2017年5 A Level 计算机样题分析

发布时间:2018-01-02 05:04:02   来源:文档文库   

20175/6A Level 计算机试题解读

剑桥 A Level可以理解为是英国以及英联邦国家高中毕业的会考考试,其成绩可以作为被大学录取的学业能力证明文件。这也是国内很多剑桥A Level 课程或学校给学生提供的课程。

本文主要目的是解读2017A Level 计算机考试的题目,感兴趣的朋友可以继续了解。本文也希望能帮助正在准备A Level 计算机的考生。



Paper 1 Theory Fundamentals 试卷一 理论基础


Read These Instructions First

考试指南,blablabla … 此处省略。

考试分数 75


1 A hospital is divided into two areas, Area A and Area B. Each area has several wards. All the ward names are different.

A number of nurses are based in Area A. These nurses always work on the same ward. Each nurse has a unique Nurse ID of STRING data type.

(a) Describe the relationship shown above.



(b) A relational database is created to store the ward and nurse data. The two table designs for Area A are:

A-WARD(WardName, NumberOfBeds)

A-NURSE(NurseID, FirstName, FamilyName, ...........................................................)

(i) Complete the design for the A-NURSE table. [1]

(ii) Explain how the relationship in part (a) is implemented.





(c) In Area B of the hospital, there are a number of wards and a number of nurses.

Each Area B ward has a specialism. Each Area B nurse has a specialism.

A nurse can be asked to work in any of the Area B wards where their specialism matches with the ward specialism.

The relationship for Area B of the hospital is:

(i) Explain what the degree of relationship is between the entities B-NURSE and B-WARD.




比如 1(a) 问题是考察你是否看的懂 ERD图,如果你在学习过程中知道crow’s foot notation , 一种在数据库模型设计过程中使用的标记方式。

那么这道题你很清楚,Many-to-one 的关系。可以轻松作答。

其他问题都是SQL的基本命令,如果你在学习中做过visio 内的练习,这些都会非常简单。

我正在整理A Level 计算机的所有内容,如果感兴趣,可以和我保持联系。谢谢。。


1b A-NURSE(NurseID, FirstName, FamilyName, WardName)

1(b)ii The primary key WardName in the A-WARD table

links to the foreign key WardName in the A-NURSE table.

1(c) Many-to-many relationship


《2017年5 A Level 计算机样题分析.doc》
