【推荐】如何解决烦恼英文作文-推荐word版 (5页)

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写不出英语作文,这个可真让人苦恼,我们要怎么做才能解决这个烦恼呢?下面是小编给大家带来怎样解决烦恼的英语作文,供大家参阅! 如何解决烦恼英语作文篇1

Since I go to high school, I have many annoyances. On the one hand, I am under great pressure on my study, I need to take the exams every month, once I am falling behind other students, I will feel that I am not doing well. I always want to be the best, but things can't go on my way. On the other hand, I don't want to talk to my parents, if they ask me the questions, I will answer them with few words. I think they won't understand me, so I am not willing to communicate with my parents. I know I am in the adolescence, my body grows fast, changes happen on me, my emotion is unstable. So I need to learn to adjust myself and get used to these changes. I need to open my heart and have less pressure. 打从我上高中起,我就有很多烦恼。一方面,我在学习方面面临很大的压力,我每个月都要参加很多的开始,一旦比别的学生落后,我就会觉得我做得不好。我总是想要成为第一名,但是事情并不总是按照我的意愿走。另一方面,我不想要和我父母交流,如果他们问我问题,我就三言两语搪塞他们。我觉得他们并不了解我,因此我不愿意和父母交流。我知道我处于青春期,我的身体长得很快,我身上发生了变化,情绪变得很不稳定。所以我学着去调节自己,适应这些变化。我需要打开心扉,减少压力。 如何解决烦恼英语作文篇2
I'm a middle school student. I’m upset these days because of my parents. They pay too much attention to my study. I have to report my test results to them every time. If I get good grades they will be happy and satisfied. But if not they will be worried about me, especially my mom. I never want to let her down, but she has made a plan for my future. I am very disgusted with it. I don't know what to do. I know they really love me. I also know knowledge is important
for everybody. However, I can't stand they are always making me study. I'm really expected they can understand me. 我是一名初中生。因为我的父母,我最近很心烦。他们过于关注我的学习了。每次测验的结果我都要报告给他们。如果我取得好成绩,他们就会开心和满意。但如果没有,他们就会担心我,尤其是我妈妈。我从来都不想让她失望,但她已经为我的未来制定好计划了。我很讨厌这一点。我不知道怎么办才好。我知道他们是真心爱我的。我也知道知识的重要性。然而,我不能忍受他们总是让我去学习。我真的希望他们能够了解我。 如何解决烦恼英语作文篇3
When we are little, we are eager to grow up, so that we can break free of parent aldiscip line even leave them far. Since we were a little child, we have to be governed by teachers in school and endure parent's ramble at home. These are our growing pains. Besides, study, friendship, sometimes campus romance may trouble us. However, as we grow up, we gradually find that things mentioned above are not pains at all. There are much more serious things brother us. Fore xample, we may be less sensitive to the simple happiness and loss them gradually. It's hard for us to laugh from our heart. Moreover, we are in the age that we are eager to grow up but afraid to grow up either. The ambivalence a fflictsus a lot. However, no matter what happens in our growth, they are parts of our lives. We must accept them actively and do not let the pains prevent us from happiness. 小的时候,我们都渴望长大,以便能脱离父母的管束,甚至离他们远远的。自从孩提起,在学校我们就被老师管着,在家又得忍受父母的絮絮叨叨。这就是我们成长中的烦恼。此外,学习、友情,有时候甚至校园恋情都会来叨扰我们。但是,随着慢慢长大,我们逐渐发现以上这些根本称不上是成长的烦恼,还有很多更烦恼的事让我们纠结不已。例如,我们慢慢地对一些简单的快乐麻木了,于是就失去这些快乐了,我们变得很难发自内心地微笑了。还有,我们正处在渴望长大但又害怕长大的阶段,这种矛盾情绪折磨着我们。但是,不管在成长的过程中遭遇到什么,它们都是我们生活中的一部分,我们要乐观地接受,不让烦恼挤走快乐。 如何解决烦恼英语作文篇4 “Growing Pains” seems full of knowledge and experience. So it does because all of us have growing pains and also growing gains in our lives. Growing up is not a very enjoyable time. It means I have to work hard in studying and in family. There's always so much homework given by teachers and so many arguments between the parents and me. The


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