
发布时间:2020-09-08 22:13:07   来源:文档文库   



  Going Home

  Li Ming is a student who has been living in Shanghai since he was born. But his grandfather lives in Taiwan, because he went to Taiwan before Shanghai was liberated. He is a merchant. For about half a century, Li Mings family have no idea where he lives. They miss him very much. Fortunately, a letter from his grandfather reached them this October,which said that his grandfather would be back to Shanghai on December 24th. Li Mings parents were so excited about the news that they didnt sleep well for several nights. Neither did Li Ming.

  The day finally came. On December 24th, the family of Li Ming were on their way to the airport. When they met at last, they gave grandfather a big hug, tears in their eyes. They got together. What a happy family!



  Li Ming is one of my classmates. He has been living in Shanghai for fifteen years.

  Li Mings grandfather is a merchant and he has been living in Taiwan since liberation of Shanghai. They havent heard from him for fifty years.

  This October a letter from his grandfather came to them. They learnt from the letter that Li Mings grandfather is still alive now. And he would be back to Shanghai on December 24th. At the moment that they received the letter, Li Mings father could not help crying. How time flies! Half a century

  has passed since Li Mings grandfather left the mainland. Li Mings family were so excited that they could not sleep well for several days. Neither could Li Ming.

  The exciting day finally came. On December 24th, they were on their way to the Shanghai airport. Half an hour later, they met the old man whom they miss all the time.


  李明的祖父是位商人, 自从上海解放后一直住在台湾。他们已经50年没有他的消息了。




  Recently, a man in the video was popular in the internet, he was asked by a reporter about the opinion of is it a crime for not visiting your parent for a long time? This man answer in a funny way, he said: I dont care whether my son visits me or not! I think what make a person criminal is that they dont get marry before they get 30 years old! Even thought lots of people consider this video as nothing but a joke, but in deed, we should pay more attention to older people.

  最近,一位大叔在网络上走红了.他被记者问到: 长时间不回家探望父母算不算犯法时,他的回答非常诙谐,他说: 我才不在乎我儿子回不回来看我,我觉得30岁之前不结婚的人才叫犯罪!尽管很多人都把这个视频当笑话看,但事实上,我们是要多关注一下老年人.

  Its understandable that government make a law to declare the one who are not visit their parents guilty. In todays society, more and more older people have living alone in an empty house, for most of common reason is that their children go to a bigger city for a better job, or they had a fight before, and then, the kid decides not to visit their evil clich parents anymore. The phenomenon that older people die alone at home, and was found months or years later is not rare in todays society, we should give more care to older people.

  政府制定法律判决不常回家探望父母的人违法是可以理解的。在当今的社会里,有越来越多的空巢老人,大多数原因就是他们的孩子都到更大的城市去找更好的工作去了,或者他们曾经吵过架,然后,那孩子就决定以后再也不理他们那可恶的 陈腔滥调的父母了.在现在这个社会,老人在家孤独地死去,然后几个月或者一年之后才被人发现的现象并不少见.我们应该更加关心老年人.

  Despite our parents give our life to enjoy the wonderful things in this world; they endure all kinds of hardships to bring up us from baby to adult. Anyone who has a little conscience would not leave their parents alone at home for a long time without any care. They will try their best to find a opportunity to visit their parents.


  In short, its ridiculous to make a law to force people to visit older people; I think people should have self-conscious to visit their parents. Its a virtue to care about older people, let alone they are your parents.



