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S Do you know that Cambridge received 14,585 applications and Oxford 13,287 for entry this October? S :你知道吗,今年 10 月,剑桥大学收到了 14585 份入学申请,牛 收到了 13287 份。
J Yes. But how many of them will survive the interview is still in doubt. J :知道。但是这些申请人中有多少能通过面试还是个未知数。 S Cambridge alone rejected at interview more than 5,000 students last year who went on to get three A grades in their A levels, underlining the intensity of competition. S :去年剑桥就拒绝了 5000 多名学生的申请。这些学生都是获得了 3 A-level 绩的学生,这就说明了竞争有多么激烈。 J True. Interviewers in those two Universities are good at posing eccentric questions. J :对啊。这两所大学的老师很爱提刁钻古怪的问题。 S They may all be academic thoroughbreds, but success in the Oxbridge stakes can seem as remote as winning the Grand National, S :他们可能学习都很优秀,但是能通过面试的机率就跟在英国 "全国
大赛马”获胜 一样低。
J : It was said that the tutors select people they want to teach ultimately. J :据说老师们最终仅仅在挑选他们想教的人
S The competition against other students is fierce and candidates need to differentiate themselves, they're competing against each other To be hones t, not against the
interviewers "said a don in the university. S :同学之间的竞争特别激烈,申请者们必须有与众不同之处才能脱
颖而出。一位面 试官曾讲过:“老实说,他们是彼此在竞争而不是 和面试官竞争。”
J Yes. Nearly all applicants have excellent A-level grades, so places are increasingly awarded for original answers in interviews. J :对。几乎所有的申请人的成绩都是非常优秀的 A-level, 所以能否
被录取就更加 取决于他们在面试中的表现了。
S So it's worth actively engaging with the questions, without being rude or confrontational, rather than tiptoeing around to avoid mistakes. S :所以,面试者不能傲慢粗鲁,也不能畏畏缩缩的逃避犯错,而是
积极地参与到问 题中去。
J Some entrants are so nervous that they even practice the interview on a daily basis with the help of their parents at home. J :有些学生特别紧张,他们甚至在父母的协助下,天天在家里实行
S Really? Does it help? S :真的吗?这样有用吗?
J It's hard to say. But a mother of a twin said that she thinks the practices are really helpful, and she even suggested parents of the applicants should help their children to practice their reaction and creative thinking. J :这不好说。但是有 _位双胞胎的家长说,§也认为这种练习 + 用,她还建议别 的学生家长也在家协助孩子们练习,以增强反应水平 和创造性思维的水平。
That might be true. However, I also heard that overrehearsing does



