外研版(三起)-英语-五年级下册--Module1 Unit 2教材同步讲解

发布时间:2020-06-13   来源:文档文库   
Unit 2:She didn’t have a television. (第二单元:她没有电视机o
1.Look,listen and say. (教材第5页). 课文英汉互译
Amy:He has got strong leg. He can jump really far. 埃米:他有强壮的腿。他能跳得确实远。
TomBut he didn’t have any legs then. 汤姆:但是他那时没有腿。
重难点精析 really的用法
He can jump really fan他能跳得确实远。
It's really cold today.今天真冷。
That is a kite. Areal Btrue Creally 答案速查:C 2.Listen and read.(教材第5页) 课文英汉互译
Dear Daming,
I watched a television programme about China last night. An old lady talked about her life
many years ago. She worked in the fields. She cooked on a fire. She didn't have a television or a radio. She didn't have a telephone. She couldn’t read or writeI miss my grandma. I miss you too! I hope you are . Love, Lingling 亲爱的大明:
爱你们, 玲玲
night/nait/n.(名词)夜,晚上 短语:day and night日日夜夜 例句:He watched TV last night. 昨天晚上他看电视。
field fi:ld/n.(名词)田野,田地,领域 短语.in the fields在田野/地里 a flying field飞行场 field of study研究领域 field of work工作领域
例句.The farmers are working in the
fields.农民们正在田间劳动。 复数:fields Fire /aia( r/n.(名词)火,炉火 短语.make a fire生火 例句.The house is on fire. 房子着火了。
拓展:fireman消防队员,firework烟火 radio/'reidiau/n.(名词)收音机 短语:listen to the radio听收音机 例句:My grandma likes listening to the radio in the evening.我奶奶 喜欢晚上听收音机。 复数:radios telephone /elifaun/n.(名词)电话 短语:telephone number电话号码 例句: His father bought a new telephone yesterday.昨天他爸 爸买了一部新电话。 同义词:phone 复数:telephones Couldn’t ‘kudnt/modal勘.(动词)不能 例句:He couldn't ride a bike then.
他那时不会骑自行车。 拓展:couldn't原形can't orɔ:r巧.(连词)也不,也没 短语:or so……左右,……上下
例句:The little boy can't read or write.这个小男孩既不会读也不会写。 write/rait/v(动词)写,写信 短语.write a letter写信 例句:Daming is writing a letter. 大明正在写信。
拓展:现在分词:writlng,过去式:wrote hope/haup/v.(动词)希望,期望 例句:I hope you are well. 我希望你一切都好。 近义词:wish 过去式:hoped 1. There are many stars at . A. day B. evening C. night 2. My grandpa is a farmer. He works in the ____________ A. school B. fields C. factory(ll- 3. The old lady cooked on a many years ago. A. fire B. fireman C. firemen 4. Now let's listen to the ____________
A. newspaper B. radio C. Book 5.-Can I know your _________number? -It's 8236-868. A. phones B.telephone C.telephones 6The girl ____ walk then. A. can B.can't
C.couldn't 7. Which do you want? Noodles __________ rice? A. or Band Cbut 8. Look! Lingling is ________ a letter. A. write B.writing C.writes 9I___________you are well. A. hope Bwant Clike 答案速查:
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 重难点精析
一、辨析talksayspeak 1An old lady talked about her life many years ago. -位老奶奶谈了她许多年前的 生活。
talk是不及物动词,多有互相交谈的含义,表示同某人交谈要用talk to sbtalk with sb。表示谈论某事要用talk about sth。例如:
We talked about music all night.我们整晚都在谈论音乐。
say是及物动词,意思是,强调说的内容,后面不能用人作宾语。例如: He said he was hungry.化说他饿了。
物动词。在会议上正式发言也用speak。表示同某人说话要用“speak to sb”。打电话时习惯speak,不用talk。例如:
Lingling speaks English very well.玲玲英语讲得非常好。 He wants to speak at the meeting.他想在会上发言。
Can you _______ English? A. talk B say Cspeak 二、or的用法
2She didn't have a television or a radio.她没有电视机和收音机。 点拨 or的用法:
She didn’t write the words or recite the text.她没写单词也没背课文。 Did you have eggs or sausages for breakfast?你早饭吃的鸡蛋和香肠吗? 表示选择,意为或,还是。例如:
Is the radio off or on?收音机是关上了还是开着的? Would you prefer tea or coffee?你喜欢茶还是咖啡?
What will you eat, eggs _______ bread? A. or Band Ceither 三、miss的用法
3I miss my grandma我想我的奶奶。 miss表示想念,惦记。例如:
I miss my grandma very much.我非常想念我的奶奶。

Miss Zhao is our English teacher.赵小姐是我们的英语老师。
Lingling is living in London. She _____ her grandma very much. A. miss B.missing
C.misses 四、hope的用法
4I hope you are well.我希望你们一切都好。
I hope she likes/will like the flowers.我希望她喜欢这些花。 在简短的答语中,sonot可以与hope连用。例如: - Do you think Andrew realizes?你认为安德鲁认识到了吗?
-I hope so.I hope not.我希望他认识到了。/我希望他没有认识到。 hope之后也可以跟一个动词不定式,即hope to do sth。例如: I hope to spend a year in America after I leave school. 我希望毕业后能在美国待一年。
I hope to watch the football match again.我希望再看一次那场足球赛。
My mother _____ l will come soon. A. hope Bhopes Cwith 答案速查1C 2A 3C 4B 3. Now talk about the old lady .Then write.现在讨论这位老妇人。然后写一
The old lady talked about her life many years ago. 这位老妇人谈论她许多年前的生活。
She worked . She cooked ______________ 她工作 ______ ,她做饭 __________ She didn't have _____________ 她没有____________ She couldn't_____________ 她不会_______________ 答案
in the fields; on a fire;a television or a radio; read or write 4.Listen and say.听一听,说一说。(教材第6页)
ai, ay/ei/ rain雨,下雨 play alau3’ walk步行 autumn秋天 ar/a:/ farmer农民 party聚会 ar/o:/ warm温暖的 quarter 一刻钟
双元音/eI/的发音方法:先发/e/音,然后滑向/I/音。双唇稍扁,口形从半开到合。 相同发音的词有:paid/peid/pay的过去式)已付钱,train/trein,火车,列车,tail /teil/尾巴,尾部,尾状物,fail/feIi/失败,不及格,pay/peI/付,支付,付款给,daydeI/一天,日,play/pleI/玩,say/seI/说,讲述。

元音/a:/的发音方法:发/。:/音时,舌后部抬得略高,双唇也收得更圆、更小并 需用力向前突出,注意不要把音发得太短。
作者,daughter/dota(r/女儿。 字母组合ar在单词中的发音。
相同发音的词有:warm/wm/温暖的,暖和的,quarter/'k,Aro ta(r/四分之一, 一刻钟。
5.Listen and say.Then chant.听一听,说一说,然后唱一唱。(教材第6页) 课文英汉互译
The world is changing very fast. 世界正在很快的变化着。 Many things are different from the past. 许多事物和过去不同。 Not all change are right. 不是所有的变化都是对的。 But some change I really like. 但是一些变化我确实喜欢。 Back then there were no cars or bikes.当时没有小汽车或自行车。
We walked on foot wherever we like. 我们徒步到我们喜欢的任何地方。 Now there are many cars and bikes. 观在有许多小汽车和自行车。

So we can drive or ride wherever we like.所以我们可以开车或骑车到我们喜欢的任何 The world is changing very fast. 世界正在很快地变化着。 Many hings are different from the past. 许多事物与过去不同。 Not all change are right. 不是所有的变化都是对的。 But some changes I really like. 但是一些变化我确实喜欢。
world/W3:ld/n.(名词)世界,地球,领域 短语:all the world全世界
例句:There are many countries in the world.世界上有许多国家。
past pa:st/n.(名词)过去,过往,往事 短语:in the past在过去
例句:I don't like past.我不喜欢过去。 同义词:passed 反义词:future将来
wherever wear'eva( r/conj.【连词)无论什么地方,各处,处处 例句:Wherever you gowe can find you.无论你去哪里,我们都能找到你。 巧记:where+ver= wherever 即学即用
1. There are many countries in the__________ A. world B.word C.worlds 2He was a driver in the___________
A. pass Bpassed Cpast 3We can go _______ we like. A. where B wherever C.there 答案速查 1A 2C 3B 重难点精析
back then的用法
there were no cars or bikes.当时没有小汽车或自行车。
back then -般翻译为当时,那个时候。一般用于过去时态。例如: Back then there was only a bus.那时仅有一辆公共汽车。
Back _________ he was a little boy. A. then Bnow Cthem 答案速查A 6.Do,ask and answer.做一做,问一问,答一答。(教材第7页) 课文英汉互译
hours 小时 days weeks months year A:Where were you three days ago? A :三天前你在哪里? B:1 was... B:我在……
A: What did you do there? A:你在那里做了什么? B: I… B:
A:Where were you three weeks ago? A:你三周前在哪里?

B: I was in Xinjiang. B:我在新疆。
A:What did you do there? A:休在那里做了什么?
B: I rode a horse and climbed the mountains. B:我骑马并爬山。
7.Do and say.做一做,说一说。(教材第7页) 课文英汉互译
Interview a teacher and tell your friends about the interview.采访一位老师并告诉你的朋友的情况。
GirlWhere did you live ten years ago? 女孩:十年前你住在哪里?
Teacher I lived in a small village. There weren't any supermarkets. 老师:我住在一个小村庄里。没有任何超市。
GirlHow about now? 女孩:现在怎么样?
TeacherI live in a big city. There are many supermarkets. 老师: 我住在一个大城市里。有许多超市。
Girl Ten years ago, my teacher lived in a small village. There weren't any supermarkets. Now 女孩:十年前,我的老师住在一个小村庄里,没有任何超市,我在... 技巧点拨
现在生活条件好了,与以前相比人们的生活发生了很大的变化,请你以My Grandpa's Life为题,用本模块所学过的句型结构描述一下你爷爷的生活变化好吗?

My Grandpa's Life This year my grandpa is 78 years old. Now he has a very happy life.But his life was very different many years ago.There weren't CD any tall buildings then. He lived in a small house. There weren't enough food. He didn't have a bike. But now my grandpa lives in a tall building with'us. He watches TV every day.Sometimes he goes shopping in a big supermarket.My father often drives him to go fishing at the weekend. Now my grandpa has a very happy life. 例文翻译


《外研版(三起)-英语-五年级下册--Module1 Unit 2教材同步讲解.doc》
