
发布时间:2020-05-18 17:21:31   来源:文档文库   


Regulations on International Students Dormitory in

Shanghai Maritime University


Article 1 Check-in

1. 留学生必须按指定房间入住并按规定交纳押金,未经允许不得私下调换房间。在住留学生确因需要更换房间或调整床位,须由学生本人向外事处提出书面申请,经主管部门同意后再作更换或调整。

1. International students shall pay the deposit to dorm admin when they check in and are not allowed to change rooms without permission. Individuals shall submit a written application to FAO if they do need to change rooms, and can only change it after being approved.

2. 留学生入住后不得转借、私配房间钥匙,一旦丢失,应及时报告,以便更换锁芯,相关费用由当事人自理。房间内设施(包括电器)如存在问题,应及时向宿舍管理员报修。

2. Never allowed to lending or duplicating the room's key. Students shall report to dorm administrator promptly in case of losing the key. Fees regarding to changing the lock are to be borne by the concerned students. Students shall notify the dorm administrator for repairing any appliance breakdown.

3. 自费留学生于每学期开学一周内一次性交清一个学期的住宿费及住宿押金,离校时按实际住宿天数结算。拖欠住宿费者,每人每天按照拖欠额的千分之一缴纳滞纳金。公费留学生于入住时交纳押金。

3. Self-financed international students are required to pay the accommodation fees and deposits for the whole semester within a week after arrival. Additional charge shall be made if students exceed the room renting date. Failure to provide the payment, individuals will be asked to levy one thousandth of its late fee per day. Scholarship winners shall pay deposit when check-in.

二、 住宿规定

Article 2 Residential Rules

1. 入住留学生必须严格遵守中国法律、法规以及学校各项规章制度。遵守留学生宿舍会客登记制度,服从宿舍管理人员管理,不得将所住房间私自转让、转租或留宿他人。如发现转让、转租宿舍或留宿他人现象,学校将视情节轻重可对其退宿,并作出相应违纪处理。

1. International students must strictly observe laws and regulations of Peoples Republic of China as well as SMU rules and regulations. They are required to abide by the registration rules on visitors meeting and obey the management of dormitory administrator. Individuals are not permitted to transfer or lend rooms to others and accommodate visitors. If violate, SMU reserves the right to exclude the students from the dorm and to make appropriate disciplinary punishment.

2. 在住留学生必须爱护公共设施和物品,入住时须签认“宿舍物品配置单”,损坏公物照价赔偿。留学生严禁在墙壁乱涂乱画,严禁在墙上钉钉子,人为损坏照价赔偿。休息时段,不得在寝室内大声喧闹、开放大功率音箱,影响其他寝室人员休息。

2. International students on board are expected to care public facilities and goods. Students must sign up the checklist of room appliances when check in. Any damage of public facilities by students will be charged accordingly. Painting or nailing on the wall is prohibited. Students shall not cause excessive or disruptive noises out of consideration to their fellow residents during break time.

3. 不得饲养猫、狗等宠物。禁止从宿舍窗户向外抛掷物品,危及他人人身安全和损坏公共卫生。

3. Students shall not keep pets in their rooms. For the security and sanitation’s sake, students must not, under any circumstance, throw anything out of or hanging anything from window.

4. 注意防火,不得在宿舍楼内存放和焚烧任何易燃易爆危险品等,不能私自移动或损害消防器材,不得在走廊等公共区域内堆物,否则视作垃圾处置。因实习、旅游或其他原因长期外出时,要切断室内所有电源并告知宿舍管理员。凡不遵守有关规定,酿成火灾,肇事者须赔偿一切损失,并追究其相应法律责任。

5. Watch out for fires. Storing and setting fire to inflammable and explosive items in the dorm are forbidden. Students shall not move or damage extinguishers privately. Public places like corridors are not allowed to place sundries, or they will be treated as waste disposal. Due to internship, travelling and other reasons of going out for a long period of time, students are required to cut off power and notify the dormitory administrator. Failure to comply with those rules and resulting in fire, the students must bear all the compensations of the losses and shoulder the corresponding legal responsibilities.

三、 会客规定

Article 3 Visitors

1. 凡来留学生宿舍的访客,必须在值班室出示证件;如需进入留学生宿舍,须将本人证件放在值班室或填写会客单方可入室。

1. Visitors are required to show their identification (ID card, student card or passport) and leave it at the duty room if they want to visit inside. The identification is returned when they leave.

2. 所有访客必须在22:00之前离开宿舍,严禁留宿,否则宿舍管理人员有权通知访客离开。

2. Visitors must leave the dormitory before 22:00. No visitor could stay overnight inside the dorm. The dormitory keeper reserves the right to inform the visitor to leave.

3. 如发现留学生留宿其他外来人员,宿舍管理人员将负责对其口头警告;发现两次以上者,宿舍管理人员有权通知该留学生离宿,并告知外事处。

3. Students who accommodate the visitors shall be given a warning by dorm keeper. If he/she is warned more than twice, the dormitory keeper has the right to exclude the students from the dormitory and inform the FAO.

四、 安全管理

Article 4 Safety & Security

1. 宿舍管理人员有权在不通知留学生本人的情况下检查房间安全情况。

1. Dorm keeps and other authorized staffs reserve the right to enter international students’ rooms on irregular scheduled inspection without notifying the students.

2. 留学生应自觉提高安全防范意识,并有协助宿舍管理人员维护学生宿舍安全秩序的责任和义务;若发现安全隐患或可疑人员进入留学生宿舍应当采取相应措施或向管理人员报告或电话报警。

2. International students should be conscious of safety precautions and assist the dorm keeper to maintain the security order. If you notice someone who behaves suspiciously, report the person to the dorm keeper or the security.

五、 卫生管理

Article 5 Sanitation

1. 房间内卫生原则上由留学生自己打扫,入住学生必须保持房间干净、整洁。

1. Students shall do the room cleaning by themselves to keep it clean and tidy.

2. 留学生宿舍实行不定期卫生检查制度,由宿舍管理人员负责检查卫生。若房间确系脏、乱、差,公寓管理人员将对留学生进行口头警告。屡教不改者,将由外事处对留学生出具书面警告或通知留学生离宿。

2. The dormitory keeper is responsible for the irregularly-scheduled sanitary inspection. The students will be given a warning provided the room is in dirty, chaotic and poor condition. If the condition not changes, FAO will issue a written warning to the students or even inform the students to move out of the dormitory.

六、 退宿管理

Article 6 Check-out

1. 退宿前需到老校区外语楼214室填写退宿申请单,然后交给宿舍管理员。

1. Students should fill Check Out Application in office 214 on 2nd floor of Foreign Language Building on old Campus before check out and then submit the Form to the service office of the dorm.

2. 退宿学生,需交清水电费、网络费等费用,结算住宿费,保持房间内外清洁和下水道畅通,交还钥匙和其他公物,由公寓管理服务人员查验并签字后办理退宿手续。

2. Students check out from the apartment shall pay up accommodation fees and cost of water, electricity and internet. Students are required to keep the room tidy and the sewer flow as well when return the room key and other public properties. The dorm keep should inspect and check the room before doing the check-out procedure.

3. 因调换房间、毕业离校、退学等原因而滞留在房间内的物品,超过规定期限而又未曾办理代为保管手续,视为无主物品。

3. Owing to the room-change, graduation and dismiss from the school, those items remaining in the room over the set time will be considered as free items.




