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(一)译为have something(或nothinganythingmuchnot mucha lota great deal etc.)to do with somebody or something 例如:

1.那件事与我无关。It has nothing to do withme

2.风和大气有着密切的关系。Winds have much to do with the atmosphere (二)译为connection或与其同根词有关的短语

就词的内涵意义而论,relationconnection(或connexion)都是汉语名词"关系"最直接的等值对应词,故而,与这两个词有关的表达法也就顺理成章地成为首选对象了。如: 1我们同那家公司无业务关系。We have no business connection with that company 2.下一次我将给你们举一些与英语学习有关的例子。Next time I’ll give you some examples in connection with English study (三)译为:1have a bearing on……有关;2have no bearing on……无关;3 have some bearing on...与……有某些关系。例如:

1.他讲的话与本议题无关。What he said has no bearing on the subject 这句话还可译为:What he said is not connected with the subject

2.他讲的话与本议题有关系。What he said has some bearing on this subject (四)译为下列表达法之一:1relative to 2relating to3have relation tohave no relation to...;4relate to...


1.我们必须研究与此问题有关的全部事实。We must study all the facts relative to this problem

2.那同中国的风俗无关。That has no relation to Chinese custom 3.这份报告与农业有关。The report has relation to agriculture (五)译为惯用短语 be allied to...

与本文列举的种种表达法相比,be allied to在深层含义上有自己的特色,即多指"与事物起源相关或在性质上有因果联系的关系"。例如: 1.暴力案件的增加与失业的增加有关。The increase in violent crimes is allied to the rise in unemployment.(注:暴力案件的增加与失业人数的增加有明显的因果关系。) 2.重工业与轻工业有着密切关系。Heavy industry is closely allied to light industry.(注:重工业和轻工业在事物起源上是相通的。)

练习:翻译下列句子。 1.他在家里所做的一切与老师无关。 2.他正是那个与人所共知的罪犯有关系的人。 3.此人也许掌握着与本案有关的一些情况。 4.与此事有关的信昨天不翼而飞了。


5.下周我们将讨论与考试有关的全部细节。 参考答案: 1What he does at home has nothing to do with his teacher 2He is just the man connected with the known criminal 3The man might have some information that has a bearing on the case 4The letter relative to this matter was lost yesterday 5Next week we are going to discuss all the details relating to the examination 不管是在日常交谈中,还是在文件往来中,甚至在各类试卷中,表示"……有关(无关)"这一意义的短语的使用率都是相当高的。那么,能与这一意义形成等值对应关系的英语表达法又有哪些呢?在整理平日读书笔记的基础上,笔者对此归类如下:

(一)译为have something(或nothinganythingmuchnot mucha lota great deal etc.)to do with somebody or something 例如:

1.那件事与我无关。It has nothing to do withme

2.风和大气有着密切的关系。Winds have much to do with the atmosphere (二)译为connection或与其同根词有关的短语

就词的内涵意义而论,relationconnection(或connexion)都是汉语名词"关系"最直接的等值对应词,故而,与这两个词有关的表达法也就顺理成章地成为首选对象了。如: 1我们同那家公司无业务关系。We have no business connection with that company 2Next time I’ll give you some examples in connection with English study (三)译为:1have a bearing on……有关;2have no bearing on……无关;3 have some bearing on...与……有某些关系。例如:

1.他讲的话与本议题无关。What he said has no bearing on the subject 这句话还可译为:What he said is not connected with the subject

2.他讲的话与本议题有关系。What he said has some bearing on this subject (四)译为下列表达法之一:1relative to 2relating to3have relation tohave no relation to...;4relate to...


We must study all the facts relative to this problem

2.那同中国的风俗无关。That has no relation to Chinese custom 3.这份报告与农业有关。The report has relation to agriculture (五)译为惯用短语 be allied to

与本文列举的种种表达法相比,be allied to在深层含义上有自己的特色,即多指"与事物起源相关或在性质上有因果联系的关系"。例如: 1The increase in violent crimes is allied to the rise in unemployment(注:暴力案件的增加与失业人数的增加有明显的因果关系。 2Heavy industry is closely allied to light industry(注:重工业和轻工业在事物起源上是相2


练习:翻译下列句子。 1.他在家里所做的一切与老师无关。 2.他正是那个与人所共知的罪犯有关系的人。 3.此人也许掌握着与本案有关的一些情况。 4.与此事有关的信昨天不翼而飞了。 5.下周我们将讨论与考试有关的全部细节。 参考答案: 1What he does at home has nothing to do with his teacher 2He is just the man connected with the known criminal 3The man might have some information that has a bearing on the case 4The letter relative to this matter was lost yesterday 5Next week we are going to discuss all the details relating to the examination 十种纠结的英文表达方法

1. I think you lack in the power of decision. Once you make your decision, don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead!

2. A President either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will be soon on top of him. 一位总统要么经常地驾驭各种事件,要么因为犹豫不决而为事件所驾驭。

3. Irresolute persons make poor victors. 优柔寡断的人很难成为胜利者。 4. He's too indecisive to make a good leader. 他优柔寡断,当不了好领导. 5. The lack of opportunity is ever the excuse of a weak, vacillating mind. 意志脆弱优柔寡断的人,总是以缺乏机会作为借口。 6. Tom is so infirm of purpose that it is useless to ask him for advice. 汤姆这人优柔寡断,向他征求意见是徒劳无益的。 7. I'm in two minds about which dress to wear for the party. 我还没有决定穿哪套衣服去参加聚会。 3

8. Nothing irritates the regular customers and bar staff more than a gang of strangers blocking all access to the bar while they chat and dither about what to order. 酒吧常客和酒保最腻味的就是一大伙人堵在吧台边,一边聊着一边又犹豫不知喝什么酒好。 9. After much wavering, he finally gave his permission. 犹豫了半天,他最后还是同意了。 10. Quit being wishy-washy and make a decision. 别优柔寡断了,做个决定吧!



