
发布时间:2019-01-06 20:31:14   来源:文档文库   

1. Maybe she was worn down and aged by work and worry. She was short and round shouldered. Her tanned face was deeply lined. Her hair was white. She had bright, brown eyes. 或许她由于劳作和忧虑累垮了,苍老了。她矮矮的个头,圆圆的肩膀,晒黑的脸上布满深深的皱纹。头发灰白,长着一双明亮的灰眼睛。

2. His hair had turned gray in a short time. 他的头发一下子变白了。

3. Forgive me, forgive me for the love of God! 原谅我,看在上帝的份上请原谅我吧!

4. In God’s name, forgive me! 以上帝的名义,原谅我吧!

5. She was a great one for sewing. 她是个缝纫好手。

6. I don’t like such talk, boy. 孩子,我不喜欢听这种话。

7. The judge expected him to be large, but he was small and thin. 法官以为他又高又大,可是他又小又瘦。

8. He was handsome, fair-haired, full of fun, and loved singing and playing the guitar. 他长着一头金发,相貌英俊,很有趣味,喜爱唱歌、弹吉他。

9. At one time he drank somewhat; but after he married, he gave up drinking. 以前他有时也喝点,但是婚后他就把酒戒了。

10. He gave a cry of joy, and moved out into the sunlight. 他高兴地喊了一声,走到外面的太阳地儿里。

11. Soon he dozed off with his head on his arm on the table. 很快他伏在桌子上打起瞌睡来。

12. There, in the semidarkness of the doorway, stood a thin, little girl of perhaps six or seven. 门口的昏暗处站着一个大约六、七岁的小女孩。

13. She was wearing a cotton dress and shabby shoes. Over her head she had a ragged shawl which she was holding together at the neck. 她身穿一件棉衣,脚蹬一双旧鞋子,头上一条破披肩被紧紧地拉在脖子下面。

14. “You are a very good little girl to let your mother send you out on a cold, rainy night like this.” “在这样一个寒冷的雨夜听从母亲的差遣,你真是个好孩子。”

15. “Your little girl is so much bigger, Elsa,” he interrupted, “How time passes!” “艾尔莎,你的女儿长这么大了,”他打断她的话,“时间过得可真快啊!”

16. The doctor had a look of surprise on his face as he looked around the room. 医生环顾房间时,脸上现出吃惊的神色。

17. Mrs. Oliphant was like part of the family to the four motherless children. 在这四个没娘的孩子看来,奥利芬特夫人已经融入了这个家庭。

18. They cried almost with one voice. 他们几乎异口同声地叫道。

19. With large and serious eyes, she studied each piece in the window. 眼睛睁得大大的,她极有兴致地端详着橱窗里的每一件东西。

20. He was only 30 years old, but already his hair was turning gray. 他尽管才30岁,但头发已经发白了。

21. The child’s hair was yellow as the sunlight, her eyes were blue as the sea. 小孩儿的头发像阳光一样金黄,眼睛像大海一样蔚蓝。

22. But one rainy night, a car had gone off the road and struck the girl whom Pete loved. 可是在一个雨夜,一辆车偏离了大路,把皮特所爱的女孩撞到了。

23. Something warm and wet ran down her forehead. 一些热乎乎、湿漉漉的东西顺着她的前额流了下来。

24. She saw a policeman watching her with his mouth open. 她看见一个警察张大了嘴巴看着她。

25. His wife Mrs. Wheelwright, was a very friendly lady with a kind heart. 他的妻子Wheelwright太太有着一颗善良的心。

26. “Oh dear,” Mrs. Wheelwright said as she was dressing the girl’s wound in the living room. Wheelwright太太在客厅一边给这个女孩包扎伤口一边说:“哦,我的天啊。”

27. She walked between the tables and chairs and sofa, then over the cats and dog to the front door.

28. Now, this king had a daughter who was as pretty as a picture. There was no end to the number of young men who came asking to marry her. 国王有个女儿长得像画儿一样,前来求婚的年轻人数不胜数。

29. He began talking to Boots as sweetly as if he had honey in his mouth. 他和布茨说话时,嘴甜得像抹了蜜一样。

30. She had a kind word for everybody and a cookie for any boy or girl who stopped by her bakery. 她对人说话和善,经过她面包店的小孩都能得到一块小甜饼。

31. But when Mrs. Waters got mad, she was really something. 可是一旦有人把沃特斯夫人惹疯了,她可真让你吃不了兜着走。

32. Mrs. Anna Waters looked as if she might take Mr. Johnson by the shoulders and give him a good shaking. 安娜沃特斯夫人看上去好像要抓住约翰逊先生的肩膀使劲摇动一般。

33. “No use to make a fuss,” said a woman, “You’ll just wear out your voice.” “大喊大叫也没用,”一位妇女说,“最多把你的嗓子喊坏。”


