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8.1 主语和谓语的一致
语法一致原则 ( Grammatical Concord - 即形式上的一致或动词和主语的数互相匹配。如:
taboo against eating pork occurs in more than one culture. 不止一种文化有忌食猪肉的风
俗。( B2-U1-L39
意义一致原则 ( Notional Concord - 即意义或意念上的一致或按照数的概念动词与主语相 一致。如:
Danish bacon and eggs makes a good solid English breakfast. 丹麦式的熏咸肉加鸡蛋做成了一
邻近性原则 ( Principal of Proximity - 即动词不与主语中主要的词语相一致, 而与最邻近它 的词语相一致。如:
Either your brakes or your eyesight is at fault. 要么是你的刹车,要么是你的视力出了毛病。
8.1.1 单个名词作主语时的主谓一致
1.集体名词, army, audience, bacteria, band, board, brood, cabinet, cast, class, club, committee, community, company, council, couple, crew, crowd, data, enemy, faculty, family, flock, gang, government, group, herd, household, jury, media, navy, nobility, opposition, party, personnel, press, public, school, society, staff, team 等作主语,
动词的形式常取决于说话者或写作者的意图。 当集体名词强调整体时, 谓语动词 应取单数形式;如果强调某组织或集体的每一个个体时,谓语动词应取复数形式。如:
The first group were given nothing at all. The second group were given a placebo. 第一组人什么 也没给。第二组人用了安慰剂。 ( B1-U2-L34
Our group is composed of eight boys and three girls. 我们组由 8 个男孩和 3 个女孩组成。 The staff has been cut by a quarter over the past year. 去年员工被裁减了四分之一。 (B1-p19-L2 The staff are not very happy about the latest pay increase. 员工们对最近一次的加薪不很满意。 (B1-p19-L4 Note:有生命的集体名词如
cattle, clergy, livestock, militia, people, personnel, police, poultry, youth 等作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数形式;无生命的集体名词如
clothing, jewelry, machinery, merchandise, poetry 等作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如:
Sadly, the youth of today aren't so sure about their idols. 遗憾的是, 现在的年轻人并不清楚自己
(B3-U11-L6 New machinery was introduced in the factory. 工厂引进了新的机器。
2.一些以 -ics, 结尾的名词,如 aerobics, aesthetics, aeronautics, athletics, biogenetics, civics, cryonics economics, electronics, ethics, eugenics, genetics, gymnastics, linguistics, mathematics, mechanics, phonetics, politics, statistics 等作 " 一门学科 "解释时,谓语动词用单数形式;表示
If cryonics doesn't work, it is the same as just dying. 如果人体冷冻法行不通, 那么与死去也没有 什么区别。 (BOOK 3 UNIT 4 Back from the Dead "Politics is much more difficult than physics", said Einstein. 爱因斯坦说, " 政治比物理要难得
多。 "
The politics of the country is really beyond the scope of a tourist book like this. Unit 11 The Criminals Go Unpunished
The politics of the situation are not complicated. 时局的政治关系很复杂。
Statistics is a branch of mathematics that helps determine the possibility that something will occur. BOOK 2 Unit 10 Risks TCH
The statistics were not quite that clear-cut, but averaged out into those ranges. BOOK 4 Unit 5 Appearance Dress for Success
Note 有时以 -ics 结尾的名词无论接单数还是接复数形式的动词,句子的意思不变。如: Politics has/have always interested me. 政治总是引起我的注意。 3.-s结尾的疾病名词作主语时, 其谓语动词通常用单数形式, 如:AIDs, arthritis (关节炎) , diabetes(糖尿病)
, measles(麻疹)等;以 -s 结尾的表示游戏的名词作主语,其谓语动词通 常用单数形式,如: billiards (桌球) , checkers(跳棋)(美国英语) , dominoes (多米诺骨 牌) , draughts(跳棋)等。如:
Although AIDS is a notable exception, few new many killers have come along to replace the ones that have been eliminated. 尽管爱滋病是一个明显的例外, 但几乎没有什么新的大规模的致命
性疾病出现来取代那些已被根除的疾病。 B2-p255-L6
Rickets is seldom found in sunny, tropical countries. BOOK 2 UNIT 1 The Nutrients in Food Dominoes is an easier game than chess. 玩多米诺骨牌比下国际象棋容易。
Note mumps(腮腺炎)可用单数动词或复数动词; cards(纸牌,扑克)通常用复数谓语
Mumps is/are fairly rare in adults. 成年人很少得腮腺炎。 Cards are allowed here. 这里可以打扑克。
4. 表示由对应的两个部分合在一起构成的工具的名词,具有复数含义,故其谓语动
词用复数形式,如: binoculars, chopsticks, clippers (尖嘴钳子) , compasses(圆规) , forceps (镊子) , glasses, headphones, scales, scissors, spectacles, tongs(夹具)等;某些以 -s 结尾的 示服装及鞋类的名词, 具有复数含义, 故其谓语动词用复数形式, 如: clothes, drawers(内 裤), gloves, jeans, pajamas, pants, shorts, slacks(工装裤) , stockings 等。如:
The scissors are dull. 这把剪刀很钝。
These trousers are too tight for me. 这条裤子我穿太紧。
5.一些单复数同形的名词,如 aircraft, Chinese, crossroads, deer, fish, headquarters, Japanese, manners, means, offspring, pains, Portuguese, remains, series, sheep, species, Swiss, works 等需根据上下文判断它的数。如:
Fish have evolved into around 30,000 different species. BOOK 4 Unit 9 Computer Technology That fish smells disgusting. BOOK 2 UNIT 1 FOOD AND CULTURE
Every Chinese knows how New China was born. 每一个中国人都知道新中国是怎样诞生的。 All Chinese know how New China was born. 所有的中国人都知道新中国是怎样诞生的。
If constructive means are not available to satisfy this instinct, man will turn to destructive means. 如果没有建设性的方法来满足这一本能,人类就会采用破坏性的方法。 B1-U10-L28 There is no means of finding out what happened. 没有办法查明发生了什么事。
Notefishes 表示鱼的种类,具有复数含义; pains 作主语一般接复数形式的动词,但有时也



