
发布时间:2020-06-22 12:47:17   来源:文档文库   


我国传统节日比较多,有清明节、端午节、中秋节、春节……而今天就是端午节。 There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Qingming Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival. Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. 端午节来源于屈原的故事:爱国的诗人屈原出了一个能够富国强民的好主意,但是没有被国王采纳,反而被逐出宫中。他伤心欲绝,跳下了汩罗江。当地的居民知道屈原是个好官,划着小船去把竹筒里的米撒下汩罗江。后来,大家把盛着竹筒的米做成粽子,把划小船变成赛龙舟来纪念屈原。 Dragon Boat Festival comes from Quyuans story: the patriotic poet Quyuan came up with a good idea to enrich the country and strengthen the people, but was not adopted by the king, but was expelled from the palace. He was so sad that he jumped down the Miluo River. Local residents knew that Quyuan was a good official and rowed boats to scatter rice from bamboo barrels down the Miluo River. Later, people made rice with bamboo barrels into zongzi and turned boating into dragon boat racing to commemorate Quyuan. 端午节的传统习俗就是吃粽子。妈妈告诉我:在包粽子之前,先做好准备工作,把芦苇叶放在水里煮一煮,把准备好的糯米和枣分别洗一洗,准备工作就做好了。等芦苇的叶子凉了以后,就开始包粽子了,先取三片叶子,把两片叶子正着放,一片反着放,夹在中间,把这三片叶子卷成一个圆雉体的模样,然后在里面放上糯米,中间夹几个枣,最后把叶子用线捆好,一个粽子就包好了。我按照妈妈的方法,把粽子包得又肥又大,活像一个老佛爷在睡觉。等我把粽子包完后,把它们放在高压锅里蒸四十分钟,再放三四个小时,使其入味后,就可以吃了!虽然我包的粽子的原料极其简单,但是包出来的粽子却是吊人的胃口的,使人馋诞欲滴,只要我一闻到味,我的食欲就会被挑起。 The traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is to eat zongzi. Mother told me: before wrapping dumplings, we should make preparations, boil reed leaves in water, wash the prepared glutinous rice and jujube separately, and the preparations will be ready. When the leaves of reed are cool, they begin to wrap zongzi. First, take three leaves, put two leaves in the middle, one in the opposite direction, and fold them in the middle. www.zuowenla.cn Then roll the three leaves into a round pheasant shape. Then put glutinous rice in the middle, with a few dates in the middle. Finally, tie the leaves with thread, and wrap up a zongzi. According to my mothers method, I wrapped dumplings fat and big, like an old Buddha sleeping. After I wrap the dumplings, steam them in a pressure cooker for forty minutes, and then put them in a pressure cooker for three or four hours to make them tasty, then you can eat them! Although the raw materials of the dumplings I wrap are extremely simple, the dumplings I wrap are appetizing and make people feel delicious. As soon as I smell them, my appetite will be aroused. 在端午节还有一个不可缺的活动------划龙舟。在宽广的湖面上,有三四条龙舟,十几个人奋力划动船桨,一人坐龙首敲锣,一人坐舟中打鼓,众人齐喊一、二”“一、二,其阵势可与惊涛骇浪相媲美。岸边围观的群众顶着热辣的阳光,还依然不忘为自己喜爱的龙舟呐喊助威。再观向江中,几条龙舟犹如猛斧破江早已赛得你死我活。群众纷纷拿起相机快速地拍下这一幅幅壮观的场面。 Dragon Boat Festival also has an indispensable activity - Dragon boating. On the broad lake, there are 34 dragon boats, more than a dozen people struggling to paddle, one person sitting on a dragons head to beat gongs, one person sitting in a boat to beat drums, and all the people shouting “one, two” and “one, two”, whose position can be comparable to the stormy waves. The people on the shore were still cheering for their favorite dragon boat in the hot sunshine. Looking at the river, several dragon boats like a fierce axe have already raced you to death. The crowd picked up their cameras and quickly took pictures of the spectacular scenes. 吃粽子、赛龙舟,这两样传统习俗,共同编织了一个热热闹闹的端午节。 Eating zongzi and dragon boat racing are two traditional customs that jointly weave a lively Dragon Boat Festival.


