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发布时间:2023-01-17 17:23:26   来源:文档文库   

热烈祝贺学员H同学 在世毕盟的精心指导下收获

University of Chicago

数学博士全奖 offer

Dear XXX,
It is my pleasure to offer you admission to the PhD program in mathematics at the University of Chicago, with full support. The basic 9 month academic year stipend is $23,625. Twelve month health fees and insurance coverage of $4,576 (at this year's rate and $4000 summer support are added to that, giving a total of just over $32,000 per year for five years. You will also be offered a named special fellowship which will give you $3,000
additional support for each of your first two years here, 世毕盟留学:www.gguconsulting.com志存高远,与优秀的人为伍,脚踏实地,人生必定辉煌。

making a total of around $35,000.More details and a written offer will be sent out shortly. We wanted to give you a definite admit as soon as possible.
Of course, your offer will include an invitation to visit with reimbursement of expenses (up to a maximum of $900, and I hope to meet you here in due course. In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions you may have. Benson Farb (farb@math.uchicago.edu is co-chair of graduate admissions, and he will also be happy to answer questions. A list of graduate student contacts will be sent out soon, and they will also be happy to answer any and all questions.
Sincerely yours,
Peter May

芝加哥大学(The University of Chicago),简称芝大UChicago),位于美国国际金融中心芝加哥,是世界著名研究型大学,在2015-16ARWU世界大学学术排名位列世界9,在2015-16QS泰晤士高等教育Times)以及US NEWS世界大学排名中均位列世界第10。这里诞生了“芝加哥经济学派”(Chicago School of Economics)等以人文社科为主的众多芝加哥学派,走出了世界约40%的诺贝尔经济学奖得主,是世界经济学研究中心之一。而从曼哈顿计划开始,大量科学家汇集于此,建立了世界上第一台可控核反应堆(“芝加哥一号堆”,Chicago Pile 1),并成功开启人类原子能时代,创立了美国第一所国家实验室阿贡国家实验室和之后著名的费米实验室进而奠定了芝大在自然科学界的重要地位。


