
发布时间:1714295165   来源:文档文库   
Unit2 Body language
一. 根据首字母填写单词。4分)
1. English and Chinese are both important l___________
2. Im sorry . Ive forgotten your name. Can you r_______ me Sure.
3. Whats the m____ with you
I dont feel well. I am a little tired.
4. The e________ on your face shows you are unhappy. 二. 用所给词的适当形式填空。5分)
1Hearing the news, Mr Bian _______(sigh and walked away. 2Liu Hui sometimes gets _______(bore.
3Look at Bob. He___________(hold his right hand up. 4_________(smile at others can bring you happiness. 5.—Whats the _________(mean of welldressed’’ It means wearing nice clothes" 三. 根据汉语意思提示完成句子。11分) 1. When did the thing _________(发生
About three months ago.
2. Rose is a student. She has a ______________(兼职的 job at a school. 3. Miss Lin is a __________(衣着时髦的 lady.
4. Wang Xiang ____ ____ _____ ______ ______(给……留下好印象her head teacher last year.
5. After working on the computer, he ____ _____ ______(坐直and had a short rest. 四. 选择填空。25分)
1. Mr Sun looks very happy. His expression ______his face tells us.
A. to B. in C. at D. on
2. I have given him some suggestions, but I dont know if he will_____ them.
A. remind B. accept C. turn D. look
3. If I am wanted in the telephone, ask him to leave a ______ A. message B. letter C. diary D. sentence
4. When someone walks over to you, you should ______and give him a good Impression
A. look at B. look up C. look after D. look down 5. Her body language always makes people _____welcome A. feeling B. feels C. to feel D. feel 6. He sighed and he looked _____
A. boring B. bored C. excited D. exciting 7. The Olympic Games of 2016 will ____in Brazil
A. take after B. take off C. take place D. take away

8. You can improve your English _____practicing more A. by B. with C. of D. in
9. I am very sleepy. I tried ____my eyes open, but I couldnt A. keeping B. keep C. to keep D. to have keep 10. We have no coffee. Lets have tea_____
A. either B. however C. instead of D. instead 11. I _____ my bag at home yesterday
A. forgot B. left C. leave D. forget 12. We should go on instead of_____.
A. give up B. to give up C. gave up D. giving up 13. Mary is used to ______ after supper
A. take a walk B. take walk C. taking a walk D. taking walk 14. The book is worth______, and I plan ____one
A. read, to buy B. reading, buying C. reading, to buy
15. The boy is looking forward to ______a good time after the exam A. to have B. has C. having D. have 16. Would you mind_____ the window Not at all.
A. opening B. open C. to open D. opens 17. They left the room without_______ a word.
A. say B. saying C. to say D. says 18. _____ is good for my health.
A .Run B. Running C. Runing D. Ran 19. You can imagine______ in the sky like a bird.
A. fly B. to fly C. flying D. flies 20. Lang Lang does well in ____ the piano
A. play B. plays C. played D. playing 21. _______my head up shows I have lots of courage. A. Hold B. Holds C. Holding D. Held 22. I usually go there by train.
Why not _________ by boat for a change
try going B. trying to go try and go going 23. What about _____ a rest
OK. Lets go out and have a rest. A. to take B. takes C. taking
24. There ________a football match in our school this afternoon. A. are going to have B. is going to have C. are going to be D. is going to be 25. The nurse doesn't feel well today, _________ she still works very hard. A. but B. and C. or D. when 五、完型填空。10分)
That day was like any other day in his life. After school Michael



