多喝5款减肥粥 轻松解决腹部肥胖

发布时间:2023-12-30 02:57:50   来源:文档文库   
土豆粥具有益气健脾,解毒通便的功效。五行果疏 材料:土豆100g、大米50g 做法:将土豆去皮之后清洗干净,然后将其切成一厘米大小的块状,与掏过水之后的大米一同放入锅中,加入适量清水煮至成粥。每天1碗,连续坚持3~5天,能有效排毒治便秘。 香蕉粥中含有的香蕉成分,具有通便利便效果。常喝香蕉粥,可缓解大便燥结、痔疮出血等症状,具有清热润肠的功效。 材料:香蕉2个、大米50g 做法:将香蕉去皮后捣成泥状。大米淘净加清水适量煮成粥,等到熟了的时候再倒入香蕉泥,可根据自己的口味加入少许白糖,煮沸即可食用。每天1碗,连续3~5天。
材料:鲜葵菜100g、大米50g 做法:将鲜葵菜清洗干净之后切细,大米淘净加清水适量煮成粥,等到熟了的时候再放入葵菜,也可加入适量食盐。煮沸之后便可食用。每天1碗,连续3~5天。
蜂蜜粥具有润肺止咳,润肠通便、排毒养颜的功效。经常食用蜂蜜粥,能治疗因脾胃亏虚导致的倦怠食少、脘腹疼痛、肺虚干咳、体虚便秘等。 材料:大米50g、蜂蜜适量

Potato porridge with Replenishing Qi to invigorate the spleen, detoxification laxative effect. Five rows of fruit thinning Materials: potatoes, rice 50g 100g Method: peel http://www.wxgs7.com/post/735.html the potatoes after clean, then cut into one centimeter sized block, andthen cut off water together with the rice into the
pot, add appropriate amount of water boil into porridge. Every day 1 bowls, adhere to 3~5 days in a row, caneffective detoxification to cure constipation. The banana contains banana porridge, with convenient communication effect.Often drink banana www.hjmgyt1.com porridge, can relieve constipation, hemorrhoids bleeding and other symptoms, with heat Runchang efficacy. Material: Banana 2, rice 50g Approach: the banana peel Daocheng muddy. Rice Amoy net, add appropriate amount of water boil into porridge, when ripe, add mashed banana, can according to their own tastes by www.wxgs7.com adding a little sugar, can be eaten boiled. Every day 1 bowls,continuous 3~5 days. Fresh sunflower porridge has heat clearing and detoxifying, Runchang efficacy.Often drink fresh sunflower porridge, can be treated by gastrointestinal heat accumulation caused by constipation, pee drenchs acerbity etc.. Material: fresh www.hitjob.net sunflower vegetables 100g, rice 50g Methods: fresh sunflower dish after the clean cut, rice Amoy net, add appropriate amount of water boil into porridge, when ripe, and then into the Kwai vegetables,can also add appropriate amount of salt. After boiling. Every day 1 bowls,continuous 3~5 days. Honey porridge has Runfei cough, Runchang catharsis, detoxification effect. Oftenedible honey porridge, can www.dmqzkfw.com treatment due to spleen deficiency leads to burnoutfood less, abdominal pain, lung deficiency cough, weakness and constipation. Material: 50g rice, honey appropriate Methods: after the first rice Amoy water into the pot boiled into porridge, pan cool to warm state and then www.516j.net adding an appropriate amount of honey, stir. Every day 1 bowls, continuous 3~5 days. Sesame porridge has the excellent effect of catharsis detoxification. In the daily dietoften drink sesame www.bshaikuo.com porridge, can achieve the efficacy of detoxification beauty, but also play a slimming effect. Material: black sesame seed is right amount, 100 grams of Japonica Rice Practice: first wash black sesame, sesame is too small, can use gauze cleaning method. Will be clean www.jy290.com and dry fry crushed sesame seeds. Each taking 30 grams of black sesame seeds and 100 grams of rice porridge edible can.


《多喝5款减肥粥 轻松解决腹部肥胖.doc》
