
发布时间:2020-07-30 22:50:37   来源:文档文库   

Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News? 你想他们有昨天的《每日新闻报》吗

Why? 干吗

I just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right. 我只想看看我的星座占卜准不准

Oh,my God! Don't look now. Behind you there's a guy... 天啊 菲比 别看 你背后有个男的

...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression. 完全有可能让咱俩心碎欲绝 痛不欲生

Where? 哪呢

Come to mama. 到妈妈这来吧

He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool. 他来了 冷静 淡定 淡定

- Nice hat. - Thanks. -帽子不错 -谢谢

We should do something. Whistle. 咱们得做点什么 吹口哨

I'm not whistling. 不能吹口哨

- Come on, do it! - No. -来吧 吹吧 -不

Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. 吹吹吹

I can't believe you did that. 我不敢相信你居然这么干了

Why did I whoo- hoo? 我为什么要喊"呜哇哦"啊

Was I hoping he'd turn around and say... 难道我期望 他回过头来然后说

..."I love that sound. I must have you now"? "我喜欢那声音 我现在就要你"

I wish there was something we could do. 我只希望我们能帮上一点忙

Hello. 你好

Hello, coma guy. 你好 昏迷的帅哥

Get up, you Girl Scout! Up,up,up! 起来 你个美女杀手 起来起来

Phoebe, what are you doing? 菲比 你在干什么

Maybe nobody's tried this. 也许没人试过这个方法

I wish we at least knew his name. 希望至少能知道他的名字

Look at that face. 瞧他这张脸

I mean, even sleeping, he looks smart. 即使他在昏迷中仍一副聪明样

I doubt he is a lawyer. 我猜他是个律师

Yeah, but did you see the dents in his knuckless? 你看到他手指节上的茧子了吗

That means he's artistic. 这意味着他是个艺术家

Okay. He's a Lawyer who teaches sculpting on the side. 他是律师 但是兼职教雕塑

And he can dance. 而且他会跳舞

And he's the kind of guy who, when you're talking, he's listening... 他是那种静静听你讲话的人

... not saying, "I understand"... 而不会是那种嘴上说"我了解"

... but really wondering what you look like naked. 心里却猜想着你裸体的男人

I wish all guys could be like him. 我希望男生都像他这样

I know. 我知道

Are there no conscious men in the city for you two? 城里难道没有适合你们的清醒男生吗

He doesn't have anyone. 他身旁没人照顾

Yeah, we-we feel kinda of responsible. 我们觉得应该负起责任

I can't believe you said"whoo-hoo." 我不敢相信你会喊出"呜哇哦"

I don't even say"whoo-hoo." 连我都不说"呜哇哦"

Oh, she's coming up. She's coming up! 哦 她要出场了

Folks, when we come back 观众朋友们 稍后

we'll be talking about her new book, 'Euphoria Unbound': 我们将会讨论她的新书《往日谊情》

the always interesting Nora Tyler Bing. 以及永远都那么迷人的诺拉·泰勒·宾

You might wanna put the kids to bed for this one 该让你的孩子上床睡觉了

Y'know, we don't have to watch this. 咱们不用非得看这个

Weekend At Bernie's is on Showtime HBO和Cinemax都

Showtime, HBO, and Cinemax. 正在播《老板度假去》呢

No way, forget it. 没门 省省吧

C'mon, she's your mom! 拜托 她是你妈妈

Exactly. Weekend at Bernie 's 没错 《老板度假去》正上演

Dead guy getting hit in the groin 20, 30 times. 尸体的腹股沟被打了二三十下哦

Chandler, I gotta tell you, 钱德勒 我得告诉你

I love your mom's books! I love her books! 我爱你妈妈写的书 我很喜欢读

I can't get on a plane without one. 坐飞机的时候我必须看她的书

I mean, this is so cool. 她的书简直棒极了

Yeah, well, you wouldn't think it was cool 是啊 如果你在11岁大的时候

if you're eleven years old 你的朋友都竞相传阅

and all your friends are 《情妇婊子》79页时

passing around page 79 of "Mistress Bitch". 你就不会觉得棒了

C'mon, Chandler, I love your mom. 拜托 钱德勒 我喜欢你妈妈

I think she's a blast. 我觉得她不同凡响

You can say that because she's not your mom. 你这样说是因为她不是你妈

Oh, please. She's the 拜托 她可是

- Hi, sweetie. - Bona sera -亲爱的 -晚上好

When did "Rigatoni" get back from Rome? 那个意大利佬什么时候从罗马回来了

- Last night. - Really? -昨晚 -真的

So, his plane didn't explode in a big ball of fire? 这么说他的飞机没在空中炸成火球

Just a dream I had. 只是我做过的一个梦

But, phew! 但 呼

Hey hey hey! She's on. 她上场了

Nora Bing. 诺拉·宾

Back to the book. 再谈你的书吧

What is this about you being arrested in London? 你在伦敦被捕了

What is that all about? 到底是因为什么原因

Your mom was arrested? 你妈被逮捕过

I'm busy beaming with pride. 嘘 我正感到无比的骄傲

This is kind of embarrassing... 说来有点难为情

...but occasionally,after I've been intimate with a man... 但是有时候在和男人亲热之后

Why would she say that's embarrassing? 她现在竟然会说难为情

...I just get this craving for kung pao chicken. 我会非常想吃宫保鸡丁

That's too much information. 说得太详细了

Alright, so now you're doing this whole book tour thing, 现在你正到处为新书做宣传

how is that going? 有什么计划吗

Oh, fine. I'm leaving for 好吧 明天我将

New York tomorrow, which I hate. 前往纽约 我不喜欢那里

But I get to see my son, who I love. 不过我可以去看看我儿子 我爱他

This is the way that I find out. 我只能通过这种方式得知情况

Most moms use the phone. 大多数妈妈都会使用电话

Y'know, don't take this wrong, 请别误会

I just don't see you as a mom somehow.. 我一点没看出你已为人母

I don't mean that, I don't mean that bad. 我不是那个意思 我没有恶意的

Oh, no. I'm a fabulous mom. 没事 我是个很开明的妈妈

I bought my son his first condoms. 我儿子的第一个保险套都是我买给他的

And then he burst into flames. 然后他就欲火焚身了

Let's see. Congress is debating a new deficit- reduction bill. 议会正在讨论一项新的赤字削减法案

The mayor wants to raise subway fares again. 市长打算再次提高地铁票价

The high today was 45. 今天最高气温45度

And- oh, teams played sports. 还有各种比赛正在进行

What about GIen? 格伦怎么样了

He could be a GIen. 可以叫他格伦的

Nah... not-not special enough. 不 还不够特别

How about Agamemnon? 阿伽门农怎么样

Way too special. 太特别了

I'm famished. What do I want? 我饿死了 我想吃什么呢

PIease, God, don't let it be kung pao chicken. 拜托 别又是宫保鸡丁

You watched the show. What did you think? 你看节目了 感觉如何

I think you need to come out of your shell. 我觉得你应该更放开一些

What is this dive? 这是什么小饭店

Only you could've picked this place. 只有你才会选这种地方

Come on. Shut up. It's fun. 拜托 闭嘴 这里很有趣

Give me a hug. 来 抱一个

Well, I think we're ready for some tequila. 我想我们可以喝点龙舌酒了

I know I am. 我知道我该喝了

Who's doing shots? 谁想来干一杯

- Hit me. - I'm in. -我要 -我也是

There you go. Ross? 你呢 罗斯

I'm not really a shot-drinking kind of guy. 我不是那种喜欢喝酒一口干的人

Hi! Sorry- sorry we're late, 抱歉 我们迟到了

we, uh, kind of just, you know, lost track of time. 我们有点 你懂的 忘记时间了

But a man can change. 但人是会变的

Anyone want me to appraise anything? 有人想要我评价什么事情吗

Mrs. Bing, I have to tell you, 宾太太 我得告诉您

I've read everything you've ever written. 你写的每本书我都看过

No, I mean it! 不 我是说真的

I mean, when I read Euphoria at Midnight, 我读《爽在午夜》时

all I wanted to do was become a writer. 满脑子就当一个作家

Oh, please, honey, listen, if I can do it, anybody can. 别这么说 我能办到的大家都能办到

You just start with half a dozen European cities... 你只要从描写几个欧洲城市开始

...throw in thirty euphemisms for male genitalia, 以30个委婉语形容男性生殖器

...and bam! You have got yourself a book. 这样 嘭 你的书写好了

My mother, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们先生们 这就是我母亲

Yeah, any messages for room 226? 226房有留言吗

- You okay,slugger? - Oh,yeah. I'm fine. -你还好吧 猛男 -嗯 我还好

What is with you tonight? 你今晚怎么了

Nothing. Nothing, nothing. 没什么 我没事 没事

Okay,thank you. 谢谢

It's the Italian hand-licker, isn't it? 是因为那个意大利舔手男 对吧

No. It's the one he's licking. 不 是因为被他舔的那个人

She's supposed to be with you. 她应该和你在一起

You're good. 你真行

Oh, Ross, listen to me. 罗斯 听我说

I have sold 100 million copies of my books, 我的书通常都能卖出上百万本

and you know why? 知道为什么吗

The girl on the cover with her nipples showing? 因为封面上的辣妹露两点

No, because I know how to write men 不 因为我知道如何描写

that women fall in love with. 让女人芳心暗许的男人

Believe me, I cannot sell a Paolo. 相信我 保罗没有市场

People will not turn 325 pages for a Paolo. 人们不会愿意翻到第325页去看他

Come on. The guy's a secondary character. 拜托 那家伙只是个二流角色

y'know, complication you eventually kill off. 最终还是会被你打败的

When? 什么时候

He's not a hero. 他不是英雄

You know who our hero is? 知道我们的最佳男主角是谁

The guy on the cover with his nipples showing? 封面上露两点的猛男

No, it's you. 不 是你

- Please. - No ,really. -得了 -不 我说真的

Come on. You' re smart. You' re sexy. 拜托 你那么聪明 那么性感

- Right. - Yes, you are. -是嘛 -真的

You are gonna be fine, believe me. 你会没事的 相信我

I'll just pee in the street. 我去街上尿吧

Is Chandler here? 钱德勒在吗

- Yeah. - Come here. -在啊 -过来

Okay, uh, about last night, 那个 关于昨天晚上的事

um, Chandler.. you didn't tell... 钱德勒 你没告诉他吧

Okay, 'cause I'm thinking- we don't need to tell Chandler, 好 因为我想 没必要告诉他

I mean, it was just a kiss, right? 只是个吻而已 对吧

One kiss? No big deal? Right? 吻一下 没什么大不了的 对吧

- Right. No big deal. - Okay. -是啊 没什么大不了的 -好

In bizarro world. 除非在疯狂世界中[漫画超人中的地方]

You broke the code. 你坏了规矩了

- What code? - You don't kiss your friend's mom. -什么规矩 -不能亲你朋友的妈妈

Sisters are okay. Maybe a hot- looking aunt. 姐妹还可以 漂亮的姑妈也行

But not a mom. Never a mom. 但是不可以是妈妈 绝对不行

What are you guys doing out here? 你们在外面干什么

uh.. Well, Joey and I had discussed 乔伊和我正在讨论

getting in an early morning racquetball game. 要早起去打壁球

But, um, apparently, somebody overslept. 但是 很显然有人睡过头了

Yeah, well, you don't have your racket. 对啊 你也没有带球拍

No. No, I don't, because it's being restrung. 不 我没带 球拍拿去换线

Somebody was supposed to bring me one. 有人应该帮我准备一个的

Yeah, well you didn't call and leave your grip size. 是吗 但你也没有告诉我你的手柄尺寸

Okay, you guys spend waaaay too much time together. 好吧 看来你俩耗在一起的时间太多了

Okay, I'm scum, I'm scum. 好吧 我是人渣 我是人渣

Ross, how could you let this happen? 罗斯 你怎么能干出这种事呢

I don't know, God, I... 我也不知道 天哪 我

well, it's not like she's a regular mom, y'know? 她不像是一般的妈妈 你明白吗

She's, she's sexy.She's.... 她 她很性感

You don't think my mom's sexy? 你觉得我妈不性感吗

Well, not in the same way. 不一样的性感

I'll have you know that Gloria Tribbiani 我得让你知道

was a handsome woman in her day, alright? 葛罗瑞亚·崔比安尼当年也是美得不得了

You think it's easy giving birth to seven children? 你觉得生七个孩子容易吗

Okay, I think we're getting into a weird area here. 好吧 我觉得咱们越说越离谱了

What're you guys doing out here? 你们俩在外面干嘛呢

Well, not playing raquetball. 反正不是打壁球

He forgot to leave his grip size. 他忘了告诉我他的手柄尺寸了

He didn't get the goggles. 他也没有拿护目镜

Well, sounds like you two have issues. 看来你们俩似乎有点猫腻啊

- Goodbye, baby. - Ciao, bela. -再见 宝贝 -再见 甜心

Do they wait for me to do this? 他们是故意做给我看的吗

- So are you gonna tell him? - Why would I tell him? -你准备告诉他吗 -我干吗要告诉他

How about 'cause if you don't, his mother might. 如果你不说 他妈妈或许会说

What are you guys doing here? 你俩干嘛呢

Uhhhh.... he's not even wearing a jockstrap. 他连护裆都没有穿

What did I ask? 我刚问了什么

What are you doing here? 你在这儿干什么

Nothing. I just thought I'd stop by, you know, after... 没事 我只是顺路过来 我从那个

...that I, you know. 那个地方过来 你知道的

So, what are you doing here? 那么你来这里干嘛呢

I'm not really here. 我不是专程来这里的

Just thought I'd drop these off on the way. My way. 只是顺路拿这些过来 顺路

Do you come here a lot... 你经常来吗

...without me? 自己来

No, no, no. 不不不

So, um, do you think he's doing any better than he was this morning? 那么 你觉得他现在比起早上来好点没有

How would I know? I wasn't here. 我怎会知道 我早上又没来

Really? Not even to change his pajamas? 真的吗 也没替他换睡衣

Oh,my God. 我的天

You're my friend. I had to tell you. 你是我朋友 我得告诉你

I can't believe it. 我简直不敢相信

Paolo kissed my mom? 保罗亲了我妈妈

Yeah, um, I don't know if you noticed, 对 不知道你注意到没有

but he had a lot to drink, 但他喝了很多酒

and you know how he gets when he's drun...uh 而你知道他喝多了之后的德行

I can't do this. I did it. 我办不到 是我

It was me. I'm sorry. I kissed your mom. 是我干的 抱歉 我亲了你妈

What? 什么

I was really upset about Rachel and Paolo, 瑞秋和保罗的事令我很沮丧

and I think I had too much tequila, and Nora- um, 我想我是喝太多龙舌酒 而诺拉

Mrs. Mom- your Bing- was just being nice, y'know, 妈妈太太 你的宾 又对我非常好

and- But nothing happened, 不过什么事情都没有发生

Nothing. Ask Joey. 什么都没有 你问乔伊

- Joey came in - You knew about this? -乔伊 进来了 -你知道这件事

You know, knowledge is a tricky thing. 你知道的 知道这个概念很值得玩味的

I spent the entire day with you, why didn't you tell me?! 我一整天都跟你在一起 为啥不告诉我

Hey, hey, hey, you're lucky I caught them when I did, 喂喂 他们被我逮到算你幸运

or else who knows what woulda happened. 不然后果可不堪设想

Thanks, man. Big help. 谢了 老兄 帮大忙了

I can't believe this! What the hell were you thinking? 真不敢相信 你脑子里想什么呢

I wasn't- I mean, I- 我没有 我不是 我

Y'know, of all my friends, 你知道吗 我所有的朋友中

no-one knows the crap I go through with my mom more than you. 没谁比你更了解我和我妈之间的纠结事

- I know. - I can't believe you did this. -我知道 -我无法相信你会做这种事

Me neither, y'know what- 我也是 话说

I'm still mad at you for not telling me. 我还生气你没有告诉我呢

What are you mad at me for? 你气我什么

You gotta let me slam the door. 你总得让我摔个门吧

Chandler- I didn't kiss her, he did. 钱德勒 我又没亲她 他亲的

- See what happens when you break the code? - Joey- -破坏规矩就是这种下场 -乔伊

"A Woman Undone, by Rachel Karen Greene." 《被扒光的女人》 瑞秋·凯伦·格林

Yeah. Thought I'd give it a shot. 对 我想尝试一下

I'm still on the first chapter. 我还在写第一章

Now, do you think his 'love stick 你认为他的"爱棒"从粗斜纹棉布料中

can be liberated from its denim prison'? 释放了出来 怎么样

Yeah, I'd say so. 我想可以吧

And there's no"J" in"engorged." 另外 饱满的满 不是"慢"

Hey, Rach. 嘿 瑞秋

- Hello. - Hello. -好啊 -好

- Going to the hospital tonight? - No. You? -今晚要去医院吗 -不 你呢

No. You? 不 你呢

You just asked me. 你刚问过了

Okay, maybe it was a trick question. 好吧 也许这是一个有陷阱的问题

Rachel,can we do this now? 瑞秋 我们现在能开始了吗

Okay. I am so hot. 好的 我好兴奋

Now, here's a picture of my mother and father on their wedding day. 这是一张我父母结婚时候的照片

Now you tell me she's not a knockout. 你能说我妈不迷人吗

I can't believe we're having this conversation. 真不敢相信咱们会讨论这个问题

C'mon! Just try to picture her not pregnant, that's all. 拜托 只要想象她没有怀孕的样子就好

Central Perk is proud to present Miss Phoebe Buffay. 中央公园很荣幸为各位介绍菲比·布菲小姐

Thanks, um, 'kay 谢谢 嗯 好吧

I'd like to start with a song that's about a man I recently met... 第一首歌是关于我最近刚认识的一个男人

...who's come to be very important to me. 'Kay. 那个人 对我来说已经越来越重要了 好

*You don't have to be awake to be my man* *你无须醒来当我的男人*

*As long as you have brainwaves I'll be there to hold your hand* *只要你还有一口气我就会握住你的手*

*Though we just met the other day* *虽然我们相遇不久*

*There's something I have got to say* *不过我有些话要对你说*

Okay, thank you very much, I'm gonna take a short break. 谢谢各位 我得稍微休息一下了

Okay, that was Phoebe Buffay, everybody. Woo! 好吧 感谢菲比小姐的演唱

- What the hell was that? - Phoebe just started -她在搞什么 -菲比刚刚开始

Yeah, I believe I was talking to Joey, 我是和乔伊讲话

alright there, Mother-Kisser? 明白吗 亲妈妈的家伙

"Mother-kisser." 亲妈妈的家伙

I'll shut up. 我闭嘴就是了

Chandler, can I just say something? 钱德勒 我能说几句话吗

I-I know you're still mad at me, 我知道你仍在生我的气

I just wanna say that there were two people there that night. Okay? 我只是想 那晚一共就两个人 对吧

Two sets of lips. 两个嘴唇

Yes, well, I expect this from her. Okay? 是哦 她发生这种事情很正常

She's always been a Freudian nightmare. 她一直是我的弗洛伊德梦魇

Okay, well, if she always behaves like this, 好吧 如果她经常做出这种事情

why don't you say something? 为什么你不说她呢

Because it's complicated, it's complex- 因为太复杂了 这太麻烦了

Hey, you kissed my mom. 喂 亲我妈妈的人可是你啊

We' re rehearsing a Greek play. 我们正在排练希腊话剧

That's very funny. Are we done now? 真是有趣 排练完没

No! Okay, you mean, you're not gonna talk to her, 还没 你不准备跟她谈谈

you're not gonna tell her how you feel? 你不准备告诉她你的感受吗

That would be no. 不要

Look, just because you played tonsil tennis with my mom... 别以为你和我妈妈玩了湿吻

doesn't mean you know her. Alright? 就自以为了解她

Trust me, you can't talk to her. 相信我 跟她没法谈

Okay. "You can't"? Or you can't? 是你不能 还是你不敢

Okay, that's my finger. 好吧 我的手指

That's, that's my knee. 我的膝盖

Still doing the play. 还在排练

Alright, whadyou do with him? 你把他怎么了

- You're awake. - Look at you. -你醒了 -瞧瞧你

How, how do you feel? 感觉如何

Uh, a little woozy, but basically okay. 头有点晕 基本上还行

Gosh, you look good. 你的气色好极了

I feel good. 我感觉还行

Who are you? 你们是谁

- Sorry. - I'm Phoebe Buffay. -对不起 -我叫菲比·布菲

I'm Monica Geller. I've been taking care of you. 我叫莫妮卡·盖勒 我一直在照顾你

We both have. 我们都在照顾你

So, the Etch-a-Sketch is from you guys? 这个雕刻画也是你们送的

Well, actually it's just from me. 实际上是我送的

I got you the foot massager. 我替你做脚底按摩

You know who shaved you? That was me 知道是谁帮你刮胡子的吗 是我

- I read to you. - I sang. -我念书给你听 -我唱过歌

Well,thanks. 谢了

- Oh,my pleasure. - You' re welcome. -不客气 -没关系

So I guess I'II see you around. 我想 那就再见了

What? That's it? 什么 就这样

"See you around"? 那就再见了

- Well, what do you want me to say? - I don't know. -不然要我说什么 -我不知道

Maybe... 或许

..."That was nice." 该说"你们真好"

" It meant something to me." "我太感动了"

" I'll call you." "我会打电话给你的"

- Alright. I'll call you. - I don't think you mean that. -好吧 我会打的 -一点诚意都没有

This is so typical. 男生都这样

You know, we give and we give... 我们付出 付出

...and we give. 再付出

And then- we just get nothing back! 然后 我们得不到任何回报

And then one day, y'know, 突然有一天

it's just, you wake up, and "See you around!" 你醒了 然后说"那就再见吧"

Let's go, Phoebe. 走吧 菲比

You know what? We thought you were different. 知道吗 我们以为你与众不同

But I guess it was just the coma. 但我猜那因为你在昏迷的缘故

Car's waiting downstairs, 车在楼下等着

I just wanted to drop off 我上来就是想

these copies of my book for your friends. 给你朋友送几本我的书

Anything you want from Lisbon? 需要我在里斯本帮你买什么吗

No, just knowing you're gonna be there is enough. 不需要 知道你去哪就够了

Alright, well, be good, I love you. 好吧 要乖哦 我爱你

You kissed my best Ross. 你亲了我最好的罗斯

Or something to that effect. 好像说错了 反正差不多

O-kay. 好吧

Look, it, it was stupid. 我做了蠢事

- Really stupid. - Really stupid. -愚蠢至极 -愚蠢至极

And I don't even know how it happened. 我也不知道是怎么发生的

I'm sorry, honey. I promise it will never happen again. 抱歉 孩子 我保证不会再发生这种事

- Are we okay now? - Yeah. -你感觉好点吗 -是的

No. No... 不 不

Ah, the forbidden love of a man and his door.. 男人与门之间禁忌的爱

He did it. He told her off, 他做到了 他跟她说了

and not just about the kiss, about everything. 不只是亲吻的事 所有的事都说出来了

You're kidding? 开什么玩笑

No, no. He said, "When are you gonna start being a mom?" 他说你何时才能像个妈妈样子

Then she came back with: 她回答说

"The question is,when are you gonna realize 你何时才能成长起来

I have a bomb?" 意识到我也很性感

'Kay, wait a minute, are you sure she didn't say 等等 你确定她不是说

"When are you gonna grow up and realize I am your mom?" 你何时才能成长起来 意识到我是你妈

- That makes more sense. - You think? -这样比较合理 -你也这样认为

So, what's going on now? 现在情况怎么样

I don't know. I've been standing here spelling it out for you. 我不知道 我一直在这儿说给你听

I don't hear anything. Wait, wait, wait. 我什么都听不到 等等

What do you see? 你看见什么了

Hard to tell, they're so tiny and upside-down. 很难说 他们好小 而且上下颠倒

Wait,wait,wait. 等等 等等

They're walking away. They're walking away. 他们走过来 他们走过去

No, no, they' re not. 不 他们不走了

They' re coming right at us. Run! 他们要过来了 快逃

- Are you okay, kiddo? - Yeah. -你还好吧 孩子 -没事了

All right. You be good. 很好 好好的啊

Drive safe. 小心开车

- Mrs. Bing. - Mr. Geller. -宾太太 -盖勒先生

You mean that? 你当真

Yeah, why not? 对 有何不可

So I told her. 我告诉她了

- How did it go? - Awful. Awful. -情况怎么样 -糟糕 糟糕

Couldn't have gone worse. 没有比这更糟糕的啦

- Well, how do you feel? - Pretty good. -感觉怎样 -不错

I told her. 我告诉她了

Well, see? 瞧 看到没有

So maybe it wasn't such a bad idea, y'know, me kissing your mom, uh? 或许我亲你妈不是个馊主意

But.. we don't have to go down that road. 我们不必继续往下说了

Okay. Now this is just the first chapter... 这只是第一章

...and I want your absolute honest opinion. Okay? 我要大家坦白的意见

Oh, oh, and on page two, 在第二页中

he's not 'reaching for her heaving beasts'. 他的手没伸向她茁壮的双峰

What's a "niffle"? 什么是"耐头"

You can usually find them on the heaving beasts. 通常在"茁壮的双峰"上可以找到

Alright, alright, so I'm not a great typist. 好吧 算我不会打字

Wait, did you get to the part about 等下 你们看到那段

Wait, did you get to the part about 应为阴茎Penis

his 'huge throbbing pens'? 他那巨大颤抖的"笔"了吗

Oh, yeah, you don't wanna be around 当他用那东西写字的时候

when he starts writing with those. 你不会想在场的

That's it. Give them back. 够了 还我

第一季第十一集 老友记

So no one told you life was gonna be this way 没人告诉你生活会是这样

your jobs a joke, you're broke, 你滑稽的工作 你的差劲

your love life's D.O.A. 你半途而废的爱情

It's like you're always stuck in second gear, 就像开车卡在二档

And it hasn't been your day, your week, your month, 每日每周每月

or even your year, but 甚至每年都是如此

I'll be there for you, 大雨倾盆时

when the rain starts to pour. 我会陪伴你

I'll be there for you, 我会陪伴你

like I've been there before. 像我以前那样

I'll be there for you, 我会陪伴你

'cause you're there for me too. 因为你也陪伴着我


