
发布时间:2019-06-11 01:46:36   来源:文档文库   











Mid-autumn one of legend goddeof the moon approahes a month

And be handed don, anient times moment heavens there is 10th appeared at the same time , shining upon suh that the rop dies , lives on the edge of starvation, one hero , fore being alled queen monarh Yi are greatl infinite , he shos smpath for the mon people ho suffers hardships , reahes the Kunlun Mountains summit , transports enough extraordinar poer , pulls open the magial bo, be nine man sun under a fit being shot on, adjure a final sun to rise and fall , bring benefits to the people on time.

Queen monarh Yi is loved and esteemed therefore b honour of the mon people sum, the da afer tomorro monarh Yi has married the beautiful ife good and honest , has been alled the goddeof the moon. Besides queen monarh Yi gets rid of the biograph skill hunting, pose in repl all da long a ife together, people all admires this fae to fae a perfet math beteen a man and a girl an affetionate ouple. Man person of ideals and integrit es to seek instrution from a master leart skill , attrated b the reputation , fluff harboring evil designs reeives having also drifted along ing in from.

A da , queen monarh Yi visit a friend to Kunlun Mountains seeking a road , Goddethe Queen Mother that the hane enounter passes from this, asks for one bales of no dead mediine just to the grandmother. It is said , take this mediine , an go up to the heaven immediatel being a god. Queen monarh Yi grudges asting a ife aside but, is fored to give no dead mediine to the goddeof the moon temporaril treasure up. The goddeof the moon has been onealed mediine reeiving hundred preious small box lining of dressing table , fluff Mongol nationalit has been seen unexpetedl b person of vile harater , he has been anted to not be died to poison self being a god stealthil.

Three Heaven's Queen , queen monarh Yi lead numerous disiple go out huntings , fluff fearful ith a guilt onsiene reeives pretending to fall ill for , having staed don from. After queen monarh Yi leads everbod to before long in the da afer tomorro leak,fluff Mongol nationalit a double-edged sord in hand bursting into the inner hambers for omenfolk bakard , threatens the goddeof the moon to hand over no dead mediine b fore. The goddeof the moon knos self is not a fluff senseleopponent , she deides on the spot hen ritial , turns around and opening hundred preious small boxes , takes out no dead mediine ontinue to have salloed flatl. The goddeof the moon sallos mediine, The bod floats immediatel be XX from the floor, rushes out of indo , goes to siftl to heavens. Sine the goddeof the moon is onerned about a husband, just fl don to have bee an immortal on the moon be XX from the orld is nearest.

Monarh Yi get bak home , maids have plained of the thing happening in the datime tearfull in the evening , in the da afer tomorro. Queen monarh Yi is both be frightened and angr, take a sord out going to kill rasal , fluff Mengzao having run XX, queen monarh Yi is made so angr as to thumping self's hest and stamping self's feet , is extremel grieved, first name alling loving a ife being looking up at the night sk, he finds that amazedl at this time, moon toda is espeiall bright and lear bright, And have the person's silhouette saing to be exatl like the goddeof the moon. But he is pursued desperatel toards the moon going to, he pursues three steps , the moon steps bak three pae , he steps bak three pae , the moon enters three steps, in front of pursuing ana also short of.

Queen monarh Yi is at the end of one's resoures , mia ife, be fored to send person to have saed a long altar on hih inense burners are plaed in the bakard being fond of to the goddeof the moon, having readjusted oneself to a ertain extent the hone that she eats be apt most in the ordinar time eat fresh fruit , held a memorial eremon for the goddeof the moon being sentimentall attahed to self li in the palae of the moon at a distane. Furnish and deorate a long altar on hih inense burners are plaed numerousl and onfusedl under the month , pra to kindhearted goddeof the moon after mon people smell the information knoing the GoddeChang's fl to the moon being a god, luk safe and sound.






2、签到下午2 00—430201X武汉中秋月饼·茶文化节组委会

3、会议地点:武汉高雄大酒店联系人郭利民 联系电话:139******** 027-******** 82790170 82790167 真:027-********中秋节茶话会邀请函 尊敬的xx201X××号,由泰生琴艺培训班和有你相伴歌曲创作组联合举办的××圆满结束!为继续欢庆传统节日、提供文艺展示机会、揭晓15春晚最牛节目名单,我们继续举办八月十五中秋节,我们将举办中秋晚会。晚会有歌曲、器乐、朗诵和相声供您欣赏,同时,我们还开设灯谜活动。中秋晚会在八月十四晚上八点正式开演,欢迎届时登陆我们的博客查看!期待您的光临!有你相伴歌曲创作组和泰生琴艺培训班全体成员恭祝您元宵快乐!中秋节茶话会邀请函 各位老师、各位同学:大家好!海上生明月,天涯共此时。又到了一年一度的中秋佳节,又到了一年一度的月圆时分,这是我们中国人非常重视的传统节日之一,也是中国人企盼团圆、庆祝团圆的节日。由于工作或学习的原因,大家今年中秋不能和家人团聚。我们学院特举办此次中秋联欢会,期冀给大家带来亲人般的温暖!联谊活动现场备有糕点、音乐。我们真诚邀请各位同学和访问学者(含家属)参加此次联谊活动,并衷心祝愿大家能轻松、愉快地度过一个美好的中秋节!主题:庆中秋中秋节茶话会邀请函 尊敬的xx__________循例举办中秋晚会。精心准备的晚会节目,唱歌、游戏等,尽情玩乐。现场备有蛋糕、点心,欢迎各位踊跃参加。日期_______________________★时间_______________________★地点_______________________小资料:标题由礼仪活动名称和文种名组成,还可包括个性化的活动主题标语。如例文,阿里巴巴年终客户答谢会邀请函及活动主题标语——“网聚财富主角。活动主题标语可以体现举办方特有的企业文化特色。称谓邀请函的称谓使用统称,并在统称前加敬语。如 尊敬的× × ×先生女士尊敬的× × ×总经理。正文邀请函的正文是指商务礼仪活动主办方正式告知被邀请方举办礼仪活动的缘由、目的、事项及要求,写明礼仪活动的日程安排、时间、地点,并对被邀请方发出得体、诚挚的邀请。正文结尾一般要写常用的邀请惯用语。如敬请光临欢迎光临。例文中,正文分为三个自然段。其中第二段写明了“201X年终客户答谢会举办的缘由、时间、地点、活动安排。第一段开头语——“过往的一年,我们用心搭建平台,您是我们关注和支持的财富主角。和第三段结束语——“让我们同叙友谊,共话未来,迎接来年更多的财富,更多的快乐!”,既反映了主办方对合作历史的回顾,即与网商精诚合作,真诚为客户服务的经营宗旨,又表达了对未来的美好展望,阿里巴巴愿与网商共同迎接财富,共享快乐。这两句话独立成段,简要精炼,语义连贯,首尾照应,符合礼仪文书的行文要求,可谓是事务与礼仪的完美结合。落款落款要写明礼仪活动主办单位的全称和成文日期。中秋节茶话会邀请函 尊敬的:值此中秋佳节来临之际,谨向您表示节日问候!感谢您一直以来对我们工作的关心和支持!201X年,广州三会在市委、市政府的正确领导和市经贸委的具体指导下,紧紧围绕全市经济社会发展大局,坚持企业至上、服务第一的宗旨,不断创新服务,积极为企业服务、为政府服务。力争把广州三会打造成政府信赖、企业认同的组织。一年一度中秋佳节即将来临,我们借此机会,隆重邀请您拨冗出席我会举办的会员企业相互交流、同庆佳节的迎佳节贺中秋201X广州企业家中秋茶话会,聚集一堂,交流互动,畅叙友情。恭候您的光临!不胜感谢!祝中秋快乐!身体健康!201X913830—1030时地点:广州大厦四楼会展厅(广州市北京路374号)广州工业经济联合会广州市企业联合会(代章)广州市企业家协会二年八月十九日联 人:曾清、孙红艳联系电话:8350413



