
发布时间:1714307194   来源:文档文库   

Rich Management User Interface 丰富的用户管理界面
Brand-able Self Service User Interface 可定制化的用户界面
Secure AJAX Console Access 虚拟机远程控制台
Powerful API 强大的API
ElasterStack provides a feature rich out-of-the-box user interface implemented on top of the ElasterStack API to manage the cloud infrastructure. It is a fully AJAX based solution compatible with most of the latest internet browsers and can also be easily integrated with your existing portal.
ElasterStack 提供方便易用的用户界面用于管理ElasterStack云的基础设施。该界面通过调用ElasterStack API实现,基于AJAX兼容大多数浏览器, 并可以很容易的现有的门户集成。

Our out-of-the-box user interface was built using standard HTML and CSS with jQuery as our standard Javascript library. It can be easily customized and branded to mirror your company’s existing look and feel.

A VNC AJAX client that allows users to access their virtual machine using any of the latest internet browsers without the need of any external add-on such as a JRE, ActiveX, or Flash.
用户可在浏览器中通过基于AJAXVNC客户端访问他们的虚拟机,而不需要如JRE, ActiveX或者Flash等插件。

Easily build, integrate, and use applications built on top of the ElasterStack API. Well documented and extensible, the ElasterStack API also supports common cloud APIs from Amazon and VMware. The ElasterStack supports both an API access using a shared/private key and/or via browser cookies.
提供详细的API说明文档,可方便的使用ElasterStack API开发或集成应用。

Secure Single Sign On 安全单点登录
Multi-role Support 多角色支持
Aggregate and integrate your existing applications with our management user interface via our secure single sign on for a better user experience.

Three distinct account roles for user interface and API access are supported out-of-the-box:


Admin: can manage both the virtual and physical resources of the cloud 管理员: 可管理云中的虚拟机和物理机资源

Domain-Admin: can manage only the virtual resources owned by the accounts within their domain 域管理员:仅能管理所属域中的虚拟资源

User: can manage their own virtual resources 用户:可管理自己的虚拟资源
On Demand Virtual Provides users with virtually unlimited amount of Datacenter Hosting computing resources on demand, as required and 按需虚拟数据中心托管
billed by actual usage.

Dynamic Workload Completely automates the distribution of compute, Management network, and storage resource across the physical 弹性负载管理
infrastructure while adhering to defined policies on load balancing, data security, and compliance.

Broad network Support for embedded software-based network Virtualization management as well as VLAN. Our Direct Attached Capabilities IP enables you to integrate with a virtual network 丰富的网络虚拟化能力
architecture that best fits your needs.



