填空。(20)Choose the correct answers

  ( ) 1. There was ____ time left for us to catch our train.

  A. Any B. the   C .no

  ( ) 2. Did you buy ____ sugar at the supermarket?

  A. Any B. a  C. no

  ( ) 3. ____ rich should expect to pay higher taxes.

  A. A B. The  C —

  ( ) 4. ____ rich man should expect to pay higher taxes.

  A. A B. The  C. —

  ( ) 5. ____ rich men should expect to pay higher taxes.

  A. Some B. The  C. —

  ( ) 6. ____ rich man who bought the house next door is always abroad.

  A. A B. The  C. Some

  ( ) 7. ____ rich men are very generous to other people – bit mot all of them.

  A. Some B. The C. —

  ( ) 8. The children went to ____ school without having breakfast this morning.

  A. — B. the C. a

  ( ) 9. They have pulled down ____ infant school; that I used to go to.

  A. an B. a C. the

  ( )10. Look, I’ve bought ____ sweets for you.

  A. any B. some C. a

  ( )11. I didn’t know you were going to be late this evening. You ___ have told me.

  A. should B. must C. would

  ( )12. You should know what to do by now, after ____ told so often.

  A. being B. be C. been

  ( )13.We ___ at the airport all morning before there was any news about our flight.

  A. have been waiting B. had been waiting C. are waiting

  ( )14.You ____ passed your driving the test first time if you hadn’t been so careless.

  A. will have  B. must have C. would have

  ( )15. My suit is very dirty. I shall have to ____.

  A. have cleaned it B. have it cleaned C. cleaned it

  ( )16. You ____ gone without leaving a message. We got very worried.

  A. needn’t have B. mustn’t have C. shouldn’t have

  ( )17. We would have had a bad harvest this year if we ____ so much rain in the spring.

  A. haven’t had B. hadn’t C. hadn’t had

  ( )18. I’ve told you again and again ____ leave the door open.

  A. to not B. not to C. to don’t

  ( )19. I wish you wouldn’t insist ____ with me.

  A. to come B. coming C. on coming

  ( )20. The boss insisted that I ____ the report before I went home.

  A. should finish B. will finish C. to finish


  1) Read this dialogue and fill in the correct tenses and forms of the verbs in brackets, active or passive. 用括号中动词的正确时态,语态和形式填空。(10)

  Jim: What were you asked to do when you had your driving test this morning?

  Alice: First of all, I__________(1 ask) to drive out of town. I____________(2 have to) park in a quite road. Then I____________ (3 tell) to reverse round a corner.

  Jim: ____________(4 you manage) to do that all right?

  Alice: Yes, although the examiner____________ (5 not say) anything.

  Jim: Well, do you think he___________(6 please)?

  Alice: I don’t know. Driving examiners never____________(7 smile) , do they—but he___________(8 must be) pleased with the way I drove. When we got back to the examining centre and I ___________(9 stop) the car, he said, ‘Miss Smith, I am pleased to say that you___________(10 pass).’

  Jim: Alice, that’s marvelous! Congratulations! Now you can give me a lift to the station.

  2)Read this short passage and fill in the blanks with the following words or phrases 阅读下列短文, 然后用所给的词填空(10):

  so as, so that, to, in order to, in order that

  A month ago we bought a little dog for my wife to have as company when I am away. We bought a small one 1____________it would be easy to handle, and, 2____________not to disturb our routine, we decided that it should sleep outside in a kennel. The first night it barked a lot 3_____________be let into the house. We both put plugs in our ears 4_____________ we shouldn’t hear it. 5_____________ get more peace, however, I am going away more often.


  Life used to be fun for the teenagers. They 1 to have more money to spend, and free time to spend in it. They used to 2 teenagers clothes, and 3 in teenager coffee bars. Some of them still 4 today. 5 , for many young people, life is 6 now. Things are more 7 . Jobs are difficult to find, and it is harder to find a place to live 8 . Some teachers say that students study harder than 9 used to. They are only interested in passing examinations. They know that 10 examination result may get them better jobs.

  For some, the 11 to unemployment is to leave home and look for work in big cities. Every day hundreds of 12 people 13 in Beijing, Shanghai and other big cities. Some of them find work, and 14 . Others don’t find it, and go 15 again.

Everyday when you 16 the newspaper, you can find the news about people’s unemployment. Actually, China’s government has taken 17 to help the young people. It supplies many new 18 to them. We believe in the 19 the situation will be 20

  1. A liked B like  C used D use

  2. A dress  B wear C buy D have

  3. A eat B play C meet D chat

  4. A can B have C are D do

  5. A Therefore B However C But D Then

  6. A better B enjoyable C difficult D harder

  7. A expensive B cheap C different  D delicious

  8. A in B at C for D on

  9. A we B you C they D he

  10. A better B good C well D best

  11. A problem B question C answer  D way

  12. A bad B old C good D young

  13. A arrive B reach C go D come

  14. A leave B stay C go D come

  15. A there B in C to D home

  16. A read B look C watch D see

  17. A off B out C actions D on

  18. A space B opportunities C money D resources

  19. A century B year C month D future

  20. A better B worse C good D bad

  四.阅读理解(20)Reading Comprehension

  Passage A

  Dear editor,

  Why do newspapers have so many advertisements for electronic(电子的)equipment? Last Sunday I counted ads. for seven kinds of televisions and thirteen kinds of radios in the Youth Journal. Besides that, there were pages and pages of ads. for Citizens’ Band radios and tape recorders.

  Don’t you realize what electronic equipment is doing to our daily life? Everywhere you go you may hear loud music and advertisements over radios; this continuous noise is doing harm to our ears. Husbands don’t talk to wives any more; they are always watching the news or a ball game. Children’s eyes become hurt with endless hours of watching not only the programs for children but also those for grown-ups as well. And worse, hidden microphones find out our personal lives, and computers keep records of personal information about us.

  That is enough! I think you should limit the amount of advertising of electronic equipment in the Youth Journal, or it will make life unbearable(难以忍受的)for us all.

  1. Youth Journal is the name of _________. .

  A. a department star B. a shop that sells electronic equipment

  C. a local newspaper D. a hotel where the writer stayed

  2. What problems does Jason Smith think radio causes?

  A. It has too many programs for advertising. B. It makes husbands talk little to wives.

  C. It gives too much loud music. D. Its noise does harm to our ears.

  3. Electronic equipment causes all the following problems EXCEPT that_________.

  A. personal information is given to strangers. B. children’s eyes are harmed

  C. news of the world is given to all people D. family members don’t talk to each other

  4. It is NOT mentioned but implied(暗示)that _________. .

  A. some kinds of electronic equipment are bad for our personal lives

  B. watching too much TV hurts children’s eyes

  C. some kinds of electronic equipment cause social problems

  D. television has had effects on both grown-ups and children

  5. From the letter, we know that _________.

  A. the editor agrees with Jason Smith

  B. the editor likes the electronic equipment ads

  C. the editor doesn’t like the electronic equipment ads

  D. Jason Smith doesn’t like the electronic equipment ads

  Passage B

  America has had many presidents who have been famous all over the world. People from other countries know the names Washington, Kennedy and so on. However, many men who have served as President of the United States have not been famous in other parts of the world. One example is J.Q. Adams, the sixth man to serve as U.S. President.

  Very little happened while Adams was President. It was an unhappy time for him, and he wasn’t very effective, when his term ended, he went back to the Congress and served as a representative(众议院议员). While he was in Congress, people began to respect him more than they had done while he was President. Adams was strongly against slavery and tried to outlaw it in Washington D. C. . People began to look back on his presidency with a different view. Now they saw that he was an independent man with high ideal who loved his country and hated slavery. Adams died in 1848 while speaking in the House of Representative.

  6. When Adams served as the sixth U.S. President .

  A. his people didn’t regard him as a great man

  B. he tried a lot of means to get rid of slavery

C. his high ideal made an impression on American people

  D. he did a lot of things against laws

  7. In fact, American people came to love Adams .

  A. whether he was president or not B. when he was not a president

  C. before his term ended D. when he first became a representative

  8. Which of the following can show the author’s true attitude?

  A. Adams had ability, but he had no chance to show it.

  B. As a president, Adams was unfit for his work..

  C. Adams was not an effective man.

  D. Adams was worth respecting.

  9. In your judgement, compared with Adams. Lincoln .

  A. was not a world-famous president B. seemed to be an unimportant president

  C. was a well-known president D. had the same fact as Adams

  10. Choose the best title for this passage.

  A. Unfit Presidents B. President Who Set Slavery Free

  C. Unknown Presidents D. Famous President, Adams

  五.写一篇短文来描述你的周末活动。(20)Write a short composition to describe your weekend activities.

  要求: 1. 大致介绍平时周末的安排。 2. 谈论你最喜欢的周末活动。

  3. 对将来周末活动的理想。 4. 字数控制在80字左右。`



  1-5 CABAC 6-10 BAACB

  11-15 AABCB 16-20 CCBCA



  1.was asked 2. had to 3.was told 4. Did you manage 5. didn’t say

  6. was pleased 7. smile 8. must have been 9. stopped 10. have passed


  1. so that 2. so as 3. to 4. in order that 5.In order to

  三. 1-5 CBCDB 6-10 DAACB

  11-15 CDABD 16-20 ACBDA

  四. 1-5 CDCCD 6-10 ABDCC



