女性散文中的母女关系解析 - 以《亲情解析》《我有这样一个母亲》为例

发布时间:2020-09-02 14:25:53   来源:文档文库   





【摘要】对母女关系的书写是女性散文的一个重要内容.<亲情解析><我有这样一个母亲>以对母女之间亲情不亲的疏离关系为表现对象,敞开了母亲作为人作为女人的真实生存处境及其人格畸变状态.亲情不亲往往表现为女儿对陷于不合习俗母性的怨仇或仇恨心理的母亲的冷漠排斥,母亲的怨仇心理仇恨心理本质上是女性发现自己付出全部所依附的对象却空洞无力不足依凭后极度绝望空虚的流露.<亲情解析><我有这样一个母亲>中作者对母亲之为母亲的母性和母亲作为女人的人性的思考,使得如何理解并超越母亲的命运,如何将习俗母性中所包含的爱的因子转化为建设性的人格因子,成为女性散文提出的一个关乎我们每个人的问题.%The description of mother-daughter relationships is an important issue of women essays. Analytical Affection and I Have Such a Mother, which perform the not pro-affection between mother and daughter, show the mother as a person, as a woman's real survival situation and her personality distortion. Not pro-affection is often manifested in the daughter's indifference and exclusion to her mother who has got into the resentment and hatred which is a substandard practice of motherhood. The mother's resentment and hatred is essentially the extreme outpouring of despair and emptiness after finding that the object for which she sacrifices everything could not be relied on. In Analytical Affection and I Have Such a Mother, the author's reflections on the woman as a mother and woman as a female humanbeing help women to understand and surpass mother's fate and to convert the love in practice of motherhood to constructive personality factors.


《女性散文中的母女关系解析 - 以《亲情解析》《我有这样一个母亲》为例.doc》
