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篇一:简爱英文读后感 简爱英文读后感 rs. Reed. Her uncle had passed aary, Diana, and St. John and Jane quickly became friends orton. One day a news said that her uncle, John Eyre, has died and left her a large roperty. Then she found that her uncle was also their uncle.Jane immediately decides to share her property with her three new cousins.St. John decided to travel to India, and he asked Jane as his wife. She refused to marry her cousin because she did not love him at all. Finally she found the man who she really loved so much wasRochester.Jane immediately went back to Thornfield and found that it hadbeen burned to the ground by his mad wife who lost her life in the fire. Rochester saved the servants but lost his eyesight and one of his hands.At Ferndean, Rochester and Jane finally got married. At the end of the story, Rochester regained sight in one eye and was able to behold their first son at his birth. Then they lived a happy life forever. 《简爱》告诉我们这样一个故事,把她《简爱》是残酷的,富有的阿姨,里德夫人。她的叔叔就去世了。罗沃德,简遇到了一位年轻的女孩叫海伦烧伤很多,有时 1 3

是和她一起,成为她最好的朋友。一个巨大的伤寒疫情扫罗沃德,海伦死于它. .一组的先生们需要更多的同情心布罗克赫斯特先生的地方。简花了八年多的劳渥德、六作为一名学生和两个当老师。然后她接受老师的位置被称为Thornfieldwhich庄园的雇主是一个黑暗,充满激情的人,名叫罗切斯特,简发现自己爱上了他。举行婚礼的那一天,简发现罗切斯特已经有一个妻子,柏莎。罗彻斯特并不否认这一点,但他解释道,贝莎已经疯了。知道它是无法与罗彻斯特,简离开桑菲尔德悲伤。没有食物和钱,简被迫睡在户,并乞求食物。最后,三个善良人收留了她,他们的名字是玛丽,戴安娜,摩根很快就成了朋友约翰和简。他们发现简工作在一个学校教学莫顿。一天,一个消息说她的叔叔,约翰·爱,已经去世了,留给她一个大roperty。然后她发现她的叔叔也被他们的叔叔。简立即决定分享她和她的三个新cousins.St财产。约翰决定前往印,他问简给他为妻。她拒绝嫁给她的表亲,因为她不喜欢他。她终于找到了她真正爱的人那么多是罗彻斯特。简立即回到桑菲尔,发现它hadbeen烧毁他疯了妻子失去了自己的生活在火中焚烧。罗切斯特救了他的仆人和一但失去视力他手所作的。在Ferndean,罗彻斯特和简终于结婚了。在故事的结尾,罗切斯特恢复了一只眼睛视力,而且也能看见他们第一个孩子在他的诞生。 然后他们过上了幸福美满的生活,直到永远。 After reading the novel,the image in the story may catch our attention. For instance,the fire image appeared in the story for 2 3

dozens of times in different chapters.But no matter where it was put, it had symbolic meanings in some chapters, It was the symbol of warmth and happiness ,while in other place it was the symbol of humanity and friendship, sometimes it even represented destrutive power. In the story, the fire image impressed us a lot while reading it,we could say fire is a symbol of human civilization and forcus of the social and family life.Thus, fire plays an important role in the frame of the novel. At the ,fire was the symbol of warmth and happy family life . Jane Eyre who was a strongwilled woman, tried her best to fight for her own happiness and love as well as freedom,for exle “Now,let me leave you an instant to make a good fire?” , in this sentance we can see that rochester saw the magic power of “fire” in love ang this became a critical element to pro《《简爱》英文读后感》

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