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Is a gray morning, I lean on the window can't open the window, his nose on the glass outside look, hard outside all over all over the sky of dust, vaguely between several car shook the yellow headlight in crawl slowly. Everything appears lifeless. Even the sun lazy appearance, dawn, morning glory, take away the feeling, the sun this morning. Is a fog day, don't go out, reduce the outdoor activity, the damn haze seems to want to put our imprison in limited space, a cold, cough, fever, this hateful haze as if the world wants to make human bacteria, we always put the bad weather as before, the thunder and lightning thunderstorm, lightning has its moments of shock and stimulation, however, wind and rain and give a person infinite hopes and fantasies, only the fog haze altogether. How I wish I blew a gust of wind blows 2 4



