
发布时间:2019-05-22 11:52:28   来源:文档文库   




道歉信 中文+英文 道歉信 时间已经过去一年了。这一年,我们有过快乐的时光、痛苦的回忆、无知的困惑和感人的时刻。然而,快乐和感动都是你带来的,痛苦和困惑却因我而起。我承认在我们约会期间对你胡思乱想,对待你的态度不合适,强迫你做自己不喜欢的事。还一次次的让你哭泣,尽管我知道你是一个敏感的女孩儿。我也不够体贴因为总是忽略你内心的感受。 回顾那次事情。随着矛盾日益增加,爬山的事成为你爆发的导火索。你在山腰跟我说的话真正地伤了我的心。然而,这是我应得的。我们分手的原因就是由于我武断的行为和漫不经心的心态,这也导致现在让你我尴尬的现状。即使现在,我们也不能像以前一样互相打招呼。总的来说,一切都是我的错。当我说这句话时,心里感到深深的愧疚感。然而,这是我应受的责备。 我真正想说的是我现在还想你。多少平静的梦乡中,你总会出现,这也是我做过的最幸福的梦。每次遇见你,我都努力装作没看见你,故作镇定,可总禁不住想看你一眼,想知道你最近过得怎么样。虽然我现在上课不多,但每次上课,也都会寻找你的身影。我越来越不能压抑自己的情感。 如果我改变态度了呢?我想知道你是否会给我一个机会来弥补你因我而受伤的心灵。 真诚至上 It has alread been one ear. This ear, e have been through happiness, pain, onfusion and impressive. Yet, most of the happiness and impressive as brought b ou, pain and onfusion as brought b me. I onfess that I had mixed thoughts during our date time. M attitude toard ou as not proper. I made ou do things that ou don’t like. Even I kne that ou are a sensitive girl, I still made ou r more than one. I as not a onsiderate bo for I disregarded our deep feelings. Look bak on that so alled big problem. As the onflits developed, the mountain limbing as the point that ou broke out. What ou said in the middle of the mountain trul hurt m feeling. Nevertheless, I deserved this. The reason that e broke up as due to m arbitrar behavior and asual attitude, hih led us to this situation that make us akard. Even no, e ouldn’t greet eah other as e did before. Generall, it as all m fault. When I said this, I felt great guilt from the bottom of m broken heart. Hoever, I as be to blamed for this. What I reall ant to tell ou is that I still miss ou right no. I dreamed about ou in m peaeful dream that is the happiest dream ever I thought. I tried to pretend to ignore ou and be alm When I met ou. But I ouldn’t help glaning ou for I ant to kno ho ou are going. Though I barel ent to lassroom, hen I did, I ould find here ou sit. I an’t onstrain m emotion. But hat if I hanged m attitude ? I just ondered if ou ould give me another hane to make up our broken heart that one as broken b me. Yours sinerel, Frank


英语失约道歉信怎么写 道歉信 letter of apolog我们在工作或生活中,有时难免会犯一些错误,写封致歉信就显得很有必要。道歉信通 常包括以下内容:

表示歉意;道歉的原由;出现差错的原因;提出弥补措施;请求原谅。写 道歉信的语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实,不要显出丝毫的虚情假意。好的道歉信不仅会取 得对方的谅解,还会增进彼此的感情。 写作三步走:

表示歉意-说明具体原因、提出补救办法-再次致歉、希望得到理解 tips: 在写作过程中,尽可能提供比较合理的理由。如果违反生活常识将导致扣分。 在解释完原因后,尽量提供一个合适的补救办法,使行文更加完满。 订阅收藏《考研英语写作范文100篇》系列文章

1 diretions: ou should rite about 100 ords on anser sheet

do not sign our on name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. do not rite the address.范文:

dear anne, please allo me to sa sorr again. regards, li ming译文:


感谢你邀请我于明日晚上与你和你的家人共进午餐。可是,我非常遗憾地告诉你我无法 赴约,因为我将忙于准备后天的一门重要考试。错过了这么一个欢乐的聚会我深感遗憾,我 希望你们能度过一个愉快的时光。对了,在我考试后我们可以见一面么?如果可以的话请随时给我打电话,我非常期待能和你愉快地聊天。 请允许我再一次致歉。您真诚的, 李明闪光词汇及词组:

oup: v. 占用,占 get-together: n. 聚会,联欢会 hesitate: v. 犹豫,踌躇 drop sb. a line: 给某人打一个电话 preferable: adj. 更好的,更可取的 long for sth: 渴望 万能句型:

thank ou for our invitation to dinner at our home tomorro evening. unfortunatel, it is muh to m regret that i annot... i feel terribl sorr for missing the hane of... is it possible for ou and me to have a private meeting afterards?if so, please dont hesitate to drop me a all about our preferable date.please allo me to sa sorr again.

2diretions:ou failed to finish an important task assigned b our professor beause of a severe illness. rite a letter to our professor tp express our apolog, explain our reason, and suggest a solution to make up the loss.ou should rite about 100 ords on anser sheet

do not sign our on name at the end of the letter. use li ming instead. do not rite the address.范文:

dear prof. patent,i ould be ver muh obliged if ou ould grant me another eek for the task, as m health is turning better.hope ou an understand m situation and aept m apolog. ours faithfull, li ming译文:


我非常遗憾地告知您我没有完成您上周布置的读书报告,因为几天前我突然生病了。过 去的几天中我一直持续高烧,住在医院,因此无法进行任何学术活动。随信是医生的诊断书。 如果您能再给一周时间来完成它我将感激不尽,因为现在我的身体正在好转。 希望您能 理解我的处境并接受我的道歉。您真诚的, 李明闪光词汇及词组:

assign: v. 分配,指派 fall upon s

b: 降临到某人身上ontinuous: adj. 持续的 prevent sb from sthdoing sth: 使某人不能做某事 here

b: adv. 因此,据此submit: v. 提交,递交oblige

d: adj. 感激的 grant: v. 同意,准予 万能句型:

i ould be ver muh obliged if ou ould grant me another eek for the task.hope ou an understand m situation and aept m apolog. apologize letter __ business english_ b lq dear sir or madam,i’m riting this letter to apologize to ou. i’m so sorr that e made a mistake about the shipment of vauum leaners.those vauum leaners e sent to ou ere meant to be sent to european ountries, but as the old orker as retired, the ne one asn’t so experiened. besides, the model number and the prie of goods in marh and jul are so similar that the orker mistaken them.i am afull sorr for this and e promise ou a replaement shipment. e ill also give a 10% i do apologize for an inonveniene this ma ause ou and i ill tr m bestto avoid the same aident happening again. 道歉信是人们经常使用的一种书信文体,用以表达自己的歉意,查字典特意为 大家整理了关于道歉信范文的相关材料,希望对您的工作和生活有帮助。 letter of apolog . sample stud sample i dear susan, please let me kno if ou ill be available on saturda morning.best ishes hen heng sample ii dear mar, i’m ver sorr for not having replied to our jul 6th letter sooner. hen our letter arrived, i as in beijing. as m seretar ouldn’t forard it to me, it has been ling on m desk until i got bak. look forard to athing up and one again apologize for the dela.sinerel, tom 英语道歉信范文及常用句式 道歉信是指因过失或疏忽做错了事,给别人带来了麻烦或损失,发觉后要立即写信给对 方赔礼道歉时写的信件。道歉是一种礼貌,道歉信要写得坦率,诚恳。道歉信通常包括三部分内容:


2、出现差错的原因,提出弥 补措施;

3、请求原谅。语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实。好的道歉信不仅会取得对方的谅解, 还会增进彼此的感情。写作三步曲:

表示歉意说明具体原因、提出补救办法再次致歉,希望得到理解。 注意:

理由要尽量合理,违反生活常识将导致扣分;尽量提供一个合适的补救办法,使行文更 加顺畅。范文解析:

diretions: ou ere unable to attend mr. smiths examination on international business english riting beause ou got sik that morning. rite a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize. rite the letter ith no less than 100 ords. do not sign our on name at end of the letter. use ang hua instead. do not rite the address.dear mr. smith, i am indeed ver sorr that i missed the examination on international business english riting ou gave last frida. i feel aful about it and ant ou to kno hat happened that da. i suddenl fell sik earl that morning and m parents had to send me to the hospital. please find enlosed a op of the medial bill. sinerel ours, ang hua ◆常用句式:

1i am riting to apologize for ? i am riting to sa sorr for我写这封信是因向你致歉。

2i ould like to give ou m apolog for? 对于我向你道歉。

3please aept m sinere apolog for? 关于请接受我真诚的道歉。

4i am indeed ver sorr for hat i saiddid, but believe i had nointention to? 对于我说的话做的事,我确实感到很抱歉。但请相信,我并非故意要

5please forgive me for a stupid hoie of ords. 请原谅我说话欠妥。

6 i feel afull sorr about it and ant ou to kno hat happened. 为此我感到非常内疚,所以想告诉你实情。

7please aept m apologies for m oversight. 请原谅我的疏忽。

8please allo me to sa sorr again. 请允许我再次表示歉意。

9i sinerel hope ou an understand m situationthink in m position and aept m apologies.


致歉信关于失约致歉 致歉信关于失约致歉失约致歉 请根据下列内容提示给你的朋友alan写一封致歉信。他住在driffield。假设你名叫tom 住在pigston 参考词语:

apologize about last thursda lost m allet----found ittoo late for the train took the bus, but a rong one ent to milford didnt speak to ou on the phone----tried, no anser fix some other time an apolog for not keeping an appointment jul 24,9___ dear alan, im riting to apologize about last thursda. i am terribl sorr that i didnt go to see ou, for i lost m allet. ana, i found it. but it as too late for the train. i had to take the bus. hat a pit that i took a rong one. it ent to milford. there, i aited for half an hour for a bus to driffield. it as muh orse that on the a to our home, the bus broke don. so i just ent bak home to pigston. i reall do apologize beause i didnt speak to ou on the phone, but it asnt m fault. i tried several times, but there as no anser. ana, ho about next thursda? love, tom 1)这是一封私人信件。私人书信一般不写信内地址和信头里的地址,但是信头里的日期不能省去。 2)致歉信应包括三个部分:



③后果及解决办法。 3)私人书信,尤其是亲属间和朋友间的信件属于非正式书信,所以要用非正式文体来写; 就是说信文中可以出现缩约形式,如im ritingdidnt等,也可以用像phone这类非正式 词语。句法结构简短,随便。


英语道歉信范文及常用句式英语道歉信范文及常用句式 道歉信是指因过失或疏忽做错了事,给别人带来了麻烦或损失,发觉后要立即写信给对 方赔礼道歉时写的信件。道歉是一种礼貌,道歉信要写得坦率,诚恳。道歉信通常包括三部分内容:


2、出现差错的原因,提出弥 补措施;

3、请求原谅。语言要诚挚,解释的理由要真实。好的道歉信不仅会取得对方的谅解, 还会增进彼此的感情。 写作三步曲:


理由要尽量合理,违反生活常识将导致扣分;尽量提供一个合适的补救办法,使行文更 加顺畅。 范文解析:

diretions: ou ere unable to attend mr. smiths examination on international business english riting beause ou got sik that morning. rite a letter to express the reasons for not being able to attend it and apologize. rite the letter ith no less than 100 ords. do not sign our on name at end of the letter. use ang hua instead. do not rite the address.dear mr. smith, i am indeed ver sorr that i missed the examination on international business english riting ou gave last frida. i feel aful about it and ant ou to kno hat happened that da.i suddenl fell sik earl that morning and m parents had to send me to the hospital. please find enlosed a op of the medial bill. sinerel ours, ang hua ◆常用句式:

1i am riting to apologize for ? i am riting to sa sorr for 我写这封信是因向你致歉。

2i ould like to give ou m apolog for? 对于我向你道歉。

3please aept m sinere apolog for? 关于请接受我真诚的道歉。

4i am indeed ver sorr for hat i saiddid, but believe i had nointention to? 对于我说的话做的事,我确实感到很抱歉。但请相信,我并非故意要

5please forgive me for a stupid hoie of ords. 请原谅我说话欠妥。

6 i feel afull sorr about it and ant ou to kno hat happened. 为此我感到非常内疚,所以想告诉你实情。

7please aept m apologies for m oversight. 请原谅我的疏忽。

8please allo


给朋友的一封道歉信 给自己的一封道歉信 亲爱的自己:

今天你的胃又疼了,原因是你今天早上又没吃早餐。昨天早上你倒是吃早餐了,但是就 是因为那2个榨菜包子,导致你上吐下泻,你总是虐待自己的胃。还有自从你参加工作以后, 你每天晚上都是要12点以后才睡觉。你的眼睛总是黑黑的,甚至有点肿。自从你做项目开始, 你更是不分昼夜,曾经爱睡懒觉的你,不需要闹钟也会自己醒来。你到南京出差后,你吃了 一个月的饺子,导致你后来只要一看到饺子就想吐。后来你又接连吃了一个月的面。各种各 样的面,你的体重,从之前的86斤下降到82斤。长期出差,你开始经常要坐车,一坐就是 几个小时,你晕车的时候,就使劲的掐自己,或者就是咬自己的舌头。好几次,眼泪都出来 了。小小的你,一个人背着电脑,拉着行李箱,到一个陌生的城市。你一个人吃饭,一个人 走路。所有的事情都是一个人做。你还要轻声细语的跟客户说话,你的领导,有事求你做 的时候,还会跟你说几句好听的,但是一旦你有什么没有做好,免不得又是一顿批评。还记 得,你们在无锡出差的时候,你的领导,天天让你们晚上上班上到凌晨4点,别人是上晚班, 可是你们是上白班加晚班。可气的是,你们在那里什么事情都没有,只是坐在那里陪他加班。 在那里你吃了一个星期的泡面。你反抗,但是没用,你的领导不是个讲理的人。你就这样委 屈着自己,你喜欢旅游,可是现在即使是周末,也基本上是宅在家里面。你已经有5个月没 有出去跟同学,朋友聚会了。每次准备周末出去的时候,你总是起不来,要不就是有客户给 你打电话,又要解决突发问题,你的休息时间就这样都被牺牲了。 亲爱的自己:

你现在才20岁。你每天重复着做相同的事情。你开始动不动就发脾气。你 为了工作,你把自己留了5年的头发给剪了。亲爱的自己,对不起,我不该没有好好的爱惜 自己。


一封道歉信 一封道歉信 亲爱的小河:

你好! 从我三岁的时候,怎俩就在一起度过许多美好的时光。咱们在一起玩打水仗:

拍你一下, 你还我一下,最后弄的我一时半会睁不开眼睛;我还穿着游泳衣,在你身上来回穿行,那时, 觉得十分有趣;但我那时还太小,不懂事,所以我把果皮、瓜子皮等杂物扔给了你。当时, 我还不知,那小小的垃圾和杂物,会帮你毁容,毁的那样难看,那样乱。 自从我学了《一个苹果》和《水就是生命》这两篇文章后,我才知道你有多重要,多珍 贵。我经过了一段时间的反思后,我才知道我错了,真是对不起了。 我可以和你一起分享无限的快乐,可我不能把你当成一个垃圾箱,往你身上丢弃垃圾。 所以,我现在给你写一封道歉信:

我曾今破坏过、伤害过你,实在是太对不起了,我的好朋 友小河! 原谅我吧,亲爱的小河! 陕西省宝鸡市宝成小学五年级 韩笑


一封道歉信 一封道歉信 亲爱的小河:

你好! 从我三岁的时候,怎俩就在一起度过许多美好的时光。咱们在一起玩打水仗:

拍你一下, 你还我一下,最后弄的我一时半会睁不开眼睛;我还穿着游泳衣,在你身上来回穿行,那时, 觉得十分有趣;但我那时还太小,不懂事,所以我把果皮、瓜子皮等杂物扔给了你。当时, 我还不知,那小小的垃圾和杂物,会帮你毁容,毁的那样难看,那样乱。 自从我学了《一个苹果》和《水就是生命》这两篇文章后,我才知道你有多重要,多珍 贵。我经过了一段时间的反思后,我才知道我错了,真是对不起了。我可以和你一起分享无限的快乐,可我不能把你当成一个垃圾箱,往你身上丢弃垃圾。 所以,我现在给你写一封道歉信:

我曾今破坏过、伤害过你,实在是太对不起了,我的好朋 友小河! 我今后绝不往你身上丢弃垃圾,我要让你回到原来那无污染、无破坏的你。我要让你变 回原来那样纯净、美丽!原谅我吧,亲爱的小河! 陕西省宝鸡市宝成小学五年级 韩笑篇


一封道歉信 一封道歉信 亲爱的小河:

你好! 从我三岁的时候,怎俩就在一起度过许多美好的时光。咱们在一起玩打水仗:

拍你一下, 你还我一下,最后弄的我一时半会睁不开眼睛;我还穿着游泳衣,在你身上来回穿行,那时, 觉得十分有趣;但我那时还太小,不懂事,所以我把果皮、瓜子皮等杂物扔给了你。当时, 我还不知,那小小的垃圾和杂物,会帮你毁容,毁的那样难看,那样乱。 自从我学了《一个苹果》和《水就是生命》这两篇文章后,我才知道你有多重要,多珍 贵。我经过了一段时间的反思后,我才知道我错了,真是对不起了。 我可以和你一起分享无限的快乐,可我不能把你当成一个垃圾箱,往你身上丢弃垃圾。 所以,我现在给你写一封道歉信:

我曾今破坏过、伤害过你,实在是太对不起了,我的好朋 友小河! 我今后绝不往你身上丢弃垃圾,我要让你回到原来那无污染、无破坏的你。







3、高考之后一定多帮父母做些家务,还要让父母品尝一下自己亲手做的菜。 注意:


2、可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。 范文:

Dear parents, No I kno learl that ou both are expeting me anxiousl. I an sa nothing but thanks to ou both on this speial oasion, beause ords have failed me hen I ant to express m thanks to ou both for the loving are ou have shon for me, espeiall sine I ent to Senior Three. These das I have been studing hard and have made some progress. And everthing has got along ell ith m ollege entrane examination. I have performed m abilit in this exam. I hope ou both an set our mind at rest. After this exam, I intend to help ou do some houseork hih I have seldom done before. And I also mean to learn to ook in order to prepare a dinner for ou both in person. M dear parents, everthing is going on ell ith me and do have a rest! Best ishes


